Thursday, October 29, 2020

Keiajah “Kj” Brooks Talking Loud/Saying Nothing To Kansas City's Empty Suit Political Establishment...,

jezebel  |  On Tuesday, a group of activists interrupted the Kansas City Board of Police Commissioners meeting, calling for Police Chief Rick Smith’s resignation. One of those activists, Keiajah “Kj” Brooks, delivered a truly incredible speech where she called out the police department for using photo ops with Black children for good PR, and then proceeded to drag every single member of the Board of Police Commissioners individually.

Brooks started talking and got straight to the point.

“Fair warning, I’m not nice and I don’t seek to be respectable. I’m not asking y’all for anything because y’all can’t and won’t be both my savior and my oppressor. I don’t want reform. I want to turn this building into luxury low cost housing. These would make some really nice apartments.”

“So I’m not here begging anything of soulless white folks and self-preserving Black folks. You get one life, and you all in this room have chosen profits over people. And that’s pathetic.

So I’m going to spend the next two minutes reading y’all for filth, something I’m sure nobody has ever done.”

 And then she fucking DID.

I can’t decide if it was better when Brooks told one man that he had “nothing but pure apathy seeping through the bulging veins of your paper colored skin” or when she completely skipped over one board member, saying “had I not spent the entirety of the last six months dragging you I would have more to say, but I don’t.”

They ended their time with an almost poetically perfect Bible verse.

“Anyways, I’ll leave you soulless, profit-driven, avaricious, greedy, godforsaken humans, including ANYONE who works in this building, with one Bible verse. From the Bible. Detailing the life of Jesus. Jesus Christ, who was another unarmed Black man murdered by authorities in the book you Hellbound people claim to love so much. ‘What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit its soul?’”

Watch the whole video on Brooks’ Instagram here.



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