Friday, February 17, 2012

a middle-class white guy comes to grips with the terror of the situation...,


nomad said...

Watched half of this. Then it simply stopped. Couldn't get it to resume. Anybody else have the same problem?

Big Don said...

BD viewed it all successfully here, paused a couple of times to go off and do other stuff over period of a few hours when it was first posted.

The problems described would largely go away if the system wasn't driven by weepy liberals trying to support every parasite, genetic defective, criminal, and IQ-75 LOOZer in middle-class splendor...

Dale Asberry said...

Don't forget old social security/medicare parasitic geezers.

Big Don said...

You mean that  Gov't Insurance Policy  we bought and paid for...??

CNu said...

 I'm not sure I recall a medicare deduction on my W2...,

Tom said...

BD having fun with facts again.  Medicaid is unfunded--there are no "insurance" premiums and Medicare's tax (BD's "insurance" premium) covers only a minority of its cost.   Subventions from the federal budget support the lion's share of those two programs.

Totally different situation from Soc Sec, which is not only pretty well funded by its own tax but has a big pile of T-bills in its bank account.  

Big Don said...

Dale wasn't talking Medic*AID*.  And MediCARE Part A is built into normal age-qualified SS, you paid in while you worked (at least 10 years to be eligible).  And a lot of the cost is supported by working folks who won't or didn't live long enuff to collect a dime on it but paid the paycheck deductions.  And if the Gov't blew/stole the contributions rather than investing them over typically 40 years for a productive citizen, that ain't BD's problem.  Part B has a monthly premium after you are on Part A.  So none of this is a gift, unless you are disabled or have end-stage renal disease (BD not) ...

nanakwame said...

bingo - why actuaries have been changing the whole system for those 47 years old and under.  Good field these days - to approximate the life-time on an individual especially when they reach senior ages. And with the study of genes, it is getting pretty good. They now have a chip that will release medicine or take you out of misery. wow

Nothing Personal, It's Just Business....,

▶️ Powerful video here: revealing the deep and dark corruption which has been fueling this disastrous proxy war from the first moment of its...