jayhanson | The economist's political agenda is pretty simple: establish
a global self-regulating economic system. In order to convert economic students into lifelong politicians, they
are programmed via circular argument and "post hoc, ergo propter hoc"
(after-the-fact) reasoning to believe the most flagrant violations of reality. Consider five of the most outrageous.
#1. Economists are trained to
believe that people are "rational utility maximizers" (calculate
decisions according to "Bayes' Theorem"; i.e., Bentham's old
"Felicity Calculus" in a new bottle). Although this belief was common
one hundred years ago, only economists are still taught it: "Neoclassical
economics is based on the premise that models that characterize rational,
optimizing behavior also characterize actual human behavior." (R. Thaler,
1987). This premise was shown to be
false several years ago. [[11]] Thus, the entire modern economic edifice is nothing but junk!
#2. Economists are trained to
believe that "money" has nothing to do with politics and is
simply a medium of exchange. But even
the casual observer can see that money is social power because it
"empowers" people to buy and do the things they want -- including
buying and doing other people: politics. Money is, in a word, "coercion", [[12]]
and "economic efficiency" is correctly seen as a political concept designed to conserve social power for those who have it -- to make the rich,
richer and the poor, poorer.
#3. Economists are trained to
believe that people always "benefit" from free market
transactions. Nobel Prize-winning
economist Milton Friedman explains: "Adam Smith's key insight was that
both parties to an exchange can benefit and that, so long as cooperation is
strictly voluntary, no exchange will take place unless both parties do
benefit." [[13]]
Since economists do not explicitly define
"benefit", one wonders how Friedman could possibly know? In fact, he doesn't. Friedman is brainwashing his students to
further his own personal political agenda. Economic professors like Friedman resort to meaningless, circular
arguments to turn his students into robotic broadcasting devices.
Economists assume people make "rational" [[14]]
decisions but abstain from testing that assumption. Instead of testing, economists invoke "revealed preferences
theory" which states that choices are rational because they are based on
preferences that are known through the choices that are made. [[15]] In other words, meaningless, circular
Economists are trained to believe there are no "limits to
growth". Because they abstract
everything to money, even leading economists like William Nordhaus can't
imagine an economy that is physically limited by energy. The best Nordhaus can do is to model
increasing energy prices:
"The estimate is based on an energy model I constructed
several years ago. To estimate the drag
on economic growth, I calculated the difference between the economic growth
rate with actual energy supplies versus a case in which current (low cost)
fuels were available in infinite quantities. In the first case, energy prices would be rising, while in the second
case of superabundence, relative energy prices would be constant. This study indicated that the
resource-limited case would lower net output in the middle of the next century
by about 10 percent." [[16]]
Although Nordhaus thinks he is modeling "energy",
he is actually modeling "energy prices". There is a big difference! What would have happened if he had modeled declining energy
inputs instead of rising energy prices? We already know the answer to that one:
"In late 1973 the
first OPEC oil shock struck, as oil prices quadrupled and the
general inflation
indexes shot up to 11 percent. More
important, gasoline lines appeared. Waiting in line to buy a basic
commodity like gasoline is something that
no American had ever experienced. Shock
and irritation were high, but those lines were like the first small
attack -- an indication of mortality. Maybe the American economy
was growing old and becoming vulnerable. Maybe the American economic
dream of an ever
rising standard of living was over. Small
may be beautiful, but if that phrase meant a lower standard of
living, then the
average American considered it a nightmare.
"The Nixon-Ford
Administration responded with oil and gas price controls. As a vehicle for holding down prices,
controls were bound to fail. For one
thing, world prices would have to be paid on that part of consumption imported
from abroad; for another, controls make it too easy for oil companies to hold
oil in the ground or not to look for new supplies of oil until prices rose. When controls did fail, the public's feeling
that the federal government and its economists were incapable of managing
anything efficiently was further reinforced.
"What was worse,
economists could pose no solution to the energy problem. Influential professionals,
such as Milton Friedman, predicted that the oil cartel would quickly fall
apart. It didn't. Other economists recommended that prices be
allowed to climb to world levels, but that wasn't a solution to the problem
faced by the average American. Higher
prices would force him to change his life style. He might respond to higher prices with smaller cars and colder
houses as economists predicted, but he liked doing neither and he could vote. No one considered a forced change in life
style a solution.
"Once again, falling back on the principle that
unemployment would produce lower inflation, monetary authorities
tightened the
rate of growth of the money supply in an effort to slow the economy,
unemployment, and push inflation out of the economy. This time the
policies produced a credit crunch. For six months in late 1974 and
early 1975
the GNP fell at the fastest rate ever recorded. Even the rates of
decline in the Great Depression had been less
precipitous -- although of course longer and deeper. Anxieties
quickly shifted from an unacceptable inflation rate to
an unacceptable unemployment rate, and the term 'stagflation' was
"Stagflation was
both a term and an indictment, since economists had taught that the phenomena
-- slow growth, rising unemployment, and rising inflation -- could not all
exist at the same time. Yet they
did." [[17]]
#5. Economists are trained to
believe that we will never "run out" of a commodity. This is
because as prices increase, we will
use less-and-less of it, but there will always be some available at
some finite
price. Practically every economics
textbook teaches this. But every
economics textbook is wrong because "energy" is fundamentally
different from every other commodity. There is no substitute for
energy. Energy is the prerequisite for all other commodities, so if we
out" of energy, we will "run out" of everything else too.
By definition, energy "sources" must produce more
energy than they consume, otherwise they are called "sinks". By definition, energy sources have "run
out" when they consume more energy than they produce. This universal energy law holds no matter
how high the money price of energy goes. Economists completely overlook this basic energy law and have misled
government regulators all over the world.
lol ... daddy is an economist but i'm here to tell you this is true facts
I have a printer hooked up to the computer in my room. My daughter has a computer in her room and no printer. How can she do her homework on her computer, but have it print out on the printer in my room? Do I need the internet on one computer or both? Maybe not at all?.
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