Tuesday, July 24, 2012

about that PRR....,

ISAR | According to Philippe Rushton, the "equalitarian fiction," a "scientific hoax" that races are genetically equal in cognitive ability, underlies the "politically correct" objections to his research on racial differences. He maintains there is a taboo against race unequaled by the Inquisition. I show that while Rushton has been publicly harassed, he has had continuous opportunities to present his findings in diverse, widely available, respectable journals and no general suppression within academic psychology is evident. Similarly, Henry Garrett and his associates in the IAAEE, dedicated to preserving segregation and preventing "race suicide," disseminated their ideas widely, although Garrett complained of the "equalitarian fiction" in 1961. Examination of the intertwined history of Mankind Quarterly, German Rassenhygiene, far right politics, Henry Garrett, and Roger Pearson suggests that some cries of "political correctness" must be viewed with great caution.

Rushton's discussion of the "equalitarian dogma" suggest that brave, politically neutral scientists resisted the attempts of powerful left-wing forces to control their work. However, when the history of postwar racial difference research is examined, the picture is one of a relatively powerful set of well-funded people, most of whom believed in the basic tenets of early 20th century eugenics (7) and were strongly opposed to both integration and intermarriage, fearing "race suicide." They used every scientific and public communication channel available to convince their colleagues and the public of their position. Far from suffering academic censorship, they had access to prestigious scientific journals and meetings, gave court and government testimony, and distributed pamphlets. Their "controversial" work received attention in every textbook. All retained their tenured positions, sometimes funded by the taxes of the very people they declared to be, on average, biologically inferior. They suffered protests and attacks in the popular press, and some deplorable assaults by protesters, with no serious injuries. Their research was often subjected to special scrutiny, and some were asked not to accept money from the Pioneer Fund. None were expelled from the American Psychological Association. Comparison of these events to the Inquisition, Stalin, and Hitler, is inappropriate, to say the least.

The continued criticism and concern over Rushton's work naturally flow from the view that his theory is one of racial superiority, albeit one in which Asian groups come out ahead of others. But Rushton (1996) explicitly disavows the terms "inferior" and "superior." The readers must judge whether Table 1, in which blacks are said to have, on average, smaller brains, lower intelligence, lower cultural achievements, higher aggressiveness, lower law-abidingness, lower marital stability and less sexual restraint than whites, and the differences are attributed partially to heredity, implies that they are "inferior." Readers must also judge whether Rushton's (e.g., 1995a) r vs. K theory in which the climate of Africa is said to have selected for high birth rates and low parental care suggests the "inferiority" of blacks. No one can doubt the uses that will be made of Rushton's research by such groups as David Duke's National Association for the Advancement of White People, whose newsletter advertised IAAEE's publications and Mankind Quarterly, alongside the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (see Tucker 1994, for an extensive discussion of the use of racial research by the far right).

Rushton explicitly disavows any policy implications of his research. In this sense, he cannot be considered a eugenicist, since eugenics always involved social policy. However, Rushton simultaneously argues in this journal that "if all people were treated the same, most average race differences would not disappear" (p. 3), a statement which in no way follows from his research and might be thought to carry policy implications for welfare, compensatory education, and employment equity. In contrast to Rushton's cautious approach Henry Garrett, Roger Pearson, T. Travis Osborne and especially Freiherr von Verschuer, quoted at the outset of this paper, embraced, and campaigned for the implementation of policy based on race difference research.

Philippe Rushton cannot be held responsible for the work of these men, and shares no "guilt by association." But those who maintain that a scientific theory cannot incite people to murder should review the history of scientific racism, the history of German Rassenhygiene, and the contemporary use of racial theory in Bosnia (see Kohn, 1995). Those who maintain that the data of racial research are "politically neutral" and "value-free" should understand the political commitments of those who conducted and promoted much of this research. Those who wish to promote open, honest discussion should contemplate the meaning of a book on worldwide race differences (Rushton, 1995a) in which "apartheid," "poverty," "colonialism," "slavery," and "segregation" do not appear in the index. Only then can an informed judgment about "political correctness" and racial research be made.


Big Don said...

The heavily peer-reviewed SAT, NAEP, MCAT, LSAT, and AFQT, as well as local state testing standards, do not accept advice from Rushton, or money from the Pioneer Fund. No matter how you test it, billions of test points, the answer always comes up essentially One Standard Deviation.

CNu said...

