Saturday, December 24, 2011

all-american misstep...,

Video - Commercial that Lowe's pulled from All-American Muslim

NYTimes | It is incredibly sad that one person with his own one-man hate group can tap into anti-Muslim sentiment and lead reputable companies to make foolish judgment calls.

At least two advertisers — Lowe’s, the home-improvement retailer, and, the online travel firm — have pulled commercials from “All-American Muslim,” a new reality series on the TLC cable channel, since the show was condemned by David Caton, an anti-Muslim and anti-gay activist, and the shell organization he founded and runs, the Florida Family Association.

Businesses have a perfect right to decide how to spend their advertising dollars. But, in pulling out as they did, Lowe’s and Kayak sent a distasteful message to their customers, their employees, and to the larger public.

“All-American Muslim” tracks the lives of five Muslim-American families in Dearborn, Mich., a suburb of Detroit. Mr. Caton has called on companies to end their sponsorships, arguing that the show is dangerous and misleading “propaganda” because it portrays Muslims as “ordinary folks” just like other law-abiding Americans, not as extremists and terrorists.

Both Lowes and Kayak deny that they were moved to act by Mr. Caton’s campaign, citing instead the show’s controversial nature and, in Kayak’s case, reservations about its quality. “All-American Muslim” may not be the best TV show, but the controversy was manufactured by one man. By appearing to bow to bigotry, the companies earned a self-inflicted black eye.


Tom said...

This kind of thing is why BD is dangerous.

Big Don said...

C'mon, what about the MSM? 

 There has been an absolute avalanche of TNB in the news lately, BD normally letz Sleeping Doggz lie on this stuff, but since you insist:The Facebook bragging burglars Dead cocaine eater,0,1436464.story Bowling Ball Skull crusher Parlor brawl all the Air Jordan riotz.That was just two degenerate days worth.......Season's Greetings from BD

Tom said...


Tom said...

Anyway what do your links have to do with the thrill of demonizing Muslims?

Big Don said...

Totally Nice Behavior...

Big Don said...

Implementing NAM diversity has never improved society, whatever benefits are brought to the table are overwhelmed by the cultural destruction.  To get Muslim specific -- 

  ...    ...    ... ... Muslims want to impose Sharia law in America, stuff like   ...

Dale Asberry said...

Talk about beta male behavior. At least have the cajones and man up to the truth.

Big Don said...

Testing to see HTF to get a new line in Disqus

Should be a new line ?

Should be after blank line?
New paragraph?

Big Don said...

Anyway, our point was:  it's not BD's comments that are creating  the bad impression (as Tom suggested) of those poor oppressed minority groups, rather, it's the MSM reporting all the outrageous destructive stuff those group members are actually doing... The basis of that Lowe's commercial was perfectly credible...

Tom said...

My point is not that BD is single-handedly creating a bad impression about anybody.   

My point is that there are crazies who think 4 crimes nationwide in a 2-day period constitute some kind of capsule summary of what millions of people are up to.    BD you are just an example of those crazy folks.  But those crazies can convince more people, and the hysteria can cause big problems for people who haven't done anything. 

Is this really something I have to spell out periodically?  Sort of higher math of some kind?

Big Don said...

It's not just isolated incidents. Or a few members of the group.  You did not hear the "American" Imams decrying 9-11 or any of the other incidents cited at 

They were chortling in their mosques...Fuzzlims want to take over the country.  It's also the sort of creeping degeneracy seen at this link 
How long before the Super Bowl gets interrupted in the middle of the 4th quarter of a close game so the Fuzzlim players can lay down their mats facing Mecca and pray for ten minutes...??

That's the stuff creating the stereotypes you don't like, not BD...

nanakwame said...

Yes, even though most of young America (47% of AA under 35) is going to three line thought structure; or the 140 format; Disqus should allow for new paragraph or
. Now it makes sense when they write this: Imagining 2076 : Connect Your Brain to the Internet...The future, it turns out, starts in 2020 NY Times. Twitter has tapped something. Look at this dialogue of the present future.

nanakwame said...

btw Phillip K. Dick called it precog's - half human / half machine in the 1960's - talk about the creative use of words. "Okay, Barney. I'll lower the finard on her." Mr. Barney's female assistant was too pushy for his likes, even after having sex with her - The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch. 

CNu said...

Just like they fell for and you celebrate the imbecility of rhyming and posing, now you celebrate something conspicuously termed TWIT-er?,

On what muddle-headed planet does tapping the lowest common denominator of consumer laziness and attention deficiency equate to tapping the "wisdom" of the crowd?

Tom said...

You did not hear the "American" Imams decrying 9-11

Yes I did. I heard any number of American Muslim religious leaders denounce the attacks.   I also heard some jokers trying your lie on for size, and some non-Muslims hearing it and repeating it. 

CNu said...

aww..., man homey, you used to be the man homey?!?!?!?!

Can't you just believe Tom?

Big Don just needs you to believe, to keep the faith, and to be true!

CNu said...

People with ADHD appear to have shorter than average attention span. They get "antsy" and can't sit still when they have to do something that requires prolonged interest and attention. I would think just the opposite would be better, which is to have
projects that have a short duration. As an example, when children have to sit in their desk in school and read a chapter, which might take 30 minutes, the ADHD
children have trouble doing that, especially if the chapter is about something that they find boring.

As an aside, AHDH is invisible in traditional cultures. No one has ever observed a child in such a culture that I could point to and say he or she had AHDH even though it
is relatively easy to identify people with other disorders like mania, major depression and especially schizophrenia. Appreciate that I'm doing this in
a culture in which we can't even speak the language so all the assessment is being done on non-verbal behavior alone.

Big Don said...

It's not a rumor.
"The facts are the 
facts: some judges are making decisions deferring to Shariah law even when those decisions 
conflict with Constitutional protections ... we found 15 Trial Court cases, and 12 Appellate Court cases, where Shariah was found to be applicable in the case at bar.  " 

The above is directly from a small, not comprehensive, sample of recent American court activity.  The judges are being bullshitted into siding with Sharia...

Dale Asberry said...


Gee Chee Vision said...

p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: Times; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; }

True, facts are facts. Propaganda wouldn’t be propaganda
if it were constructed solely on fear-based assertions. Many times facts are used
to hot-glue stupid theories together.

The question is where do the facts end and the D.W.
Griffith/techniColored-folk/fear-base exoticism begin? You’ve strung together
facts with your own personal conjectures and suspicions.

As I've already posted, these recurring patterns are exemplified in your clan forever
suggesting ominous intentions behind every other group of people. Of course you all would 1st cite the "facts" of "suspicious" activities e.g. the "fact" that black women were pulling out of domestic jobs in white homes. That constituted enough "facts" to conjure up the mythological "Eleanor Club" that were gradually developing a plot to have every white woman in black folks kitchen. Yes yall, this is real American history.
To you such histories should be erased from the record as to make space for new innovative exotic narratives of the pending threat to white America's existence. But I believe history identifies that particular portion of our populace that will continuously use the “fact” that wolves eat sheep to project their false flag wolf whimpering.