Organic-silicon hybrid computer tech for sale
From Jack Clark:
*Cortical Labs puts the CL1 on sale - a computer that combines neural
tissue with a silicon chip:*
5 minutes ago
The only thing missing was Eddie Long's fake rabbi. You can really tell when as person doesn't truly believe what he or she is saying.
Um, at this juncture can't we fairly and objectively assert that the long-legged mack daddy is an exponentially worse moral offender than the now disgraced new-birth booty-man?
Whoa! You know the tune/artist for that hot music that comes on at the end of the Manning speech video...?? seriously dood, please go see somebody about your hearing issues...,
If the 64130's don't get you first, you might be geriatric some day and have to deal with certain decrepancies. BD's hearing *is* in fact defective. Certain audio frequencies don't register well and, especially, make speech difficult to understand for some speakers/singers. Now, what was that tune, please...??
The 64130 has nothing but love for CNu. As for that "tune" it was some homemade crap you'd have to contact ATLAH about...,
Absolutely, and I tried to warn everybody. It was clear that he had no core ethical beliefs. If people could not see that, they should have been alarmed by the people who were advising the candidate. Once he filled his cabinet with people like Clinton and Summers, it was a rap. I recall a kind of a broad based political expression of concern on your part early on, however, there can be no doubt whatsoever that I was the very first to raise specific objections to specific failings on the part of the Hon.Bro.Preznit
As a point of fact, I delivered the objective coup de grace even before I'd stripped him of his black moral bona fides
All of that may be true, but you still voted for Obama. I voted for Cynthia McKinney.
Well, I'm sure that will never happen again. As regards "the long-legged mack daddy is an exponentially worse moral offender than the now disgraced new-birth booty-man," the "Predator-In-Chief" has sunk to the barbaric levels of the Mexican drug cartels.
"More than 20 civilians have also been attacked in deliberate strikes on funerals and mourners."
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