I don't know about that BD. I had an uncle Sonny who was actually the first college graduate in my family. He got a BS and an MS in mathematics during the 1930's , and was never "permitted" to work in his field, notwithstanding the demand for brainpower during WW-II, my uncle Sonny was consigned to work in the meat packing house and as a Pullman porter instead.

That makes me the first college graduate to kind-of/sort-of actually work in his field. I was one of the top three students in the state of Kansas, a National Merit Scholar, and did everything by the book. Now, given the extremely limited access to education, harsh opposition to professional access, exposure, and opportunity characteristic of folk who did the work under exceptional duress just one generation removed, I don't think any of those tools fairly measure the truth of the matter on the ground. Rather, I think they reflect the conditions that were engineered under legally and traditionally enforced segregation in the U.S. up until I was 6-7 years old big Donald.

You are of course at liberty to think otherwise and as you wish, however, such a perspective would appear ahistorical to the point of extreme foolishness....,

umbrarchist said...

Why do we behave as though the degrees and approval from White people is more important than the actual knowledge. Get the books with good info and use the knowledge. The electrons do not give a damn about racism.

Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics, by Stan Gibilisco

When do we point out that White folks hide information from each other? I never heard the term "von Neumann machine" all of the time I was at IBM. But IBM hired John von Neumann as a consultant in 1952. Now there are hundreds of millions more "von Neumann machines" than there were in the 1980s. But how often do you hear the term now. Try finding a computer science book with a good explanation.


They have turned education into a SCAM where we have to pay White people with mediocre intellects to dribble out information. We have cheap computers everywhere. We just need to load THE RIGHT STUFF onto them. But they are turning computers into another SCAM. The Google Nexus tablet does not have an SD Card slot but the $50 Aakash from India does. That is funny!

CNu said...

Why do we behave as though the degrees and approval from White people is
more important than the actual knowledge. Get the books with good info
and use the knowledge. The electrons do not give a damn about racism.

Because there are scant few wealthy black capitalists providing gainful employment or pursuing the Henry Belsidus plan laid out so very adroitly in 1936-37 by George Schuyler? http://www.brothersjudd.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/reviews.detail/book_id/16/Black%20Empire.htm - and - so long as folks still scrounging around competing for the decreasing roster of jobs in the not-yet-collapsed economy - those degrees and certifications are the indispensable price of admission to what remains of the workforce?

umbrarchist said...

I didn't say the degrees were irrelevant but there are lots of dummies with degrees.

CNu said...

Who you tellin magne?!?!?!? Shoooooot....,

I've reached the point of sincerely believing that the real political-economic conspiracy in America consists of appointing highly degreed but operationally clueless and incompetent folk to positions of authority which they're utterly incapable of effectively discharging.

Sadly, outside of the word-of-mouth and personal relations grapevine, there's no other means of getting oneself through HR to present that operational skillset to the hiring manager outside of those credentials. In IT, f'zample, it's all about your current - as in absolutely up-to-the-minute - access and exposure to leading technologies. If you're working and working with hot stuff, you'll get a dozen recruiter emails a day nearly effortlessly on your part. If you're out of work, and have been out of work for more than half a hot minute, heaven help you.

CNu said...

Now, let's back that living-memory history about educational access and results up, couple it with limited to no access to the word-of-mouth/personal-relationship grapevine and ask ourselves fundamentally obvious questions about how level the political-economic playing field has ever been in 20th century America?

The only thing I'm surprised about is how docile and tame, how non-violent, gradualist and persistent - efforts have been on the part of those shut out of the political-economic mainstream - to get a crack at swimming in that mainstream. Seems to me that opportunities have been aborning all along for tired, impatient, and enterprising folk to take a page out of the Mexican narcotrafficante playbook - or maybe ally with the existing funded and capitalized structures in Mexico - and set up franchises all across the U.S.

Big Don said...

don't know about that BD. I had an uncle Sonny...

All those data sources, BD cited above, are established with tests conducted *before* the test subject is ever qualified to work in [whatever] field. With few exceptions. they measure pure capability to *learn* combined with "future time orientation." Furthermore, your other post today, about the bonobos and evolution, is an admission that such *behavioral* characteristics are heavily genetic, not environmental.

Dale Asberry said...

The big Donald is still full of crap, but he's definitely on his A-game today. Of course, for the rest of us here, that's a D- game.

Tom said...

