Showing posts with label UAP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UAP. Show all posts

Saturday, July 01, 2023

80 Years Of Skunk Works Innovation...,

lockheedmartin  |  As we look at the technologies Skunk Works continues to develop now and for the future, it’s just as exciting, and as classified, as Skunk Works’ illustrious history. Work continues in critical areas like UAS, hypersonics, artificial intelligence, low observables and other revolutionary technologies. A prime example that is not being developed under the cloak of secrecy is the team partnering with NASA to develop and build X-59, the prototype that will quiet the supersonic boom.

The way we engineer and build these capabilities is evolving too, as we lean more and more into a digital approach that reduces cost and accelerates development.

The unique and proven Skunk Works philosophy has enabled the impossible to become reality for 80 years. This dedicated and growing team continues to embrace Kelly Johnson’s motto: be quick, be quiet and be on time. We innovate with urgency to push the boundaries, ensuring our customers have the capabilities needed to stay ahead of ready.


Of course, there are programs that we can’t share…yet.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Kirsten Gillibrand And Mark Warner To The Rescue (Amnesty NOT DISCLOSURE)

douglasjohnson  |  The U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) has unanimously approved legislation containing language that appears intended to dig out any UAP-associated technology that is or ever was controlled by the federal government.

The new UAP/UFO provisions are being publicly reported in detail in this article for the first time anywhere.

The new UAP provisions are part of the Fiscal Year 2024 Intelligence Authorization Act (IAA, S. 2103), which was approved unanimously by the Senate Intelligence committee in a closed-door session on June 14.  On June 21 I reported on the committee's action, but the text of the UAP amendment was not yet publicly available at that time. The committee formally filed the bill and it was assigned its number on June 22; it was posted on the Internet early on June 24.

The new UAP language (found in Section 1104 of the bill) would require "any person currently or formerly under contract with the Federal Government that has in their possession material or information provided by or derived from the Federal Government relating to unidentified anomalous phenomena that formerly or currently is protected by any form of special access or restricted access" to notify the director of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) within 60 days of enactment, and to provide within 180 days (six months) "a comprehensive list of all non-earth origin or exotic unidentified anomalous phenomena material" possessed and to make it available to the AARO director for "assessment, analysis, and inspection."

AARO is the Pentagon office established by Congress to conduct investigations of unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP), and to collect information on current and past federal government activity pertaining to UAP.

The legislation also would require the AARO director to notify designated congressional committees and leaders within 30 days after receiving any such notifications, information, or exotic materials.

The Intelligence committee legislation also includes what might be called a "safe harbor" provision, providing that if such a person complies with the notification and make-available deadlines, "No criminal or civil action may lie or be maintained in any Federal or State court against any person for receiving [UAP-related] material or information."

The "safe harbor" language might be read to imply that a private entity that obtained non-human technology from the government, and then held on to that material outside of the standard mechanisms for democratic oversight, perhaps profiting from it in some manner, might be in a legally tenuous position. If so, then such an amnesty period might smooth the way for timely and orderly disclosure. This reading of the provision is speculative; the committee has not yet published any explanatory material on the language.

Section 1104 of S. 2103 does not create any new criminal offenses. Neither does it confer any immunity for threats or acts of violence, perjury, or other crimes of the sorts sometimes alleged in stories about purported hidden government UFO programs.

A PDF file of the UAP-related section of the bill (Sec. 1104) is embedded immediately below this paragraph. Images of the seven UAP-related pages are displayed at the bottom of this article.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Everyone In This Documentary Has Been Suicided Or Died Under Strange Circumstances

projectcamelotportal  |  5.21.21 BREAKING NEWS:   According to a key source:  Mark Mccandlish offered to give testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee and contacted Marco Rubio on this just prior to his death… His potential testimony along with his obsession with building the ARV probably got him killed.  Just as it got Gordon Novel killed.  And James Allen the director of the film Zero Point (all about Mark McCandlish).  This is no distraction or disclosure dog and pony show… This is also about THE TRUMP CARD that Trump is holdinghis ties to Nikola Tesla and this tech.  And this is all about bringing Zero Point energy into the public and the battle to keep it quiet.



According to a source the Redding City Coroner said there are 5 different agencies looking into the death of Mark McCandlish.   Judging from the past history of intel agencies and “suicided” victims it is highly likely that at least one of those agencies is right now working hard to come up with a feasible set of lies.  The objective would be to convince the general public that Mark was killed by some “lone gunman” or chose to commit suicide “suicided” as opposed to what really happened which all signs point to a typical Cabal-styled hit job.

Mark McCandlish was a highly refined, passionate engineer and designer whose illustrations were intuitive and detailed while at the same time technically accurate.  A person who spoke to him the night hefore he died indicated he was tired but upbeat and focused on moving forward with his projects.  Having served in the American military he felt it was his duty to testify should the opportunity arise, before the Senate Intelligence Committee.  His contact with Marco Rubio is said to have been ongoing. He wanted the truth about UFOs and zero point energy (some call it energy form the vacuum)  to come out and that the people have a right to know.

Update.  5.22.21

According to another source Fred Bell also was also killed and had knowledge of this tech (and of time travel which is intimately connected to how UFOs fly).  As does Sean David Morton who they just took back into prison.  Sean was writing a series of books based on whistleblower testimony and papers given to him by his lawyer….With advanced cancer Sean appears to be targeted in the same way.  Sean was about to release information all about time travel in his 4th book when he was arrested a few years ago.  

The list goes on with people and inventors who have died or been threatened surrounding the story about Zero Point Energy or energy from the vacuum or “free energy”.  Another example is former Mars astronaut, Brian O’Leary was killed by a fast-acting cancer in part for interviewing and writing a book about this energy called the Energy Solution Revolution

and the list goes on.

It is worth noting Mark was killed 33 years from when Brad Sorenson first saw the ARV in a hangar (either at Norton Air Force Base or if the story posted here is true, at the Lockheed Martin Skunkworks facility). The 33 year connection is another indicator of the stamp of the Illuminati on Mark’s death in addition to the method of death which is another trademark “shotgun to the head”.

Excerpt from book:  SPACE WARP PROPULSION-PART 2 Alien Reproduction Vehicle SANTOSH DANDIN (a real name?)


