Friday, December 23, 2011

List of Active Occupy Encampments Across the Country – Now at 61

Video - the Occupy Movement celebrates 3 months and going.

FDL | Although the media has grown bored with the Occupy movement and are declaring it over, OccupySupply has verified the existence of 61 encampments across the country. We are listing them below, along with links to photos and videos that demonstrate what they look like today.

The FDL Membership Program now has 110 liaisons at over 70 occupations across the country who report back to us on the status of their occupations twice each week. That’s how we determine which occupations OccupySupply will send cold weather gear to every day.

OccupySuply shipped more stuff out last week alone than we did in the entire first month, and the demand is only increasing.

So we thought we’d try to drive a stake through the heart of the “Occupy is Dead” narrative by publishing our working list, which is consistently more up-to-date than any I’ve seen. These are occupations with encampments only — there are many, many more vibrant occupations that are doing tremendous community activism despite the lack of an encampment.

» Please consider donating $10 or more to help us continue to meet the demands of the now 70+ occupations we serve with the Occupy Supply fund. As always, 100% of your donations to the fund will go to purchase and distribute the supplies they need to make it through the winter and beyond.

1 Occupy Anchorage Igloos!
2 Occupy Atlanta Re-occupied Woodruff Park after the raid, stopped foreclosure this week.
3 Occupy Austin Nice story in Daily Texan about OccupySupply helping them prepare for winter
4 Occupy Berkeley 90 tents
5 Occupy Birmingham Marched with Alabama civic & religious leaders to protest state immigration law
6 Occupy Bloomington Longest running occupation?
7 Occupy Boise Highs in the 30s, lows in the teens, but hanging in there
8 Occupy Boulder Working with city on permit
9 Occupy Buffalo Just opened 2nd encampment
10 Occupy Cedar Rapids Says they have a stable location through the winter
11 Occupy Chapel Hill Expanding, building bridges with local congregations
12 Occupy Charlotte Growing, now 30 tents
13 Occupy Claremont City council may intervene, but police say they’re not breaking any laws
14 Occupy Cleveland Recently worked with Youngstown & Ashtabula to encamp vs. foreclosure
15 Occupy Columbia SC Won their court battle; judge says they can stay
16 Occupy Dover DE Just celebrated their 1 month anniversary
17 Occupy Kstreet Expanding to local black churches
18 Occupy Lancaster PA Renewing the permit that expires January 1
19 Occupy Delaware Won a ruling from a judge that recognized the tent city as a form of protected speech.
20 Occupy DesMoines Launching Occupy the Caucus, urging people to vote “uncommitted”
21 Occupy Erie Re-occupied the gazebo yesterday, looking good in OccupySupply
22 Occupy Eugene City installed lights at request of campers, increasing budget to help homeless
23 Occupy Fairbanks Yes, there’s an Occupy Fairbanks. No shit.
24 Occupy Freedom Plaza Feed 140 people each day
25 Occupy FtWayne Flash mob at the Glenbrook Mall last weekend reminding people to shop local
26 Occupy Gainesville Organizing Florida occupations for upcoming FL legislative session
27 Occupy Harrisburg Organizing around state redistricting
28 Occupy Houston Celebrated International Migrants Day by protesting prison industrial complex
29 Occupy Huntsville AL City gave them a spot
30 Occupy IowaCity Mic checked Newt Gingrich last week
31 Occupy Lancaster PA Holding toy and book drive for children of the community
32 Occupy Las Vegas Protesting at auctions of foreclosed homes seized without paperwork
33 Occupy Lincoln Tent town in Centennial Mall going strong
34 Occupy Little Rock Built a geodesic dome
35 Occupy Madison Recently had its first marriage proposal
36 Occupy Memphis Held Saturday march to mark 1 year since Mohamed Bouazizi lit himself on fire in Tunisia
37 Occupy Miami Just celebrated 2 month anniversary
38 Occupy Milwaukee Immigration groups recently loaned them office space
39 Occupy Monterey Holding a series of public community educational talks
40 Occupy Nashville Getting tremendous community support
41 Occupy New Haven On private property by agreement with managers
42 Occupy Newark City recently lifted ban on overnight encampments
43 Occupy Norman OK Just started this week
44 Occupy Orange County Held a mock funeral for the Bill of Rights
45 Occupy Palm Beach Protesting wealth inequality in rich neighborhoods
46 Occupy Phoenix Demonstrating against Joe Arpaio’s tasering of Latino Marine vet that left him brain dead
47 Occupy Pittsburgh Protesting the bilking of millions of dollars from schools & local govt at US Steel Tower
48 Occupy Providence Approx. 60 overnight sleepers in Burnside Park
49 Occupy Raleigh Property owner & city say they can stay
50 Occupy Sacramento Recently occupied Clear Channel
51 Occupy Rochester Just received AFL-CIO Rochester Labor Council’s Community Solidarity Award
52 Occupy San Jose Just re-occupied this week
53 Occupy San Luis Obispo Denied the use of tents but still staying each night
54 Occupy Syracuse Recently erected a triple-walled Army surplus tent and plan to stay for the winter
55 Occupy Tacoma Mic check to OccupySupply on Dec 15!
56 Occupy Talahassee Will present objectives of Florida occupations to state legislature on January 10
57 Occupy Tampa Set up last Saturday in Voice of Freedom Park
58 Occupy Trenton Protesting Chris Christie’s charter school plan in Dept. of Ed offices
59 Occupy Tucson One of the largest occupations still going
60 Occupy Walton OR Small Oregon town trying to save their post office
61 Occupy Winnepeg Say they are “not going anywhere”


nanakwame said...