In the recent, and supposedly last, release of files pertaining to
the Kennedy assassination, most of the corporate press did not dwell on
the fact that the most important and secret files were kept from the
public, but, of course, that was actually the big story.
Now, I say that not knowing just what was not released or indeed
whether the unreleased files even contain any serious information. You
see, in the world of state secrets, secrecy is often used to hide
embarrassing incompetence or even criminality. The unreleased documents
may be just as uninformative as much of what has been released. So much
of what has been released over recent decades is of little hard value to
the case. We may legitimately ask, why was a lot of this junk ever
declared national secrets to be squirreled away for a half century and
I can’t answer that question, but exactly the same question may be
asked about so very many things and activities pertaining to the
assassination. Of course, it shouldn’t be that way, but it is, and that
fact alone screams that important things always were, and still are,
hidden. Are the key facts really that unbelievably sensitive? Are they
even known?
The question might even be asked whether the authorities themselves
ever really understood accurately what happened. The FBI and CIA not
even knowing what happened might itself be a worthy state secret,
reflecting on the sheer competence of these two massively-funded and
often abusive security agencies. God knows, they both have long records
of embarrassing and destructive failures at home and abroad.
And, it must be remembered that outfits like CIA always have fallback
positions ready for major activities should the first story spring some
unexpected leak. So, even if records were maintained of actual events –
something which is not always certain going by CIA’s past record, as in
the case of the coup in Guatemala against a democratic government, an
event whose files could not be found at their scheduled release date –
whatever is eventually released to the public may reflect a fallback
narrative. The complexity of filing systems at a place like CIA permits
some amazing antics, and no one from the outside is able to check. That
of course is just one of the dangers of having such powerful, secret,
and largely unaccountable agencies.
The facts of a murder case – no matter who the victim was, a rather
simple murder actually if you believe the Warren Report, a murder by one
disgruntled man with a rifle and no accomplices of any kind – should be
public information in a free society. What possibly warrants secrecy in
such a case? Nothing, of course. Yet we know we have had secrecy and
still have it, massively so, and since the earliest days after the
We still face a huge, impenetrable, blank wall, much resembling
something from an ancient mysterious tomb, when it comes to this
history-changing event.
If the assassination of an elected President can be effectively
covered-up, what cannot? And a great many terrible events have happened
in the United states since that crime. Vietnam, Cambodia, Afghanistan,
Iraq, Libya, Syria plus many other bloody awful things that make little
sense and have never been honestly explained to the people by
The press still is very fond of the term, “conspiracy theory,” and it
is easy to find articles weekly which employ it, but the term should
always serve as a red flag for astute readers. It is said to have been
coined by a CIA publicist/disinformation officer in 1967 as a way to
express ridicule of those doubting the Warren Report, a document in fact
riddled with errors and inconsistencies.
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