 It’s important not to lose sight of the fact that Marco Rubio and the sudden push to release highly sanitized versions of the UFO/UAP story is coming from somewhere deep in the intelligence community and deep state.  If you are willing to suspend disbelief momentarily and consider Trump’s close relationship to his uncle who was instrumental in getting Nikola Tesla’s tech into the hands of the deep state this sudden push becomes clear.  What the Cabal seem to be doing is racing against time to “one-up” Trump and take control of the narrative to spin it where they want, before he releases this tech into the public.  Once he wins back the Presidency by way of proving vote fraud and outside interference… “A digital Pearl Harbor” as Juan O. Savin is fond of saying Trump would be in a perfect position to literally change the world.  When Trump (who is still Commander-in-Chief and has the nuclear codes, is reinstated, in theory the tribunals would start against the human traffickers-adrenochrome junkies of the deep state.  At some point Trump would during his last 4 years then bring his “trump card” forward which is ZERO POINT energy… Zero Point is considered the keys to the kingdom encompassing UNLIMITED and free access to energy that makes all things possible including travel through wormholes, aka Portal technology aka time travel.  Greening the deserts, unlimited access to food, water at no cost and the end of the fossil fuel stranglehold on our economies….

Not to mention weapons technology that is of course already in the hands of the Secret Space Program … but that access would be worldwide and in the hands of our enemies as well.  Some would say it already is….This is of course the double-edged sword that surrounds the release of this technology and why in part, the military industrial complex has fought so long to keep it all secret.  But the secrecy has forced human society to split with the majority of humans living lives of desperation and growing limitation while the secret government/secret space program has access to unlimited wealth and prosperity and what some of my witnesses have said are as many as 10,000 years in advance of the average person.
So this recent push for a type of disclosure is another effort to OWN THE NARRATIVE and arguably could involve A FAKE ALIEN INVASION staged by the military so that they can get out from under the karmic burden of 70 years of secrecy while people lived lives dependent on scarcity and need, trading humans for alien tech and much more…. 

The CIA's Role In Shaping The UFO Narrative

FAS  |  An extraordinary 95 percent of all Americans have at least heard or read something about Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), and 57 percent believe they are real. (1) Former US Presidents Carter and Reagan claim to have seen a UFO. UFOlogists--a neologism for UFO buffs--and private UFO organizations are found throughout the United States. Many are convinced that the US Government, and particularly CIA, are engaged in a massive conspiracy and coverup of the issue. The idea that CIA has secretly concealed its research into UFOs has been a major theme of UFO buffs since the modern UFO phenomena emerged in the late 1940s. (2)

In late 1993, after being pressured by UFOlogists for the release of additional CIA information on UFOs, (3) DCI R. James Woolsey ordered another review of all Agency files on UFOs. Using CIA records compiled from that review, this study traces CIA interest and involvement in the UFO controversy from the late 1940s to 1990. It chronologically examines the Agency's efforts to solve the mystery of UFOs, its programs that had an impact on UFO sightings, and its attempts to conceal CIA involvement in the entire UFO issue. What emerges from this examination is that, while Agency concern over UFOs was substantial until the early 1950s, CIA has since paid only limited and peripheral attention to the phenomena.


The emergence in 1947 of the Cold War confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union also saw the first wave of UFO sightings. The first report of a "flying saucer" over the United States came on 24 June 1947, when Kenneth Arnold, a private pilot and reputable businessman, while looking for a downed plane sighted nine disk-shaped objects near Mt. Rainier, Washington, traveling at an estimated speed of over 1,000 mph. Arnold's report was followed by a flood of additional sightings, including reports from military and civilian pilots and air traffic controllers all over the United States. (4) In 1948, Air Force Gen. Nathan Twining, head of the Air Technical Service Command, established Project SIGN (initially named Project SAUCER) to collect, collate, evaluate, and distribute within the government all information relating to such sightings, on the premise that UFOs might be real and of national security concern. (5)

The Technical Intelligence Division of the Air Material Command (AMC) at Wright Field (later Wright-Patterson Air Force Base) in Dayton, Ohio, assumed control of Project SIGN and began its work on 23 January 1948. Although at first fearful that the objects might be Soviet secret weapons, the Air Force soon concluded that UFOs were real but easily explained and not extraordinary. The Air Force report found that almost all sightings stemmed from one or more of three causes: mass hysteria and hallucination, hoax, or misinterpretation of known objects. Nevertheless, the report recommended continued military intelligence control over the investigation of all sightings and did not rule out the possibility of extraterrestrial phenomena. (6)

Amid mounting UFO sightings, the Air Force continued to collect and evaluate UFO data in the late 1940s under a new project, GRUDGE, which tried to alleviate public anxiety over UFOs via a public relations campaign designed to persuade the public that UFOs constituted nothing unusual or extraordinary. UFO sightings were explained as balloons, conventional aircraft, planets, meteors, optical illusions, solar reflections, or even "large hailstones." GRUDGE officials found no evidence in UFO sightings of advanced foreign weapons design or development, and they concluded that UFOs did not threaten US security. They recommended that the project be reduced in scope because the very existence of Air Force official interest encouraged people to believe in UFOs and contributed to a "war hysteria" atmosphere. On 27 December 1949, the Air Force announced the project's termination. (7)

With increased Cold War tensions, the Korean war, and continued UFO sightings, USAF Director of Intelligence Maj. Gen. Charles P. Cabell ordered a new UFO project in 1952. Project BLUE BOOK became the major Air Force effort to study the UFO phenomenon throughout the 1950s and 1960s. (8) The task of identifying and explaining UFOs continued to fall on the Air Material Command at Wright-Patterson. With a small staff, the Air Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC) tried to persuade the public that UFOs were not extraordinary. (9) Projects SIGN, GRUDGE, and BLUE BOOK set the tone for the official US Government position regarding UFOs for the next 30 years.

