Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Whatever Happened with the Awan Brothers?
February 15, 2017
Labels: presstitution , sum'n not right , tricknology , wikileaks wednesday
Trump Saw the Transcript(s) and Sacrificed a Troublesome Knight
The main issue for Flynn is that he did not tell the truth about his conversations with the Russian ambassador to the U.S. It would have been bad enough if Flynn had simply misled the press, but he also seems to have let the vice president step forward and repeat those untruths on his behalf.
Flynn, who has attributed the misstatements to poor memory and not any intent to deceive, has reportedly apologized to Pence and is doing his best to dig in against his internal foes.
The retired general’s perilous position is highlighted in a couple of different ways. We know of reports about tensions between Flynn and Defense Secretary James Mattis. Mattis has more pull inside the administration, arguably, than any other cabinet member and if he has issues with Flynn, that’s a big deal.
But more ominous for Flynn was the news over the weekend that the CIA director had nixed one of Flynn’s top deputies for failing to qualify for high-level security clearance. If Trump’s newly minted CIA boss, Mike Pompeo, feels obliged and willing to shut down the president’s closest national security adviser that’s a big deal.
Flynn or his allies seemed to make the case that the deputy got booted because of a turf war between the agencies and as retribution for Flynn’s efforts to reform U.S. intelligence.
Remember all of the drama at the time of the inauguration about Trump questioning U.S. intelligence and wondering if the Russians weren’t telling the truth and the CIA lying? That was probably Flynn’s voice coming through.
But to renew allegations of corruption against the CIA after Trump’s director is in charge is something different. It’s hard to imagine Trump would believe Pompeo is a crook so soon after selecting him and so soon after the president visited the agency to make peace.
But whatever Trump decides, he can learn one key lesson from Flynn: Somebody is always listening.
February 15, 2017
Labels: chess-not checkers , wikileaks wednesday
Krauthhammer: Deep State Ought Not Eavesdrop and Leak on U.S. Citizens
CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: Each side always wants to argue the real story is the misdeeds of the other guy. The fact that there are real big misdeeds in these leaks, but that doesn't exonerate what happened within the Trump administration. There are two stories. One is that the internal dysfunction in the Trump White House, the fact that Flynn lied internally was untrustworthy. But the other story is the scandal of these leaks.
Look, we cannot have our intelligence agencies eavesdropping on Americans and releasing it to the press. We have extremely elaborate procedures when we eavesdrop on, say, and ambassadors from other countries, which we do all the time. Everyone does. Everyone knows it. When the conversation involves an American, there are extremely strict procedures to blur the identity, to hide the identity and to protect the information coming from the American. This is the exact opposite of that and it is scary because it means everybody who communicates with a foreigner is subject to being exposed by his own government. You can't have that.
February 15, 2017
Labels: What Now? , wikileaks wednesday
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Flynn an Expendable Neocon-Compromised Knight - Chess About Hiring/Firing/Negotiating
February 14, 2017
Labels: chess-not checkers
Deep State Draws First Blood - Time to Stick and Move
Donald Trump has emerged with in mind a precise foreign policy strategy, forged by various political thinkers of the realist world such as Waltz and Mearsheimer, trashing all recent neoconservative and neoliberal policies of foreign intervention (R2P - Right to Protect) and soft power campaigns in favor of human rights. No more UN resolutions, subtly used to bomb nations (Libya). Trump doesn’t believe in the central role of the UN and reaffirmed this repeatedly.
In general, the Trump administration intends to end the policy of regime change, interference in foreign governments, Arab springs and color revolutions. They just don’t work. They cost too much in terms of political credibility, in Ukraine the US are allied with supporters of Bandera (historical figure who collaborated with the Nazis) and in Middle East they finance or indirectly support al Qaeda and al Nusra front».
February 14, 2017
Labels: chess-not checkers , Deep State , scott free , tactical evolution
Monday, February 13, 2017
Stop Pussyfooting Around the Economic Devastation Wrought by the Replacement Negroe Policy and Program
February 13, 2017
Labels: musical chairs , Replacement Negroes
American Renaissance and Uncle Hotep Agree On the Replacement Negroe Problem
February 13, 2017
Labels: American Original , musical chairs , Peak Capitalism , Replacement Negroes
Neither GOP or DNC Can Absorb Alignment of Alt-Right and Hoteps
February 13, 2017
Labels: musical chairs , Peak Capitalism , priceless.... , Replacement Negroes , What Now?
Sunday, February 12, 2017
How a Breakdown in Liberal Ideology Created Trump
February 12, 2017
Labels: unintended consequences
Nassim Nicholas Taleb: Trump Makes Sense to a Grocery Store Owner
After predicting the 2008 economic crisis, the Brexit vote, the U.S. presidential election and other events correctly, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of the Incerto series on global uncertainties, which includes The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable, is seen as something of a maverick and an oracle. Equally, the economist-mathematician has been criticised for advocating a “dumbing down” of the economic system, and his reasoning for U.S. President Donald Trump and global populist movements. In an interview in Jaipur, Taleb explains why he thinks the world is seeing a “global riot against pseudo-experts”.
