Thursday, February 26, 2015

why WaPo call this a dangerous revolt?

WaPo |  By the time Heiney graduated in August 2014, she said she had racked up $18,810 in debt, with nearly 80 percent coming from federal loans. This month marks the end of the six-month grace period on her student loans, which means the government will starting asking Heiney for its money. But she won’t pay.

Heiney has landed a job as a home-health care attendant, but still feels trapped. “Don’t get me wrong. I’m happy to have my job, but my dream is to go back to Africa and start a medical clinic. Because I’m now a slave to these loans I can’t pursue my dreams,” she said.

Heiney and the other 14 protesters have been working with an offshoot of the Occupy Wall Street movement known as the Debt Collective. The group organized a campaign last year, called Rolling Jubilee, to buy student loans from debt buyers for cents on the dollar and wipe out the debt. To date, the campaign has erased over $30 million in medical and education debt, including $13 million in private student loans for Everest students.

Organizers reached out to Corinthian students as the for-profit schools ran into trouble. After months of pleading with the Education Department to forgive the federal loans, the students and the organizers came up with the idea for the strike, said Ann Larson, a Debt Collective organizer.
More than 100 borrowers have contacted the group since the strike started this week. Before any of them can join, they must attend a financial literacy workshop on the consequences of not repaying their debt, Larson said, noting that most people are already in default.

An attorney working with the Collective is helping the Corinthian students file what’s known as a defense to repayment claim, an appeal to the Education Department to discharge the federal loans on the grounds that the for-profit school broke the law.

“Our attorneys say it’s a very untested law and no one has really done it because the process is unclear,” Larson said. “But rather than wait for the Department of Ed to clarify the process, we’re just going to dispute the legitimacy of the debt and see what happens.”


DD said...

Why do snitches get stitches? Why do groups, from bankers to gangsters, all dress the same? Why we doing remedial today?

makheru bradley said...

"Today we can definitively say that the Qaddafi regime has come to an end. This is a momentous day in the history of Libya. The dark shadow of tyranny has been lifted. This marks the end of a long and painful chapter for the people of Libya, who will now have the opportunity to determine their own destiny in a new and democratic Libya. You have won your revolution." -- President Obama (October 20, 2011)

“Blowback is a CIA term first used in March 1954 in a recently declassified report on the 1953 operation to overthrow the government of Mohammed Mossadegh in Iran. It is a metaphor for the unintended consequences of the US government's international activities that have been kept secret from the American people.” -- Chalmers Johnson

Every country where the United States has intervened since 2001, either directly or in support of proxies--Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Ukraine--is either in total chaos, or is experiencing some level of destabilization. Meaning America’s political leaders, whether regarded as unintelligent or intelligent have not even learned the first lesson from blowback.

The “substantially more intelligent” Obama let Hillary Clinton’s political motivations drive America into war with Libya. Simply brilliant.

“In the recovered recordings, a U.S. intelligence liaison working for the Pentagon told a Gadhafi aide that Mr. Obama privately informed members of Congress that Libya “is all Secretary Clinton’s matter” and that the nation’s highest-ranking generals were concerned that the president was being misinformed.”

CNu said...

lol, the Empire had long since exhausted its patience with an upstart, wannabe James Bond super-villain. Didn't even go the full route of a trial and hanging, instead, a simple and brutal street execution featuring a rectal skewering followed by two to the dome, all recorded on cell phone video so that everybody and they cousin worldwide could virally see first hand exactly how an imperial hit goes down.

Daesh's medieval head-cuttings can't hold a candle to the Empire scorned.

The substantially more intelligent Hon.Bro.Preznit left this particular dirty little task in the capable hands of a subordinate who hadn't yet made her bones putting in work for the Empire old school.

Hellury handled binnis.

Double-O preserved his Nobel laureate good negroe bona fides, I'm struggling to discern your objection to how much finesse went into this exercise to ensure that your cherished khemetic beverages would continue to be delivered ice-cold to your local neighborhood package store and you could continue watching the game on the big screen Bro. Makheru?

Surely you don't fault any aspect of my cradle-t0-grave coverage of what went down out the side of my eye? If you do, please post a link and let me know who did it better and more completely ____________________?

BigDonOne said...

@CNu -- "let me know who did it better ..."
Harry Truman----> Hiroshima and Nagasaki.....

Ed Dunn said...

all the sun in Africa and still fighting over oil....

BigDonOne said...