Early CIA Concerns, 1947-52

CIA closely monitored the Air Force effort, aware of the mounting number of sightings and increasingly concerned that UFOs might pose a potential security threat. (10) Given the distribution of the sightings, CIA officials in 1952 questioned whether they might reflect "midsummer madness.'' (11) Agency officials accepted the Air Force's conclusions about UFO reports, although they concluded that "since there is a remote possibility that they may be interplanetary aircraft, it is necessary to investigate each sighting." (12)

A massive buildup of sightings over the United States in 1952, especially in July, alarmed the Truman administration. On 19 and 20 July, radar scopes at Washington National Airport and Andrews Air Force Base tracked mysterious blips. On 27 July, the blips reappeared. The Air Force scrambled interceptor aircraft to investigate, but they found nothing. The incidents, however, caused headlines across the country. The White House wanted to know what was happening, and the Air Force quickly offered the explanation that the radar blips might be the result of "temperature inversions." Later, a Civil Aeronautics Administration investigation confirmed that such radar blips were quite common and were caused by temperature inversions. (13)

Although it had monitored UFO reports for at least three years, CIA reacted to the new rash of sightings by forming a special study group within the Office of Scientific Intelligence (OSI) and the Office of Current Intelligence (OCI) to review the situation. (14) Edward Tauss, acting chief of OSI's Weapons and Equipment Division, reported for the group that most UFO sightings could be easily explained. Nevertheless, he recommended that the Agency continue monitoring the problem, in coordination with ATIC. He also urged that CIA conceal its interest from the media and the public, "in view of their probable alarmist tendencies" to accept such interest as confirming the existence of UFOs. (15)

Upon receiving the report, Deputy Director for Intelligence (DDI) Robert Amory, Jr. assigned responsibility for the UFO investigations to OSI's Physics and Electronics Division, with A. Ray Gordon as the officer in charge. (16) Each branch in the division was to contribute to the investigation, and Gordon was to coordinate closely with ATIC. Amory, who asked the group to focus on the national security implications of UFOs, was relaying DCI Walter Bedell Smith's concerns. (17) Smith wanted to know whether or not the Air Force investigation of flying saucers was sufficiently objective and how much more money and manpower would be necessary to determine the cause of the small percentage of unexplained flying saucers. Smith believed "there was only one chance in 10,000 that the phenomenon posed a threat to the security of the country, but even that chance could not be taken." According to Smith, it was CIA's responsibility by statute to coordinate the intelligence effort required to solve the problem. Smith also wanted to know what use could be made of the UFO phenomenon in connection with US psychological warfare efforts. (18)

Led by Gordon, the CIA Study Group met with Air Force officials at Wright-Patterson and reviewed their data and findings. The Air Force claimed that 90 percent of the reported sightings were easily accounted for. The other 10 percent were characterized as "a number of incredible reports from credible observers." The Air Force rejected the theories that the sightings involved US or Soviet secret weapons development or that they involved "men from Mars"; there was no evidence to support these concepts. The Air Force briefers sought to explain these UFO reports as the misinterpretation of known objects or little understood natural phenomena. (19) Air Force and CIA officials agreed that outside knowledge of Agency interest in UFOs would make the problem more serious. (20) This concealment of CIA interest contributed greatly to later charges of a CIA conspiracy and coverup.

Amateur photographs of alleged UFOs

Passoria, New Jersey, 31 July 1952

Sheffield, England, 4 March 1962
& Minneapolis, Minnesota, 20 October 1960

The CIA Study Group also searched the Soviet press for UFO reports, but found none, causing the group to conclude that the absence of reports had to have been the result of deliberate Soviet Government policy. The group also envisioned the USSR's possible use of UFOs as a psychological warfare tool. In addition, they worried that, if the US air warning system should be deliberately overloaded by UFO sightings, the Soviets might gain a surprise advantage in any nuclear attack. (21)

Because of the tense Cold War situation and increased Soviet capabilities, the CIA Study Group saw serious national security concerns in the flying saucer situation. The group believed that the Soviets could use UFO reports to touch off mass hysteria and panic in the United States. The group also believed that the Soviets might use UFO sightings to overload the US air warning system so that it could not distinguish real targets from phantom UFOs. H. Marshall Chadwell, Assistant Director of OSI, added that he considered the problem of such importance "that it should be brought to the attention of the National Security Council, in order that a communitywide coordinated effort towards it solution may be initiated." (22)

Chadwell briefed DCI Smith on the subject of UFOs in December 1952. He urged action because he was convinced that "something was going on that must have immediate attention" and that "sightings of unexplained objects at great altitudes and traveling at high speeds in the vicinity of major US defense installations are of such nature that they are not attributable to natural phenomena or known types of aerial vehicles." He drafted a memorandum from the DCI to the National Security Council (NSC) and a proposed NSC Directive establishing the investigation of UFOs as a priority project throughout the intelligence and the defense research and development community. (23) Chadwell also urged Smith to establish an external research project of top-level scientists to study the problem of UFOs. (24) After this briefing, Smith directed DDI Amory to prepare a NSC Intelligence Directive (NSCID) for submission to the NSC on the need to continue the investigation of UFOs and to coordinate such investigations with the Air Force. (25)

Friday, June 09, 2023

The Current Incarnation Of Project Blue Beam Is Quite Impressive

wikipedia  |  The alleged purpose of Project Blue Beam is to bring about a global New Age religion, which is seen as a core requirement for the New World Order's dictatorship to be realized. There's nothing new in thinking of religion as a form of control, but the existence of multiple religions, spin-off cults, competing sects, and atheists suggest that controlling the population entirely through a single religion isn't particularly easy. Past attempts have required mechanisms of totalitarianism such as the Inquisition.

Monast's theory, however, suggests using sufficiently advanced technology to trick people into believing. Of course, the plan would have to assume that people could never fathom the trick at all — something contested by anyone sane enough not to swallow this particular conspiracy.

The primary claimed perpetrator of Project Blue Beam is NASA, presented as a large and mostly faceless organization that can readily absorb such frankly odd accusations, aided by the United Nations, another old-time boogeyman of conspiracy theorists.

According to Monast, the project has four steps:

Step One

Step One requires the breakdown of all archaeological knowledge. This will apparently be accomplished by faking earthquakes at precise locations around the planet. Fake "new discoveries" at these locations "will finally explain to all people the error of all fundamental religious doctrines", specifically Christian and Muslim doctrines.

This makes some degree of sense; if you want to thoroughly usurp a current way of thinking, you need to completely discredit and destroy it before putting forward your own. However, religious belief is notoriously resilient to things like facts. The Shroud of Turin is a famous example that is still believed by many to be a genuine shroud of Jesus as opposed to the medieval forgery that it has been conclusively shown to be. Prayer studies, too, show how difficult it is to shift religious conviction with mere observational fact. Indeed, many theologians avoid making falsifiable claims or place belief somewhere specifically beyond observation to aid this. So what finds could possibly fundamentally destroy both Christianity and Islam, almost overnight, and universally all over the globe? Probably nothing. Yet, this is only step one of an increasingly ludicrous set of events that Project Blue Beam predicts will occur.

Step Two

Step Two involves a gigantic "space show" wherein three-dimensional holographic laser projections will be beamed all over the planet — and this is where Blue Beam really takes off. The projections will take the shape of whatever deity is most predominant, and will speak in all languages. At the end of this light show, the gods will all merge into one god, the Antichrist.