Putting my work online motivates me to go deeper into a subject. I put it online and it gives some structure to my thought. The only way to judge a book is by something called the Lindy effect, and that is its survival. My books have survived. I noticed that The Black Swan did well because it was picked up early online, long before the launch. I also prefer social media to interviews in the mainstream media as many journalists don’t do their research, and ‘zeitgeist’ updates [Top Ten lists] pass for journalism.
Well, I’m talking about the United States where I get more credible news from the social media than the mainstream media. But I am very impressed with the Indian media that seems to present both sides of the story. In the U.S., you only get either the official, bureaucratic or the academic side of the story.
Oh, absolutely! The last crisis [2008] hasn’t ended yet because they just delayed it. [Barack] Obama is an actor. He looks good, he raises good children, he is respectable. But he didn’t fix the economic system, he put novocaine [local anaesthetic] in the system. He delayed the problem by working with the bankers whom he should have prosecuted. And now we have double the deficit, adjusted for GDP, to create six million jobs, with a massive debt and the system isn’t cured. We retained zero interest rates, and that hasn’t helped. Basically we shifted the problem from the private corporates to the government in the U.S. So, the system remains very fragile.
February 12, 2017
Labels: common sense , Slice vs. Proprietors
Saturday, February 11, 2017
In Purchasing Power Parity - America is a Third World Country
PWC argues that this produces a clearer picture of actual economic strength because it cancels out price differentials between economies. In general, prices are much higher in Western economies than in the Emerging Market countries (and even BRICS nations), thus having higher nominal amounts of wealth circulating in Western economies can be deceiving, since it can buy less stuff.
What makes this metric and report so interesting is that PWC is essentially projecting the real wealth levels of these populations. This projection is about a lot more than just evening out price differentials.
Canada’s GDP is more than four times as much as that of Egypt, and more than five times as much as that of Pakistan. Even by 2050; PWC estimates that Canada will still have GDP greater than either nation. But Egypt and Pakistan will have stronger economies, because their populations will have more real wealth circulating in those economies.
We’re not dealing with a small differential here. Note that PWC is talking about Egypt and Pakistan having much stronger economies than Canada. By 2050, measured in purchasing power parity, both Egypt and Pakistan will have economies more than 1/3 stronger than Canada.
This seems to be incongruous. If Canada will still have the larger economy by 2050 (as measured in GDP), why will Egypt and Pakistan both have stronger economies, as measured in the real wealth circulating within that economy? We get a large clue by looking at a chart which is familiar to regular readers.
Regular readers know that B.S. Bernanke conjured more than $3 trillion of new U.S. funny-money into existence during the infamous Bernanke Helicopter Drop, quintupling the entire U.S. money supply in less than five years. And every, single dollar was handed to the Big Banks of Wall Street – for free. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Thanks to the magic of “fractional-reserve banking”, where U.S. banks are allowed to lend $35 for every $1 they receive. The $3+ trillion which B.S. Bernanke handed to them became well over $100 trillion in new liquidity. That works out to more than $300,000 per American.
So why are there roughly 50 million permanently unemployed Americans? Why are more than 40 million forced to rely upon food stamps to survive? Because when the bankers conjured their $100+ trillion into existence (for free), they kept it all – kept it all for their Masters, the oligarchs. What did the oligarchs do with that extra $100+ trillion?
As the chart above clearly shows, the oligarchs stuffed most of that $100+ trillion into their own hoards, spending virtually nothing. Of course that’s not entirely true either. They gambled with much of their funny money, in the bankers’ private, unregulated, rigged casino – the derivatives market. The derivatives market is a hoard of private wealth which never circulates in the real economy that is somewhere in the magnitude of $1.5 quadrillion ($1,500 trillion).
We’re no longer sure how large the rigged casino has swollen, since in 2010 the bankers changed their “definition” of the casino, and overnight the derivatives market (supposedly) shrunk by 50%. This financial cesspool is the most gigantic repository of dark pool liquidity the world has ever seen.
The gambling done in the derivatives market is used to manipulate the real economy, but none of the “wealth” in that rigged casino ever circulates within the real economy. The chart above, the heartbeat of the U.S. economy, shows what happens when most of the wealth/liquidity in an economy is hoarded: the economy withers and dies.
February 11, 2017
Labels: Collapse Casualties , Collapse Crime , global system of 1% supremacy , Livestock Management , Peak Capitalism
Globalist Plantation Economy - Why No Walmart in Russia?
February 11, 2017
Labels: hegemony , industrial ecosystems , Peak Capitalism , unintended consequences
Friday, February 10, 2017
Do Try and Keep Up
February 10, 2017
Labels: scott free , The Great Game , What Now?
Chess Not Checkers...,
February 10, 2017
Labels: chess-not checkers , scott free
Duterte Tells Globalist Gaviria That Methamphetamine Is Not Marijuana or Cocaine...,
February 10, 2017
Labels: Dutertism , individual sovereignty , narcoterror
Thursday, February 09, 2017
The Corporate Colonization of Local-Business Main Street
February 09, 2017
Labels: Collapse Casualties , global system of 1% supremacy , Peak Capitalism
Trump's Truth Bombs Devastate Establishment Consensus Reality
February 09, 2017
Labels: American Original , Brookings , deceiver , disinformation , hegemony , necropolitics , propaganda , psychopathocracy
Wednesday, February 08, 2017
Which Came First, 3rd Richest Man or CIA Tool?