It is so easy to err in a job like this when continuously facing an intense stream of LowLifeIQ75StreetScum, that you couldn't do it if you had to worry your co-workers were going to report you for every screw-up. They all know that and it's a fraternity.

The alternative is No_Police, and BD does not think any civilized person would like that anarchy, if you think the situation is bad now..................

CNu said...

Anyone who has troubled themselves to study the comparatively abbreviated history of what we now refer to as police, (overseers/slave-catchers) knows that nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, the fraternity of overseers is by design, the root cause of much of the uncivilized behavior we now witness and take for granted.

BigDonOne said...

Spoken like that perfect person who has never ever made an on-the-job Mistake. When one unguarded millisecond can get you killed (and it's hppened many times), the prudent officer will do whatever, and then some, to maintain control of a subject. No room for relaxed leniency, too often there are no second chances........................

CNu said...

lol, I could kick myself for not having realized earlier what is in retrospect conspicuously obvious to the casual observer. You either have an adult child or an adult child-in-law - parent of one of more of your grandchildren - on that WPA for the unproductive donut-eating and cruiser-driving set - that we call "law enforcement".

All your prohibitionist, law and order, obey all laws no matter how stupid or in violation of fundamental individual sovereignty and all-a-that - is rooted in a common core of otherwise irrational concern for a non-maker with a gun and a badge. (possibly even more than one non-maker on WPA)

makheru bradley said...

“Surely you don't fault any aspect of my cradle-t0-grave coverage of what went down...” That’s correct--excellent coverage.

“I'm struggling to discern your objection to how much finesse went into this exercise.” My objection is to barbaric intervention by the tribes of the North Atlantic, and that this POTUS operated with political intelligence.

However, the protests against Gaddafi, who is not a Western puppet, appear to have been organized by the CIA in the eastern part of Libya where the oil is and where China has substantial energy investments. Eighty percent of Libya’s oil reserves are believed to be in the Sirte Basin in eastern Libya now controlled by rebels supported by Washington. As seventy percent of Libya’s GDP is produced by oil, a successful partitioning of Libya would leave Gaddafi’s Tripoli-based regime impoverished.]

Guess who now controls the oil in the Sirte Basin?

“Daesh's medieval head-cuttings can't hold a candle to the Empire scorned.” They definitely can’t hold a candle to the Empire’s historical barbarism. I don’t see them as the Vandals or as the vessels of Divine Reciprocity, but every blow was the Empire has a culmative effect.

makheru bradley said...

"and you could continue watching the game on the big screen." Pete Carroll's ignorance has caused me to give up the games cold turkey. We'll see if it's permanent.

CNu said...

"tribes of the north atlantic" is a keeper.

makheru bradley said...

Donald Rayfield = relaxed leniency.

[Rayfield informed one deputy that he would cut his head off with an ax and “shove his nose into his brain with his hand,” a report said. Rayfield told deputies he had a 9 mm and would use it on the first person who walked through the door. One deputy saw a hatchet, but no gun. Several additional deputies arrived at the home. Warrants were obtained for Rayfield’s arrest, but after deputies announced they had warrants, he slammed the door shut. Deputies had to force the door open. A deputy deployed a percussion grenade into the home. Rayfield backed away screaming that he had a gun, the report said. Rayfield all of a sudden stopped and raised the hatchet into the air. He was ordered several times to drop the weapon, but he refused. One deputy deployed his Taser twice, but a report said Rayfield had on so many layers of clothing that the Taser had no effect. Another deputy deployed his Taser, but it also had no effect. A third deputy used pepper spray to subdue Rayfield, who complied. He was arrested, but continued to shout obscenities at deputies.]

Janisha Fonville = no leniency

[Kornesha Banks and her infant child were the only other people inside the apartment on Bellefonte Drive when Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department Officer Anthony Holzhauer shot and killed 20-year-old Janisha Fonville. She said she had met the officers outside and warned them that Fonville was unstable. “I told them before they went in the house that she had a knife, but she was not going to hurt them,” Banks said. “She just needed to go to mental health to be evaluated.” She said she followed the officers inside and was standing behind them when Fonville came toward them with the knife. But she said Fonville was still six or seven feet away from the officers when Holzhauer fired two shots, hitting Fonville in the shoulder.]

Uglyblackjohn said...

BD - That's a bunch of crap typed by someone who would be too scurred to ever be in such a situation. I put gun wielding killers out of my club without having to even touch them or raise my voice. I'm not hating on the po-po (I'm good friends with lots of them) but many are not qualified to do the job the are hired to do.