This is a rather baffling plan, as it seems to assume that people will think this is actually their god, rather than the more natural twenty-first-century assumption that it is a particularly opaque Coca-Cola advertisement.[note 5] Evidence commonly advanced for this is a supposed plan to project the face of Allah, despite its contradiction with Muslim belief of God's uniqueness, over Baghdad in 1991 to tell the Iraqis to overthrow Saddam Hussein. Someone, somewhere, must have thought that those primitive, ignorant non-Western savages wouldn't have had television or advertising and would never guess it was being done with mirrors.[4] In general, pretty much anything that either a) involves light or b) has been seen in the sky has been put forward as evidence that Project Blue Beam is real, and such things are "tests" of the technology — namely unidentified flying objects. Existing display technology such as 3D projection mapping and holograms are put forward as foreshadowing the great light show in the sky.

This stage will apparently be accomplished with the aid of a Soviet computer that will be fed "with the minute physio-psychological particulars based on their studies of the anatomy and electro-mechanical composition of the human body, and the studies of the electrical, chemical and biological properties of the human brain", and every human has been allocated a unique radio wavelength. The computers are also capable of inducing suicidal thoughts.[16] The Soviets are (not "were") the "New World Order" people. Why NASA would use a Soviet computer when the USSR had to import or copy much of its computer technology from the West is not detailed.

The second part of Step Two (wouldn't that be Step Three?) happens when the holograms result in the dissolution of social and religious order, "setting loose millions of programmed religious fanatics through demonic possession on a scale never witnessed before". The United Nations plans to use Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" as the anthem for the introduction of the New Age one world religion.[1][note 6]

There is relatively little to debunk in this, the most widely-remembered section of the Project Blue Beam conspiracy, as the idea is so infeasible. Citing actual existing communication technology is odd if the point is for the end product to appear magical, rather than just as cheap laser projections onto clouds. This hasn't stopped some very strange conspiracy theories about such things popping up.[note 7] Indeed, the notion of gods being projected into the sky was floated in 1991 by conspiracy theorist Betty J. Mills.[17] And US general (and CIA shyster extraordinaire), Edward Lansdale,Wikipedia actually floated a plan to fake a Second Coming over Cuba to get rid of Castro.[18]

Step Three

Step Three is "Telepathic Electronic Two-Way Communication". It involves making people think their god is speaking to them through telepathy, projected into the head of each person individually using extreme low frequency radio waves. (Atheists will presumably hear an absence of Richard Dawkins.) The book goes to some lengths to describe how this would be feasible, including a claim that ELF thought projection caused the depressive illness of Michael Dukakis' wife, Kitty.

Step Four

Step Four has three parts:

  1. Making humanity think an alien invasion is about to occur in every major city;
  2. Making the Christians think the Rapture is about to happen;
  3. A mixture of electronic and supernatural forces, allowing the supernatural forces to travel through fiber optics, coax, power, and telephone lines to penetrate all electronic equipment and appliances that will, by then, all have a special microchip installed.[19]

Then chaos will break out, and people will finally be willing, perhaps even desperate, to accept the New World Order. "The techniques used in the fourth step is exactly the same used in the past in the USSR to force the people to accept Communism."

A device has apparently already been perfected that will lift enormous numbers of people, as in a Rapture. UFO abductions are tests of this device.

Project Blue Beam proponents believe psychological preparations have already been made, Monast having claimed that 2001: A Space Odyssey, Star Wars, and the Star Trek series all involve an invasion from space and all nations coming together[3] (the first two don't, the third is peaceful contact) and that Jurassic Park propagandises evolution in order to make people think God's words are lies.

The New World Order according to Monast

The book detailed the theory. In the 1994 lecture, Monast detailed what would happen afterward.[3]

All people will be required to take an oath to Lucifer with a ritual initiation to enter the New World Order. Resisters will be categorised as follows:

  1. Christian children will be kept for human sacrifice or sexual slaves.
  2. Prisoners to be used in medical experiments.
  3. Prisoners to be used as living organ banks.
  4. Healthy workers in slave labour camps.
  5. Uncertain prisoners in the international re-education center, thence to repent on television and learn to glorify the New World Order.
  6. The international execution centre.
  7. An as-yet-unknown seventh classification.

It Was Copied, Therefore, It Existed

NYTimes  |  WHAT: The Area S4 U.F.O. model. This miniature plastic replica is said by its manufacturer, the Testor Corporation of Rockford, Ill., to be "a scale model kit of the alien craft allegedly hidden in Nevada by the U.S. Government, as described by eyewitness and former Government physicist Bob Lazar." But the original craft is not just any U.F.O. It is nicknamed "the sport model" by Mr. Lazar, who has claimed to have worked in 1988 at a classified air base in central Nevada referred to by some as Area S4. There, he has asserted, he worked as part of a Government team, "reverse-engineering" one of nine alien craft, taking it apart to determine its technology. The model, which retails for $24.95, has been selling out at hobby stores, particularly since the talk-show host Larry King displayed one two months ago during his show about U.F.O.'s, broadcast from just outside the base. "We are selling them as fast as we can make them," said Nancy Rainwater, a company spokeswoman.

THE ORIGINAL: It is described by the company as an "anti-matter reaction, gravity-amplification, interstellar craft," made of an unknown substance. Mr. Lazar has said that the anti-matter reactor bends space-time and is fueled by what he called Element 115 (the latest addition to the terrestrial periodic table is Element 111, announced by German physicists just last month).

THE MODEL: Made of plastic, it is 13 inches in diameter when assembled (compared with 52 feet for the original). It has 23 pieces, including alien figures and a transparent top that offers a view of the anti-matter reactor. Paint and cement are not included; a 16-page full-color book is.

THE DESIGNER: John Andrews has spent years gleaning information about secret United States military aircraft for Testor. "We have a kind of miniature C.I.A. here," said Mr. Andrews, who has made several trips to the perimeter of the base in Nevada. "We collect bits and pieces and put them together in a mosaic." He says he scouts and talks to people who observe activity around Air Force bases to design his models. They include one of the F-117 Stealth fighter, which he made before the Government even acknowledged the Stealth existed; that kit has sold 700,000 units, believed to be the most for any plastic model kit ever. Last year, he turned out a model of the Aurora, the new breed of supersonic spy plane said to be housed at the Nevada base.

