Tuesday, November 29, 2011

related to the microsychronization of body language hypothesis...,

Video - Paul Eckman talks about the genuine smile.

BBCNews | Researchers say people can spot whether a complete stranger has a certain "social gene" in just 20 seconds.

Two variants of the "oxytocin receptor gene" have been linked with social traits.

People judging the empathy of strangers - by studying the way they listened to people - predicted the genetic variant, a University of Toronto study showed.

The hormone oxytocin has a role in birth, production of milk and bonding between mother and baby.

It also seems to have a role in social skills and has variously been called the "love" or "cuddle" chemical.

Two variants of the oxytocin receptor gene - termed G and A - have been linked to social behaviour.

Studies have shown that people with two copies of G, compared with one of each or two of A, are at lower risk of autism and report higher levels of empathy, positive emotions and said they were more social.
Silent movie

Twenty three couples were filmed for the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences study. One described a moment of personal suffering while their partner listened.

Strangers then watched a 20 second silent recording of the exchange and scored the listener for their "prosocial traits", such as a caring nature or empathy.

GG people were found to be more prosocial than AG or AA people.

In the top 10 most trusted people, six were GG. In the 10 least trusted people, nine had at least one copy of A.

One of the researchers, Dr Aleksandr Kogan from the University of Toronto, said: "Our findings suggest even slight genetic variation may have tangible impact on people's behaviour, and that these behavioural differences are quickly noticed by others.

"Our study asked the question of whether these differences manifest themselves in behaviours that are quickly detectable by strangers, and it turns out they did."

Prof Sarina Rodrigues Saturn, from Oregon State University, said: "It was amazing to see how the data aligned so strongly by genotype.

"It makes sense that a gene crucial for social processing would yield these findings; other studies have shown that people are good at judging people at a distance and first impressions really make an impact." Fist tap Dale.


Uglyblackjohn said...

Are the elderly and children better at picking out someone who is more genuine?
I've seen people scare little children even while they are smiling and trying to be nice.

CNu said...

children and schizophrenics for sure..., and I suspect people in "animistic" cultures which I argue select for members on the spectrum we term "schizophrenic" 

Dale Asberry said...

Although interesting, I'm not sure that is a valid conclusion to be drawn from this. The website that led me to this link has found other evidence that suggests that prosocial people tend to be easy targets for psychopaths. I would make the connection that psychopaths are then able to manipulate these prosocial individuals through microsynchronization.

Eckman made three groundbreaking discoveries: first, that micromovements are universal to all humans regardless of culture; secondly, that  micromovements unfailingly indicate internal emotional states; and thirdly, that deliberate manipulation of micromovements will evoke the related internal state. The problem with psychopaths is that these connections are broken -- they can make all the right micromovements and their internal state will not change.

CNu said...

^^^psychopaths or sociopaths?

Eckman has identified and documented an objective, human OS-level communication protocol. Speaking of objective OS-level protocols, I haven't forgotten the synchronous drumming article and place it in the "what is music?" category of further inquiry.

Have you come across any linkage between microsync and hypnosis? Either the talent/skill for inducing dissociated states in others, or, susceptibility to such induction?

Of course, the role of music and particularly rhythmic drumming in inducing dissociative states is well established, again, particularly among those cultures whose beliefs and practices we might term "animistic".

Dale Asberry said...

^^^psychopaths or sociopaths?
According to those studying such things, those terms are synonyms with 'sociopath' being the deprecated terminology.

Eckman is a subrealist extraordinaire! His work has allowed me to connect better with neurotypicals through deliberate awareness.

I've not found any connections between microsync and hypnosis. I'm not sure that protocol would be involved as the hypnotizee usually closes their eyes. I intuitively see that sync-drumming and music are absolutely a protocol behind inducing dissociative states.

Dale Asberry said...

^^^psychopaths or sociopaths?
The distinction used to be that psychopaths were violent/murderous and sociopaths were not. They've since found that the distinction is moot as previously labeled sociopaths simply weren't caught. The most significant factor being that sociopaths came from higher socioeconomic status households. Now doesn't this all have a ring of familiarity?

CNu said...

This morning's round of dot-connecting was exceptionally profitable and merits pursuit in-depth.

1. Given a universal (species specific?) parasympathetic communication protocol of microexpression, which works both ways (i.e., expressing and inducing emotional states)

2. Given the use to which music is put (expressing and inducing emotional states)

3. Given the role of dance (musically/rhythmically structured movement) in communication and inducing dissociated states of awareness

(dissociated = right-brain, pre-linguistic, bi-cameral)

 www.ouspensky.info/movements/objectiveart.docjes sayyin...,

Val said...

So can a GG person suffer from Social Anxiety Disorder? And if so then wouldn't it be possible for a GG person , suffering from Social Anxiety Disorder, to appear less empathetic while being extremely  empathetic?

CNu said...

