Video - Wisconsin Koch Bros sockpuppet Scott Walker gets MIC checked in Chicago.
When Wisconsin Governor gave a speech at Chicago's Union League Club the morning of Nov 3rd, he has some unexpected guests: Stand Up! Chicago
liminal perspectives on consensus reality...,
Video - Wisconsin Koch Bros sockpuppet Scott Walker gets MIC checked in Chicago.
November 06, 2011
Labels: micro-insurgencies , People Centric Leadership
I agree this was a good guerrilla insurgency and this is how it should be done, not sitting in a cold New York park with a bunch of corporate music rappers running around trying to sell mix tapes.
Notice how they infiltrated using Whites and the old White people didn't see it coming because were expecting Jessie Jackson Sr who they wouldn't let in the door. Then the old people tried to out volume them by clapping but didn't have the stamina as the guerrillas who kept the offensive going.
One of the most important things they said that I heard and this is really nationwide is how TIF or Tax-Increment-Funds basically allowed corporations to create business on the poor community tab. In addition this TIF was abused by politicians also for their pet projects. Long story short, when someone build a project using TIF, any tax revenue generated by that community is to pay back the TIF and will not go towards public education and public works, making these poor communities suffer even worse.
It shows how karma has come home to Euro-America, and a repeated ritual we go through. Tried of what are blacks doing, we doing. This new generation will define human rights like never before, as they should. With what science and art has done, the knowledge base is exact now then ever before.
c.1300, "nature,
quality," later "possession" (a sense rare before 17c.), from an
Anglo-Fr. modification of O.Fr. propriete (12c., Fr. propreté), from L.
proprietatem (nom. proprietas) "ownership, property, propriety," lit.
"special character" (a loan-translation of Gk. idioma), noun of
quality from proprius "one's own, special" (see proper). Propertied
"holding property" is from 1760. Hot property "sensation, a
success" is from 1958.
To pick out one point, certainly networking across ethnic lines to get jobs done is powerful, and becomes a no-brainer once it's put into practice. These folks may just happen to be the right color for the job, but put some basic respect & lines of communication in place & folks can do a lot more by straddling these divides than by submitting to them.
Remembering our "creation story" for race in North America is that basically the 1% did it to us, to break up our networks.
folks always forgot about Bacon's Rebellion, not to mention the 200 years of the post-colonial pre-Dutch/Anglo history of north america - OWS seems to have galvanized a right proper mix of folks of all persuasions to resist the predations of the 1%. it will be most interesting to see how the lines blur in the wake of the inevitable severe crackdown...,
Yeah, it's all about goals & implementation. I see I slipped into preaching....
Keep right on preaching Tom, as things get tighter and tighter - the gospel of "do the right thing" will need to be routinely reinforced. Foolishness and irrationality are being encouraged as an atmospheric countermeasure to people-centric insurgency - even to the level of open-secret self-satire here:
and here:
They must have paid to be there - did they get to finish their chicken dinner?
They better have. If it's anything like ULC in NYC it's some expensive freaking chicken.
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