SOURCES: Mr. Andrews consulted with Mr. Lazar and Jon Farhat, a computer-graphics designer who is working on a movie about Mr. Lazar. Mr. Lazar has claimed that he saw the saucer fly, though never higher than 40 feet off the ground. His personal credentials have not checked out (he has said that the Government destroyed his educational records, from the California Institute of Technology and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

RELIABILITY: As for the existence of the craft on which the model is based, Testor has carefully said, "We can neither confirm nor deny." And the Government? Well, It has denied that the air base ever existed.

Thursday, June 08, 2023

One Of The UFO's Was Taken From Mussolini In Sicily During WW-2?

Ross on Fire!🔥
by u/Remseey2907 in UFOB

nieuwe-revu  |   Dutch website REVU journalist Max Moszkowicz, discloses that David Grusch has documents signed by the inspector general, indicating that one of the UFOs in US Holding was found in Sicily, Italy and taken from Mussolini during WW2, confirmed by ANOTHER Whistleblower Jonathan Gray from NASIC.

Jonathan Gray is a generation officer of the United States intelligence community with a Top-Secret Clearance currently working for the National Air and Space Intelligence Center ( NASIC ), where UAP's analysis was his focus. He previously had experience with Private Aerospace and Special Directive Task Forces of the Department of Defense.

“ The non-human intelligence phenomenon is real. We're not alone, ”said Gray. “ This type of query is not limited to the United States. This is a global phenomenon, yet a global solution continues to elude us. ”

Furthermore, it is revealed that documents exist, proving that US captured a UFO, in Sicily, Italy, from Mussolini during WW2.

What the UAP task force leader says in the interview, substantiated by the official documents signed by the inspector general – an officially appointed and appointed person who has to sign for the authenticity of a secret document – ​​is that at least one UAP/UFO is in American possession . But how did they come into possession of this UFO? In the article released today by Kean, the origin of the alleged extraterrestrial material is missing. In the full article coming out next week in the Revu, I'll say more about those who have confirmed to me that this is the case: In 1933, fascist dictator Benito Mussolini is briefed by his panicked secret service about a crashed air vehicle that they did not recognize it as human. Initially, the Italians think that the German neighbors have lost a secret weapon, but they know nothing about it. An Italian variant of Area 51 is being built and they try to study the vehicle. During World War II, the Americans invade Italy via Sicily, after which they eventually also encounter the UFO. The object will be transported to America and stored in presumably Area 51/S-4. We now know definitively that we are not alone in the universe. The object will be transported to America and stored in presumably Area 51/S-4. We now know definitively that we are not alone in the universe. The object will be transported to America and stored in presumably Area 51/S-4. We now know definitively that we are not alone in the universe.

Wednesday, June 07, 2023

David Grusch Disclosures: We Have Intact Craft Not Of Human Origin

thedebrief  |  A former intelligence official turned whistleblower has given Congress and the Intelligence Community Inspector General extensive classified information about deeply covert programs that he says possess retrieved intact and partially intact craft of non-human origin.

The information, he says, has been illegally withheld from Congress, and he filed a complaint alleging that he suffered illegal retaliation for his confidential disclosures, reported here for the first time.

Other intelligence officials, both active and retired, with knowledge of these programs through their work in various agencies, have independently provided similar, corroborating information, both on and off the record.

The whistleblower, David Charles Grusch, 36, a decorated former combat officer in Afghanistan, is a veteran of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO). He served as the reconnaissance offices representative to the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force from 2019-2021. From late 2021 to July 2022, he was the NGA’s co-lead for UAP analysis and its representative to the task force.

The task force was established to investigate what were once called unidentified flying objects,” or UFOs, and are now officially called unidentified anomalous phenomena,” or UAP. The task force was led by the Department of the Navy under the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security. It has since been reorganized and expanded into the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office to include investigations of objects operating underwater.

Grusch said the recoveries of partial fragments through and up to intact vehicles have been made for decades through the present day by the government, its allies, and defense contractors. Analysis has determined that the objects retrieved are of exotic origin (non-human intelligence, whether extraterrestrial or unknown origin) based on the vehicle morphologies and material science testing and the possession of unique atomic arrangements and radiological signatures,” he said.

In filing his complaint, Grusch is represented by a lawyer who served as the original Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG).

“We are not talking about prosaic origins or identities,” Grusch said, referencing information he provided Congress and the current ICIG. “The material includes intact and partially intact vehicles.”

In accordance with protocols, Grusch provided the Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review at the Department of Defense with the information he intended to disclose to us. His on-the-record statements were all “cleared for open publication” on April 4 and 6, 2023, in documents provided to us.

Gruschs disclosures, and those of non-public witnesses, under new protective provisions of the latest defense appropriations bill, signal a growing determination by some in the government to unravel a colossal enigma with national security implications that has bedeviled the military and tantalized the public going back to World War II and beyond. For many decades, the Air Force carried out a disinformation campaign to discredit reported sightings of unexplained objects. Now, with two public hearings and many classified briefings under its belt, Congress is pressing for answers.

Karl E. Nell, a recently retired Army Colonel and current aerospace executive who was the Armys liaison for the UAP Task Force from 2021 to 2022 and worked with Grusch there, characterizes Grusch as “beyond reproach.”


Last Week Stanford Professor Garry Nolan Was Ubiquitous With Disclosures

popularmechanics  |  A Stanford University professor, who claims to have worked with intelligence and defense groups, claims aliens have probably been on Earth for thousands of years.

Garry Nolan, Ph.D.—a professor in the Department of Pathology at Stanford University School of Medicine—worked with the groups to understand changes in the brains of people who have had encounters with unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs). 

Nolan believes that aliens are probably using drones and AI to study humans.

A prominent university professor—who has conducted consulting work for the intelligence community and defense contractors—says he believes that aliens have not only visited Earth, but that they’ve also probably been here for thousands of years.

Garry Nolan, Ph.D., a respected professor in the Department of Pathology at Stanford University School of Medicine, made the striking claim this week at a global leadership and networking forum in New York City during a session titled: “The Pentagon, Extraterrestrial Intelligence, and Crashed UFOs.” 