Paxil and the other anti-anxiety meds work as mild serotonic reuptake inhibitors. I don't see any linkage between that condition and these purported genetic linkages, and I think the gene-spotting premise is profound over-reach and hyperbole...,

nanakwame said...

http://www.livescience.com/14343-amazing-brainy-baby-abilities.htmlDo you dance?

nanakwame said...


CNu said...

Like Zatoichi...,

CNu said...

and small children gravitate to me like I was the pied piper

nanakwame said...

You make associations as I said before that are not Scientific proven. All the errors of the brain was there from getty - up. And letting go of fix associations of one's brain, and constant recursions has proven to be great healers, with Dance being a natural modulate. There are times when folks are so rigid they have to be brought to a baby level and feel comfortable being a fool for a short time. Yes Zen says, the free person is he who can seem like a fool among the crowd

Dale Asberry said...

Same thing here too... up to about age 6 or 7. Sometimes I see babies staring at me with their eyes wide open, unblinking, mouth open -- they're absolutely fascinated with me. And it's not just the bald head, they were like that before I shaved my head. With me being big and muscular, sometimes they'll hang back and after watching me a bit, they'll dive right in and engage me. Had wife's-cousin's-wife's-daughter do that this Thanksgiving. Was hiding behind mom most of the afternoon and out of the blue while I was watching football came over and started chatting me up like she knew me her whole life. Go figure.

nanakwame said...

Every act of conscious learning requires the willingness to suffer an injury to one's self-esteem. That is why young children, before they are aware of their own self-importance, learn so easily...Formerly, when religion was strong and science weak, men mistook magic for medicine; now, when science is strong and religion weak, men mistake medicine for magic...He who does not accept and respect those who want to reject life does not truly accept and respect life itself.
Thomas Szasz

nanakwame said...

are the successors of "soul doctors", priests who dealt and deal with
the spiritual conundrums, dilemmas, and vexations — the "problems in
living" — that have troubled people forever.
Doubt is to certainty as neurosis is to psychosis. The neurotic is in doubt and has fears about persons and things; the psychotic has convictions and makes claims about them. In short, the neurotic has problems, the psychotic has solutions.Thomas Szasz

CNu said...

Here's my take, sometimes they have to read you and second-guess themselves because they're accustomed to the broken machinic outputs coming from most adults.  However, once they verify the protocol handshake, and that your outputs - micro and otherwise - accord with an awareness more in essence than in personality (right hemisphere/objective protocol vs. left hemisphere acquired language based mask) then they chalk you up as being a larger version of themselves, hence intrinsically manageable on terms they're familiar with.

suffer the children to come unto me...,

CNu said...

You make associations as I said before that are not Scientific proven


I am, however, deeply versed in a science (or three) unfamiliar to the mainstream - one of whose fundamental admonitions is to "verify everything" another of which is "make your religion more materialistic than materialism".

CNu said...

Thank goodness for Gurdjieff and those who taught him and who had forgotten more than the allopathic psychiatrists have yet to learn.

Do you know off hand if Szasz was/is an accomplished hypnotist or whether he confined his methods and his criticism to the science with which he is familiar?

CNu said...

Every act of conscious learning requires the willingness to suffer an injury to one's self-esteem.

Why do people write ridiculous stuff like this? Full of sound and furry and signifying nonsense....,

CNu said...

Why do mugs uncritically repeat such nonsense as if they'd said something truthy and meaningful?

nanakwame said...

Never. - really my friend - The ethos problem of our nation.
If you don't know Szasz - you have missed a good debate in the field. More scientific than Sufi Gurdjieff
The thinkers of the 1800's were correct to make changes you critique religious thought first. Even the dogma of the Catholic Church has changed. You must of grown up with a lot of white boys. I know from experience.

can be so amusingly arrogant as a young man who has just discovered an old idea
and thinks it is his own.

J. Harris

CNu said...

"Sufi"Gurdjieff,  rotflmbao...,

The main problems are suggestibility and wiseacring. The former because it diminishes both individual and collective capacity for exacting discrimination, and the latter, because too many folk while away the livelong day talking about subjects about which they know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

yet these same folk, lying to themselves and lying to any others who will suggestibly hear them - insist on being taken seriously as though their indiscriminate emanations were of any greater importance than what is to be had from pigs wrangling over oranges...,

nanakwame said...

Lost me, sorry Doc, I have learned that many just don't know and have a good way of attempting to fake it. Even those who say they are College Graduates. Learn a good word yesterday
Sesquipedalian - long;
characterized by the use of long words.
And to me some of your Apocalypse theories are complicit with this, not that I DON"T believe in some of the presumptions.
If one knows the history of Armenia, and the finding of the Gnome e.g. Euro/Asiatic, one can't deny a collaboration to use your word, of the two. It really sadden me that you attack it as if you wish, like a neurotic, to wash away something, to prove what? That Sufi is beneath your cherish Gurdjieff
Just one site quickly mined for you, would you like me to list it.

nanakwame said...

btw some of the most brilliant men had their quirks - No?

Can Rachel Maddow Be Far Behind?