February 08, 2017
Labels: cognitive infiltration , Deep State , disinformation , presstitution , propaganda , wikileaks wednesday
Google the Financial Sponsor of Tech Anti-Trump Lawsuit
February 08, 2017
Labels: cognitive infiltration , Deep State , disinformation , institutional deconstruction , profitability , propaganda , What IT DO Shawty... , wikileaks wednesday
How the CIA Made Google
February 08, 2017
Labels: cognitive infiltration , Deep State , information , institutional deconstruction , unspeakable , wikileaks wednesday
Tuesday, February 07, 2017
Why is MSM Relentlessly Attacking Trump?
February 07, 2017
Labels: agenda , Deep State , elite , establishment , presstitution , propaganda
How "Greed is Good" Wrecked Lancaster PA
February 07, 2017
Labels: banksterism , Collapse Casualties , parasitic , Peak Capitalism
Monday, February 06, 2017
Kremlin Wants Apology For Fox News Slander
"We consider such words from the Fox TV company to be unacceptable and insulting, and honestly speaking, we would prefer to get an apology from such a respected TV company," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on a conference call.
Fox News and O'Reilly did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment.
Trump's views on Putin are closely scrutinized in the United States where U.S. intelligence agencies have accused Moscow of having sponsored computer hacking to help Trump win office, and critics say he is too complimentary about the Russian leader.
Trump, when commenting on the allegations against Putin in the same interview, questioned how "innocent" the United States itself was, saying it had made a lot of its own mistakes. That irritated some Congressional Republicans who said there was no comparison between how Russian and U.S. politicians behaved.
Putin, in his 17th year of dominating the Russian political landscape, is accused by some Kremlin critics of ordering the killing of opponents. Putin and the Kremlin have repeatedly rejected those allegations as politically-motivated and false.
February 06, 2017
Labels: presstitution , professional and managerial frauds , propaganda , psychopathocracy , The Hardline , truth
Pelosi Demonstrating How Democrats Have Lost Touch With the Rust Belt
The charges were handed down after the SEC learned that the company was "secretly controlled" by Joseph Corazzi and James Cohen, who had previous fraud convictions, according to the Free Beacon.
dailybail | House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi’s husband bought up to a quarter million dollars of stock in SunEdison, a now financially troubled green energy company just weeks before it announced a major 2014 acquisition that sent its stock price soaring. SunE's 2014 purchase of wind energy company First Wind “further bolstered the reputation of the company,” wrote one market-watcher at the time. “Perhaps unsurprisingly, SunEdison’s stock soared 29% on news of this acquisition alone.”
February 06, 2017
Sunday, February 05, 2017
Inked and Swole American KILLER Contractor Says "They Don't Love Us!"
When the United States accepts refugees from countries with a significant Muslim population, we undermine the anti-American hatred that underlies Islamic State group recruitment. Closing America’s door to Syrian refugees, therefore, is not only a heartless hiccup in our nation’s history, it also validates Islamic State group propaganda, advances the group’s agenda and drives refugees back into the arms of dangerous terrorists. By turning away Syrian refugees, Trump is plunging America into a national security nightmare.
February 05, 2017
Labels: American Original , Ass Clownery , killer-ape
Trump: U.S. Not As Innocent As You All Pretend
February 05, 2017
Labels: common sense , truth
Saturday, February 04, 2017
Real Democrats Work With Trump For Peace - And Are Demonized For It
February 04, 2017
Labels: agenda , Deep State , elite , establishment , professional and managerial frauds , propaganda , unspeakable
Boston Judge Bish Slaps the Identity Politics Propaganda Over Trump Executive Order
“The language in Section 5 of the EO is neutral with respect to religion,"The provisions of Section 5, however, could be invoked to give preferred refugee status to a Muslim individual in a country that is predominately Christian. Nothing in Section 5 compels a finding that Christians are preferred to any other group.”
“The order provides a reasonably conceivable state of facts (which concerns national security and) that could provide a rational basis for the classification,” he wrote. “Accordingly, this Court declines to encroach upon the “delicate policy judgment” inherent in immigration decisions.”ORDERFor the forgoing reasons, the Court declines to impose any injunctive relief and will not renew the temporary restraining order that was entered on January 29, 2017 (Docket No. 6).
February 04, 2017
Labels: The Hardline , truth
Nothing Personal, It's Just Business....,
▶️ Powerful video here: revealing the deep and dark corruption which has been fueling this disastrous proxy war from the first moment of its...
theatlantic | The Ku Klux Klan, Ronald Reagan, and, for most of its history, the NRA all worked to control guns. The Founding Fathers...
dailybeast | Of all the problems in America today, none is both as obvious and as overlooked as the colossal human catastrophe that is our...
Video - John Marco Allegro in an interview with Van Kooten & De Bie. TSMATC | Describing the growth of the mushroom ( boletos), P...