In comments made at SALT iConnection 2023—a conference that convenes investors, entrepreneurs, and policymakers—Nolan stated that he believed extraterrestrial intelligence had not only visited planet Earth, but that “you can go a step further, it hasn’t just visited, it’s been here a long time, and it’s still here.” 

olan specifically mentioned the “WOW!” signal, an incredibly strong signal that Ohio State University’s Big Ear radio telescope detected in 1977; it lasted for about one minute, and appeared to originate from somewhere in the direction of Sagittarius. At the time, it was regarded as the first evidence of extraterrestrial life, but scientists have published work claiming the signal may have actually originated from a comet.

text, font, line, design, parallel, number, pattern, handwriting,
The “Wow!” signal, spotted and annotated by astronomer Jerry Ehman, Ph.D. The strength of the signal ranges from 1, low, to Z, and high.
Ohio State University
Still, Nolan stated that people continue to experience the WOW! signal on a regular basis as a form of extraterrestrial communication; even the interviewer on stage noted it was a fantastic statement that the audience might find “tough to believe.” When pushed about the probability that aliens had already visited Earth, Nolan replied without hesitation: “100 percent.”
He cited increased government attention on the matter of UFOs, including the establishment of the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office to investigate sightings of what the U.S. government now calls Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, or UAPs. Nolan said that one of the goals of this group was to establish a whistleblowing office for individuals who have worked to reverse-engineer alien objects, allowing them to talk to Congress.


Tuesday, May 09, 2023

UAP From Under The Sea

the-sun  |  Drawing together the nuclear and underwater theories, Mr Heseltine said: "If you think about it if there was World War 3 and we made toxic all the water then that would affect their habitat.

"That's why I think think there's correlation with water - they have bases and we only know 5% of the ocean."

UAPs have become a hot topic issue as the deadline approaches for the report, with more and more US military footage leaking and pressure mounting on governments to come clean.

And so far there are no definitive public answers as to what appears to be happening in our skies.

However, US officials have started taking the unprecedented step of confirming the authenticity of strange videos filmed by warships and warplanes.

And they have admitted they do not know the origin of the unusual objects as calls grow in the US for widespread disclosure to figure out what - if anything - the world's governments are hiding on UFOs.

Competing theories on the strange videos continue to rage – with some grounded on Earth claiming the videos capture never-before-seen military aircraft or drones, while others claim it shows otherworldly craft possibly piloted by aliens.

Others however are more skeptical and sometimes even dismissive, claiming the bizarre videos may just be camera tricks, natural phenomena or even outright hoaxes.

“We know that ultimately this conversation will lead to confirmation that we’re being engaged with some kinds of intelligence that is likely to be extraterrestrial,” Mr Heseltine told The Sun Online.

“The things that are being described now were seen and being described in the 1940s, 50s, 60s and 70s.

“Nothing has changed all we have is better technical equipment like video on aircraft so we can pick things up easier, that’s why it’s being seen more.

“We are saying you’ve got to start preparing people for a massive psychological change – whether it’s now or six months or a year’s time everything is pointing to ET or non-humans.

“Through awareness programmes we want to  prepare people for the shock of this new reality on a global scale because 95 per cent of the world is in ignorance about it.

“Seventy years of past history would say they’ve been here all that time, they’re not a threat."

He explained ICER wants to make sure the public are ready for any potentially bombshell revelations on UFO, saying "we should be preparing the world now".

Mr Heseltine added ICER is working towards being an NGO that has United Nations special consultative status


UAPs And Traumatic Brain Injuries

vice  | At the time, they had been investigating a number of cases of pilots who'd gotten close to supposed UAPs and the fields generated by them, as was claimed by the people who showed up at my office unannounced one day. There was enough drama around the Atacama skeleton that I had basically decided to forswear all continued involvement in this area. Then these guys showed up and said, ‘We need you to help us with this because we want to do blood analysis and everybody says that you've got the best blood analysis instrumentation on the planet.’ Then they started showing the MRIs of some of these pilots and ground personnel and intelligence agents who had been damaged. The MRIs were clear. You didn't even have to be an MD to see that there was a problem. Some of their brains were horribly, horribly damaged. And so that's what kind of got me involved. 

Does the Department of Pathology at Stanford have a track record of pulling practical jokes on you? 

I thought it was a practical joke at the beginning. But no, nobody was pulling a practical joke. And just as an aside, the school is completely supportive, and always has been of the work that I've been doing. When the Atacama thing hit the fan, they stepped in and helped me deal with the public relations issues around it. 

Are you able to mention which folks from which governmental departments other than aeronautics approached you?
No, I'm not.

Can you describe the more anomalous effects on the brains you observed with the MRIs?
If you've ever looked at an MRI of somebody with multiple sclerosis, there's something called white matter disease. It's scarring. It's a big white blob, or multiple white blobs, scattered throughout the MRI. It's essentially dead tissue where the immune system has attacked the brain. That's probably the closest thing that you could come to if you wanted to look at a snapshot from one of these individuals. You can pretty quickly see that there's something wrong. 

How many patients did you take a look at in that first phase?
It was around 100 patients. They were almost all defense or governmental personnel or people working in the aerospace industry; people doing government-level work. Here's how it works: Let's say that a Department of Defense personnel gets damaged or hurt. Odd cases go up the chain of command, at least within the medical branch. If nobody knows what to do with it, it goes over to what's called the weird desk, where things get thrown in a bucket. Then somebody eventually says, ‘Oh, there's enough interesting things in this bucket worth following up on that all look reasonably similar.’ Science works by comparing things that are similar and dissimilar to other things. Enough people were having very similar kinds of bad things happen to them, that it came to the attention of a guy by the name of Dr. Kit Green. He was in charge of studying some of these individuals. You have a smorgasbord of patients, some of whom had heard weird noises buzzing in their head, got sick, etc. A reasonable subset of them had claimed to have seen UAPs and some claimed to be close to things that got them sick. Let me show you the MRIs of the brains of some of these people.

We started to notice that there were similarities in what we thought was the damage across multiple individuals. As we looked more closely, though, we realized, well, that can't be damaged, because that's right in the middle of the basal ganglia [a group of nuclei responsible for motor control and other core brain functions]. If those structures were severely damaged, these people would be dead. That was when we realized that these people were not damaged, but had an over-connection of neurons between the head of the caudate and the putamen [The caudate nucleus plays a critical role in various higher neurological functions; the putamen influences motor planning, learning, and execution]. If you looked at 100 average people, you wouldn’t see this kind of density. But these individuals had it. An open question is: did coming in contact with whatever it was cause it or not?

For a couple of these individuals we had MRIs from prior years. They had it before they had these incidents. It was pretty obvious, then, that this was something that people were born with. It's a goal sub-goal setting planning device, it's called the brain within the brain. It's an extraordinary thing. This area of the brain is involved (partly) in what we call intuition. For instance, Japanese chess players were measured as they made what would be construed as a brilliant decision that is not obvious for anybody to have made that kind of leap of intuition, this area of the brain lights up. We had found people who had this in spades. These are all so called high-functioning people. They're pilots who are making split second decisions, intelligence officers in the field, etc. 

