Friday, March 18, 2011

global quake risk map

Fist tap Nana.


nanakwame said...

We now are witnessing what John of Revelation saw, yet, we are of a different consciousness, a sector. Could imagine the sermons coming up – Lent too

CNu said...

Really - what are some of the parallels that prompt you to say so?

nanakwame said...

Random Thought I am having and studying why Apocalypse” lifting of the veil” school of thought even begot with humans. Like your dead pan sureness, since we meet. Not that there aren’t any truths, is how we glean what is in front of us as conscious human being that is so interesting. I am known to have very few fears, since I was young.

Temple3 said...

Africa is looking GOOD.

CNu said...

Between that and its across the board ecological creditor status;

The global lebensraum krews gotta be eyeballing it like a fat men looking at a buffet....,

Big Don said...

Disease, Despots, Disorder, Dysgenics and Spearchuckers with AK-47's...good luck!!

CNu said...

Big Don and his ilk!


Big Don said...

Obamalypse Now...!!
Watch the market openings on Monday...

nanakwame said...

You show your myopic view - the stock exchange has gone up worldwide, especially since POTUS Obama is putting in place a military SOP that was drawn up before your cousin Bush wanted to win one for Christianity and Paternalism. The rich folks are making good money; the problem is that we can’t maintain the world on an old capitalist paradigm that was started from the 1500 and kept in effect by 19th Century Politics and duality memes. There are some rich who are conscious and are debating this openly. The stock exchange has nothing to do with the health of the market in the long run.
We are actually a flatland (not Freidman’s take) created by this and laid out here well by Doc Cnu, and shown by, the Japanese and Haiti difficulties and more to come. Which means that the idea that we are one species with different tones and rhythms better be understood or you will be considered a zombie by the spawns now taking place.

CNu said...

Speaking of those spawns now taking place; Among Nation’s Youngest, Analysis Finds Fewer Whites
Whites continued to decline as a share of the American population in 2009, and they now represent less than half of all 3-year-olds, according to a Brookings Institution analysis of census data released Monday.

The country’s young population is more diverse than ever, with whites now in the minority in nursery schools, preschools and kindergartens in eight states — Arizona, California, Florida, Hawaii, Mississippi, Nevada, New Mexico and Texas — and the District of Columbia, according to William H. Frey, a demographer at Brookings. That was up from six states in 2000.

nanakwame said...

bingo, so we must deal with a brown planet, kicking and crying so be it

Tom said...

This is no big deal. My own demographic needs to just get over it and carpool.

Temple3 said...

Ben Wattenburg continues to be relevant.

CNu said...

Frankly Tom, I wouldn't associate that baggage with your demographic. I think the decision on what happens next is being made at the highest echelon and I don't think there's anything remotely approaching a consensus.

There may be alternative response strategies not considered in that write-up, but my personal favorite the cuba libre does not seem to be on the menu of elite-palatable options, leastwise, not at this time.

CNu said...

Help me out here brah..., a guiding link or summin?

nanakwame said...
Ben Wattenburg on the Browning of America - around the 1980's I found this one, did not finish reading it. He also points to over-population of darker people, will hurt democracy

CNu said...

Thanks Nana.

Will "hurt" democracy eh? Sounds consistent with Part 5. of the Global Energy Crunch paper on top this morning;

Surely Wattenburg wasn't incorporating this into his prognosis.

Tom said...

Nice article, CNu. Cuba has been there & survived. News we can use.

CNu said...

What percentage of localities would you estimate capable of implementing the communitarian Cuban model?

Personally, I think we fall somewhere between the predatory militarist and totalitarian elite maintenance scenarios.

Tom said...

Maybe not many. I agree about where we are now. Still, having a model that can save everyone in a lifeboat scenario is better than just assuming we can't possibly save everyone.