Friday, November 11, 2011

warnings to the west..,

Video - Islamization of Paris video (oldie but goodie)

CBN | A hidden camera shows streets blocked by huge crowds of Muslim worshippers and enforced by a private security force.

This is all illegal in France: the public worship, the blocked streets, and the private security. But the police have been ordered not to intervene.

It shows that even though some in the French government want to get tough with Muslims and ban the burqa, other parts of the French government continue to give Islam a privileged status.

An ordinary French citizen who has been watching the Islamization of Paris decided that the world needed to see what was happening to his city. He used a hidden camera to start posting videos on YouTube. His life has been threatened and so he uses the alias of "Maxime Lepante. "

Lepante's View

His camera shows that Muslims "are blocking the streets with barriers. They are praying on the ground. And the inhabitants of this district cannot leave their homes, nor go into their homes during those prayers."

"The Muslims taking over those streets do not have any authorization. They do not go to the police headquarters, so it's completely illegal," he says.

The Muslims in the street have been granted unofficial rights that no Christian group is likely to get under France's Laicite', or secularism law.

"It says people have the right to share any belief they want, any religion," Lepante explained. "But they have to practice at home or in the mosque, synagogues, churches and so on."

Some say Muslims must pray in the street because they need a larger mosque. But Lepante has observed cars coming from other parts of Paris, and he believes it is a weekly display of growing Muslim power.

"They are coming there to show that they can take over some French streets to show that they can conquer a part of the French territory," he said.


Tom said...

"Conquer French territory" is Lou Dobbs talk, frank frothing xenophobia.  Makes me wonder about the rest of this guy's 'reporting.'

CNu said...

Tom, I think you need to set your filter to a wee bit higher granularity. If Muslims started fronting on any American community the way they're shown to be fronting in Paris, there would be a wholesale massacre of folk who had vastly overstayed and overplayed their hand. Considered in the light of the super-colonial brain damage Magnuson attributes to "religious" organization - I'm not convinced that one can accurately term opposition to further observantly religious encroachment as "xenophobic".

Tom said...

CNu, I'm open to those ideas, and I'm curious, if the facts are represented accurately, why some Parisian Muslims would seemingly cry out for a violent clampdown on their own community.  ( Are they swept up in the same idiotic Clash of Civilizations fairytale that we've been selling so hard since the end of the cold war?  Or absolutely oblivious?  Etc.  )

But first I'm questioning what's really taking place on the ground in Paris.  The reporter doesn't make me comfortable that he's just after the facts.

Tom said...

Also, as you say, opposition to further illegal encroachment is one thing; xenophobia is another.  I feel like I see both.

Can Rachel Maddow Be Far Behind?