Well, and, tangent, "we" -- whoever "we" are -- need to trick/invite (choose one) *all of* the Spanish-speaking Brown into the mainstream US community before "they" outnumber "us." Sometimes you go find out who is inheriting, and then you adopt him. Real world.

CNu said...

No BD. If a group of people are systematically discouraged from pursuing academic excellence, (or even from reading or pursuing school beyond the 8th grade level) how exactly do you suppose that group of people is going to perform on academic achievement tests? Common sense should inform your response to that question.

Bonobos and chimps produce normal offspring when they interbreed Donald, sooooo....., though it would never happen in the wild, and, there are chromosomal rearrangement differences, your genetic prattle is unsupported by that story. On the other hand, the question of simian culture and cultural self-selection is clearly underscored by that data.

I guess the bottomline is that sane humans should do everything in their power to isolate themselves from the psychopathocratic nutters running the anglosphere and by extension the entire species into its Great Filter? (that and shooting up innocent theater goers in Aurora and elsewhere)

CNu said...

I think the cats with an 88.1 gun to 100 person ratio want to help usher in William Luther Pierce's wet dream instead http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Luther_Pierce - notice he was from up around the big donald's way - I wonder if there's any correlation of if that's purely coincidental?

Big Don said...

CNu, yer talkin' 50 years ago about systematic discouragement. Today, no amount of resources committed to IQ-75z, in every way shape and form, gets improvement beyond the well-proven genetic limits, unless you cherry-pick a few into a selective school.

Washington DC public schools outspends every other district in the nation and the students still don't perform.
http://washingtonexaminer.com/d.c.-schools-outspend-nation-per-student/article/2500339 "But despite being the lowest performer in most respects, the District's $18,667-per-student cost -- up from $16,408 the prior year and up 39 percent since 2006 -- topped the region as well as the nation in 2010. " Pretty much the same story in every other IQ-75 district.

BTW, the extensive peer-reviewing of the standardized testing is how the scandalous answer-changing in Atlanta, to hype the IQ-75z, was discovered...

CNu said...

lol, no. Good old-fashioned whistle-blowing is how Atlanta got flung into the light of day.

But back on topic, I'm talking 30 years ago when public school desegregation was still underway in most cities, and a mere 20 years ago, for example, when the kc public schools were in Federal judicial control because of the active desegregation lawsuit. Don't act like you're unaware of living memory history BD.

Big Don said...

We both know that 50 years from now the One_Standard_Deviation will still be there...

CNu said...

lol, I don't know how long it takes to surmount 400 years of violent abduction, suppression, repression, oppression, ostracism etc..., but I know that once that tide turns, that'll be all she wrote for you and your'n donald...., evolutionary fitness is NOT what you fantasize it to be - and my presence and prosperity at this very moment - despite you and your'n - bespeaks a degree of adaptive fitness that you could hardly even begin to imagine.

Big Don said...

BD will tell you "how long it takes to surmount..."

The answer is ONE to TWO GENERATIONS max.... if the affected people have what it takes genetically.
Consider Japan (after WW2), Korea (after domination by Japanese prior to Korean War), China (after Mao collapse). Japanese in America (after losing their possessions and being imprisoned during WW2) and Vietnamese immigrants to America (after Viet Nam war). When folks have what it takes genetically, they can quickly recover from massive victimization, violence, oppression and abuse and bootstrap their way to success the moment opportunity presents. For many of the above cited, it was the actual people who suffered the oppression and violence who quickly recovered into middle class, not their descendants. Especially not their descendants years later who would laugh at the suggestion they "have a historical problem." In America, their children are blowing away multi-generation Americans at basic academics as well as science fairs, spelling bees, music competitions, etc....instead of dis-proportionally filling the welfare rolls, prisons, and OOW-breeding nurseries...

Big Don said...

Inherited phenotypic propensities---> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSqUcrFJ498

Dale Asberry said...

BD, for one, welcomes his new Asian Overlords!

CNu said...

lol, he was of course referring to the child's straight black hair, epicanthic folds, and gold complexion..., seriously - he couldn't have been referring to the learned behavior of rubiks cube manipulation as "phenotypic" - unless of course he has a completely different definition of phenotypic traits than any other english language user in the world.

Big Don said...

It's a beautiful day here in the NW, and as we enter our 21st year of wonderful glorious retirement, while you poor bastards are out there working for a living, BD is in a laid-back mellow and charitable mood. So we give you this Freebie, the benefit of a few choice slave-owner genes, no doubt --->

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