Everybody has this connectivity region in general, but let’s say for the average person that the density level is 1x. Most of the people in the study had 5x to 10x and up to 15x, the normal density in this region. In this case we are speculating that density implies some sort of neuronal function.


Thursday, September 15, 2022

Vice Say Ezekiel's Wheels Busy Spinnin'An'Spinnin'An"Spinnin Over The Ukraine

vice  |  Ukraine’s airspace has been busy this year—that’s the nature of war. But scientists in the country are looking to the skies and seeing something they didn’t expect: An inordinate number of UFOs, according to a new preprint paper published by Kyiv’s Main Astronomical Observatory in coordination with the country’s National Academy of Science.

The paper does not specifically address the war, but in the United States, the Pentagon has long hinted, speculated, and warned that some UFOs could be advanced technology from foreign militaries, specifically China and Russia (though it hasn’t really given any evidence this is actually the case). The Ukraine paper is particularly notable because it not only shows that science has continued to occur during the war, but also explains that there have been a lot of sightings.

“We see them everywhere,” the research said. “We observe a significant number of objects whose nature is not clear.”

The paper is titled Unidentified aerial phenomena I. Observations of events come from observations made at NAS’ Main Astronomical Observatory in Kyiv and a village south of Kyiv called Vinarivka. According to the paper’s authors, the observatories took on the job of hunting for UFO’s as an independent project because of the enthusiasm around the subject.

It describes a specific type of UFO the researchers call “phantoms” that is an “object [that] is a completely black body that does not emit and absorbs all the radiation falling on it.” The researchers also observed that the UFOs it’s seeing are so fast that it’s hard to take pictures of them.

“The eye does not fix phenomena lasting less than one-tenth of a second,” the paper said. “It takes four-tenths of a second to recognize an event. Ordinary photo and video recordings will also not capture the [unidentified aerial phenomenon]. To detect UAP, you need to fine-tune the equipment: shutter speed, frame rate, and dynamic range.”  Fist tap Dale

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Military Doesn't Want You Seeing Any More Of Its UFO/UAP Videos

vice  |  The U.S. Navy says that releasing any additional UFO videos would “harm national security” and told a government transparency website that all of the government’s UFO videos are classified information. 

In a Freedom of Information Act request response, the Navy told government transparency site The Black Vault that any public dissemination of new UFO videos “will harm national security as it may provide adversaries valuable information regarding Department of Defense/Navy operations, vulnerabilities, and/or capabilities. No portions of the videos can be segregated for release.”

The Black Vault was seeking all videos “with the designation of ‘unidentified aerial phenomena.’” This is an interesting response from the Navy because, often, military agencies will issue a so-called GLOMAR response, where they neither confirm nor deny that the records (in this case videos) exist, and refuse to say anything more. In this response, the Navy is admitting that it has more videos, and also gives a rationale for releasing three previous UFO videos.

“While three UAP videos were released in the past, the facts specific to those three videos are unique in that those videos were initially released via unofficial channels before official release,” it said. “Those events were discussed extensively in the public domain; in fact, major news outlets conducted specials on these events. Given the amount of information in the public domain regarding these encounters, it was possible to release the files without further damage to national security.”

It’s true that the three videos—which were leaked to former Blink-182 singer Tom DeLonge and the New York Times—didn’t originally come out via official means. But in recent years, the Pentagon has regularly talked about UFOs, and earlier this year it showed additional clips from UFOs to Congress. The military has seemingly wanted to tell the public and Congress that UFOs are very much real and a threat, and that it needs more funding to determine what they are and, perhaps, protect us against them. But it continues to hold the videos close to the vest.

Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Why UFO Research Has Always Been Clustered With "Paranormal" Research - It's A People Filter

9:04 that's the only explanation I can get is that that if they if people are here 9:10 from another civilization then they if they've understood the the 9:15 higher the higher the finer points of quantum of quantum physics and how to 9:20 couple that from particles into beings that can do what quantum what particles 

The best way to understand their approach is by considering something else ordered yet non-repeating: "quasicrystals." A typical crystal has a regular, repeating structure, like the hexagons in a honeycomb. A quasicrystal still has order, but its patterns never repeat. (Penrose tiling is one example of this.) Even more mind-boggling is that quasicrystals are crystals from higher dimensions projected, or squished down, into lower dimensions. Those higher dimensions can even be beyond physical space's three dimensions: A 2D Penrose tiling, for instance, is a projected slice of a 5-D lattice.

9:25 can do now when I was at wright-patterson we had the flying saucers it went up I think they covered the distance from 9:32 Columbus to Detroit in something like equivalent of about 20,000 miles an hour 9:39 I don't think anyone in the canoe in the ordinary aerospace business would have 9:46 had any knowledge of what they were even talking about if you mentioned quantum 9:51 physics or or wormholes are the type of things we know now because if you went 9:59 to CERN and talked to the particle physicists they would tell you certainly some of this was possible because they 10:06 see it all the time where they think they see mass they really see they 10:12 really see energy frozen in it in a time quantum and what they're seeing is not 10:18 is this is really a frozen bundle of energy and it moves back and forth 10:25 almost without any restriction 

I thought there were enough credible stories that I may not be able to 10:32 explain them but they weren't phenomenon that were people's imagination whatever 10:41 they saw was real but I couldn't explain how it how it was real what made it real but I think what they I think they saw 10:48 what they saw near st. Louis there was a fairly large triangular object seen and 10:54 it covered the distance down to south st. Louis in some in some of its 11:00 sightings it was moving relatively benign Lee but then it it literally jumped about 20 miles in a sec couple of 11:07 seconds and I've received a lot of phone calls from the local newspapers and TV 11:13 stations is how can that be and 

