Wednesday, March 21, 2012

good thing he ain't have no skittles and iced tea...,

abcnews | Russell’s 30-minute documentary has racked up more than 83 million views on YouTube in two weeks. Supporters signed an online pledge through Invisible Children, a charity co-founded by Russell, to bring Kony to justice. But critics say the film oversimplifies a complex problem and promotes “slacktivism,” action that does little to fix the problem.

“He got a lot of criticism for this, and he may not be as internally resilient as someone needs to be to weather a storm of criticism like that,” said Alan Hilfer, chief psychologist at Maimonides Medical Center in New York City. “It might have been such a tremendous injury to his ego that he just sort of fell apart.”

Hilfer has not seen Russell, nor does he know his medical history. But he said worry and self doubt can lead to sleep problems and poor self-care, which can trigger irrational behavior such as Russell’s.

“Sometimes we see this in response to people not taking good care of themselves when they’re under great deal of stress and pressure,” Hilfer said. “They become overwhelmed and anxious and it interferes with their ability to sleep. Without treatment, it can cause disorientation and mental confusion.”

Hilfer said severe dehydration can also cause strange behavior.

“Dehydration can absolutely cause all the signs of mental confusion he seemed to be experiencing,” he said, adding that severe dehydration would most likely be brought on by illness, but could also result from poor self-care.

A bad reaction to a medication, possible a prescription sleep aide, might also be to blame, Hilfer said.


Big Don said...

RE:  "Skittles and iced tea"  --  BD would like to see the surveillance video 
and the receipt  from Trayvon's convenience store  (ROTFLMwAO ....) that would be key evidence (one way or the other).   Is the reason you see few [certain types] in Costco is because you can't shoplift a membership...?? 

Tom said...

In reality Costco is one of the few places around here where I do see a diversity of people.

Once you unplug from RealityNet it's easy to find things to get mad about.

Big Don said...

...compared to *Walmart*??  Give BD a break...

CNu said...

We ALL know what the Don is after in Wallyworld...,

Tom said...

I couldn't say, I don't often darken Wal*Mart's door, you ole Kluxer you.   Full of big, big, slow, slow people who forget what they came for and just sort of coast to a stop blocking the aisles.  Not my kind of place.  

Big Don said...

The Perfessor wil speak now - Today's lecture is Efficient Shopping 101:--  Walmart is a great place to shop AS LONG AS YOU GO AT THE RIGHT TIME.  Ours is open 24 hrs/day.  If you get there 6-7 AM, when all the Section8_Parasites, IQ-75 LOOZerz and LowLife StreetScum are sleeping off the previous night's orgy of gang banging, drinking, drugging, over-eating and OOW breeding, *then* you can pretty much have the whole place to yourself,  before all the EBT_Swipers come out of the woodwork --

Big Don said...

Anyhoo, BD would bet you won't find CNu's teenage kids walking/loitering off to the local convenience store at midnite for Skittles.  Such activity has extreme left-edge of  Bell Curve Walmart butt-wiggling behavior written all over it........

makheru bradley said...

The Evil Triplets--Barack Obama, David Cameron, and Nicolas Sarkozy, know how to get away with murder. Bomb a debt-free, sovereign nation with the highest standard of living on its continent. Facilitate the overthrow of its government, and the torturous murder of its leader,  unleashing KKK-clones who kill the Black citizens of that country in the process.

Another way is to make sure that journalists who expose Obama's murder of children remain in jail.
Of the 28 current indictments handed down by the ICC, all of those indicted are/were citizens of Afrikan countries (Wiki). Obviously there are no war criminals in the US, Europe, or Israel which is simply amazing.  

Nothing Personal, It's Just Business....,

▶️ Powerful video here: revealing the deep and dark corruption which has been fueling this disastrous proxy war from the first moment of its...