I said I don't know how it can be except if you 11:18 explain it through something like a quantum physics explanation of time and 11:24 space relationships it gave you time and space travel but other than that I don't 11:30 there's no way I know that I can put the biggest rocket engine I could think of 11:36 on it it still couldn't get there at that speed and the noise and the sounds 11:42 you would make doing something like that would wake everybody up for 10 miles and 11:47 it made no sound at all it's see it starts out at hover and it literally almost disappears and pops 11:53 over here so it's not like it's not like a cartoon where it goes whoosh it's 12:00 almost like it disappears and comes up over here at least that the descriptions 12:06 that some of the police officers gave to it a lot of combat pilots routinely go 12:13 up to 7 and 8 GS but that's a very specific direction that's from your head 12:19 downward along the axis of your spine if you were to take that what's called 12:24 eyeballs in which is when you accelerate the forces this way you literally would 12:32 have your eyeballs and compressed out of their sockets and you have brain damage so that the G's the do that might be in 12:40 the level of order of so no that's not physically possible for any even even insects to take that level 12:48 of acceleration even over a short period of time you might get in an automobile 12:53 accident you might get a hundred two hundred and fifty G's and that's when the car is completely crushed so that's 13:00 what happened would happen to a human being if that were a conventional force accelerator so it's not a conventional 13:06 force accelerator because if there's people in human beings in them or something being in them that isn't 13:13 crushed then it has to be a different way of doing it the hard part is to find 13:19 a way to physically do that 

you know there are people who have been experimenting with zero-point energy or 13:25 try to tap zero-point energy for years every once in a while someone will do it 13:30 accidentally they'll call it cold fusion but I don't think it's cold fusion I just think it's a zero-point energy tap 13:36 except for three people that I know no 13:41 one has been able to control it when it happens it happens for a short period of time 13:47 and it's almost always destructive it's like drilling a hole into the base of Grand Coulee Dam and all of a sudden 13:54 this jet of water comes out that literally has enough pressure to cut you in half without a valve on it you can't 14:02 shut it off does one guy that that that 14:07 a friend of mine actually visited in Ann Arbor Michigan that was I consider a mathematical genius that actually 14:14 figured out a way to control it he was so paranoid he divorced his wife 14:20 left his wife and children and went in hiding because he was terrified that someone 14:26 would would kill him for the knowledge that he had the ability to tap this whenever he chose to and control it we 14:33 don't know worried we haven't seen him in five years I don't worry is you know right now today you've got an energy 

14:39 problem with the price of oil what do you think would happen if you introduced 14:45 an ability to attempt zero-point energy represents about 40 to 50 megawatts of 14:53 power per cubic inch of space that's a lot of power 15:00 that's 4600 million watts of power and 15:07 if you could tap it at will then no one 15:12 would have to sell gasoline or oil anymore you would just tap into it it would be it would be like taking and 15:20 going out to the Great Lakes and taking out one drop and using it it would you'd 15:25 hardly miss it and since it permeates the whole universe and it continually 15:31 fluctuates as it as as that as the matter and antimatter interact it's not 15:40 like it's a steady lake it's um you see it's a pool the size of the universe so 15:45 you'd never for what we've used before you never even miss it the only thing this one guy claimed that happened is if 15:52 you bottle it and move it to another location and release it he sounded 16:00 exactly like mr. Spock he said you create a tear in the in the time time 16:07 domain of the of local space and actually caused a problem which he 16:13 claims he did and he will never do it again which is bottle and move it the other part is that you're knock it 16:19 doesn't work on conventional jet engines one has to create an actual zero point 16:25 energy engine to do that this one guy in Ann Arbor Mich Michigan had one running in his basement 16:30 not connected to any power source whatsoever sitting in the middle of a table and it had been running for a year 

Saturday, August 06, 2022

Advanced Aerospace Weapons Systems Application Program

mysteriousuniverse |  The entire saga of the US military's modern investigations into UFOs has been clouded in confusion, obfuscation, and a whole alphabet soup of acronyms—AATIP, AAWSAP, UAP, etc.—which have enabled the Pentagon's avoidance of actually answering the real question: is there something weird going on or not? Since the story of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program broke in 2017, the Pentagon's story has gone from acknowledging that AATIP investigated "unidentified aerial phenomena" (UAPs, not UFOs, which is rather important to them), to saying AATIP had nothing to do with UAPs. Add to this the strange list of AATIP funded projects and the former head of AATIP starting a side-project with Blink-182 frontman Tom DeLonge and you've got the dumbest possible byzantine labyrinth that could maybe lead to "soft disclosure."

This week, however, Popular Mechanics reported that they had obtained leaked documents dating to 2009 which show that not only did AATIP investigate UFOs, but investigated them as possibly otherworldy or interdimensional phenomena and continued to do so beyond 2012, the year AATIP was "officially" shuttered. Furthermore, AATIP took an interest in the paranormal phenomena at Utah's famed Skinwalker Ranch with an interest in harnassing whatever's going on there for defense purposes. Paranormal weaponry, that's just what we need, right?

The leaked documents come from Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS). The centerpiece is a 494-page "Ten Month Report" compiled by BAASS for the Advanced Aerospace Weapons Systems Applications Program (AAWSAP), the contracting division of the broader AATIP program. Bob Bigelow, the billionaire founder of Bigelow Aerospace, is a well-known figure in the UFO world. Bigelow's private research group the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS) was stationed at Skinwalker Ranch for years after the billionaire purchased the property. Bigelow Aerospace's involvement with AATIP has also been well-publicized.

In 2008, BAASS was awarded a $10 million contract by AAWSAP for a guaranteed year with a 5-year option. According to Popular Mechanics,  the "Ten Month Report" was one of many such reports given by BAASS to AAWSAP through the duration of the contract. Throughout the document, it is clear that what is being investigated is not an unknown foreign weapons system. From the Popular Mechanics piece:

● Overview of the BAASS Physics Division’s efforts to conduct research on advanced aerospace vehicles, including the development of standardization for measurement of physical effects and signatures associated with UAP.

● Overview of BAASS research for measuring and gleaning the effects on biological organisms from UAP.

● Mention of Skinwalker Ranch in Utah as a “possible laboratory for studying other intelligences and possible interdimensional phenomena.”

● Strategic plans to organize a series of intellectual debate forums targeted to broad audiences pertaining to the “potential disclosure of an extraterrestrial presence.”

● Mention of BAASS program dubbed “Project Northern Tier,” which involved securing documents related to instances where dozens of UFOs flew over restricted airspaces of facilities housing nuclear weapons.

● Project databases of UAP-related materials compiled through various partnerships, and the intent to expand these databases by coordinating with foreign governments.

● Summaries of multiple UAP events both inside the U.S. and in foreign countries.

● Photographs of UAPs provided by various sources, including foreign governments.

Do What I Do - ENJOY THE CHASE - And Stay Amused....,

  "Many years ago I was convinced the Heisenberg uncertainty principle was incomplete, and people shouldn't just believe it becaus...