Friday, March 14, 2014
why ukraine matters to many other nations
By CNu at March 14, 2014 0 comments
Labels: The Great Game
Thursday, March 13, 2014
yawning is a form of jaw dropping too?
By CNu at March 13, 2014 0 comments
Labels: Ass Clownery
double-0 knew the sissy pit was bout to get hit and didn't give a sh**....,
By CNu at March 13, 2014 1 comments
Labels: Obamamandian Imperative , What IT DO Shawty...
nsa's industrial-scale botnet strategery..,
By CNu at March 13, 2014 0 comments
Labels: Ass Clownery , you used to be the man
AI poses extinction risk to humanity?
By CNu at March 13, 2014 0 comments
Labels: Ass Clownery , not gonna happen...
a glow in the dark
By CNu at March 13, 2014 0 comments
Labels: cull-tech , industrial ecosystems
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
vis-a-vis ukraine: tribalizing and digesting formerly multiethnic sovereign states is our standard operating procedure
By CNu at March 12, 2014 8 comments
Labels: 2parties1ideology , Living Memory , predatory militarism , The Great Game , What IT DO Shawty...
sissy pit pretends a hissy fit, but who is calling the tune?
By CNu at March 12, 2014 0 comments
Labels: disinformation , kayfabe , play-at-your-level
what's leaking at the waste isolation pilot program?
By CNu at March 12, 2014 0 comments
Labels: unspeakable
major radiation release in carlsbad n.m.?
Our source informed us that at Station A (prior to HEPA filtration) that the small amount of air which is being sampled returned a reading of several hundred DPM's; and that the POST HEPA FILTERED AIR was reading approximately 20 DPM's.
WIPP planning documents indicated that their ventilation system has 3 fans, which which add up to at total ventilation capacity of 20,000 Cubic Meters of Air per minute. The ventilation system has 4 circuits. It is unclear which circuits are running, or at what rates. It is also unclear if there are even higher concentrated released going out of the other shafts at the plant. But given the information available, the wise risk mitigation based measurement for current releases is 400,000 DPM's every single minute.
It is also important to note that the sampling filters are tiny in comparison to the over all airflow, only a small subset of air is measured. The photos of the Station A sensors/ filters show a pipe roughly 1/2 inch in diameter as the air sample source. The actual exhaust pipe is tall enough for a person to walk in. The plant also has 4 ventilation zones, it is unclear which zones are currently being ventilated. Hence 400K DPM per minute is the MINIMUM Radiation release number on which a wise person would base risk mitigation decisions.
During the first 30 seconds of the disaster before HEPA filtration started, we calculate that a Plutonium + Americium cloud of 6.6 BILLION DPM's (110,000,000 Becquerels) passed by a radiation monitor 1/2 a mile North West of the Plant.
Those numbers do involve assumptions forced upon us by DOE and CERMC because they don't release the full context of the their detections (they prefer to use Bananas as a basis of radiation exposure). Our numbers are based on conservatively risk mitigating public health exposure, with context derived from WIPP data gleaned from the EPA permitting documents.
In that regard, understand that when WIPP and CERMC release this data in a few days, you can expect AT BEST they will only mention 20 DPM being measured. Don't expect them to deliver the truthful context of what that means, nor should you expect them to release the RAW DATA and info to check their calculation. It is of utmost importance to them that they control the narrative of what is happening at WIPP.
By CNu at March 12, 2014 0 comments
Labels: unspeakable
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
are you just soft machines?
“Pig valves.” Rabbit tries to hide his revulsion. “Was it terrible? They split your chest open and ran your blood through a machine?”
“Piece of cake. You’re knocked out cold. What’s wrong with running your blood through a machine? What else you think you are, champ?”
A God-made one-of-a-kind with an immortal soul breathed in. A vehicle of grace. A battlefield of good and evil. An apprentice angel …
“You’re just a soft machine,” Charlie maintains.
By CNu at March 11, 2014 12 comments
Labels: essence , scientific mystery , subrealist oeuvre...
body-image pressure "infecting" boys minds too...,
By CNu at March 11, 2014 0 comments
Labels: Cathedral
anything called a "multi-dimensional classroom experience" is a load of crap
By CNu at March 11, 2014 0 comments
Labels: Cathedral
crimea's case for leaving ukraine
By CNu at March 11, 2014 0 comments
Labels: The Great Game
Monday, March 10, 2014
the professorial president and the small strutting hard man
By CNu at March 10, 2014 1 comments
Labels: presstitution , The Great Game , What IT DO Shawty...
in the lawyers vs. warriors struggle, I'ma bet on the warriors....,
By CNu at March 10, 2014 0 comments
Valodya role-ing like a BOSS!!!
By CNu at March 10, 2014 0 comments
Labels: The Great Game
Sunday, March 09, 2014
blustering bankster beehotches be wyhlin....,
By CNu at March 09, 2014 3 comments
Labels: banksterism , debt slavery , predatory militarism
war devolving back to its killer-ape roots...,
A reason for the Talibanisation is that only Islam appears capable of mobilising people prepared to fight to the death. This is important because wars are determined not by the number of people supporting a cause, but by the number prepared to die for it. Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, national causes were often led by communists, who might begin as a small minority, as they did in the Spanish Civil War, but rapidly expanded because of their organisation and fanatical commitment.
In the Middle East, there is a failing common to beleaguered regimes and their secular opponents that weakens them both. The old nationalist rulers of Egypt, Syria, Libya and Iraq from Nasser on justified their monopoly of political and economic power by claiming that only thus could they make national self-determination a reality. In the early stages they had their successes: Nasser triumphed over Britain and France in the Suez crisis in 1956; Gaddafi took over and raised the price of Libya’s oil in 1973, and Hafez al-Assad successfully confronted Israel in Lebanon in the 1970s and 1980s. By 2011, however, these governments had turned into self-serving cliques whose nationalist slogans were long discredited and whose corruption delegitimised the nation state.
The mistake of civic activists and non-sectarian revolutionaries in 2011 was not to see that emphasis on human and civil rights did not mean much unless a strong nation state could be regenerated. Nationalism may be out of fashion, but without it gluing society together, the alternative is sectarianism, tribalism and foreign domination. As paymasters, the Sunni oil states of the Gulf set the agenda and it is a deeply reactionary one. It is hypocritical and absurd for Western powers to pretend that they are seeking to build secular democracies in alliance with theocratic absolute monarchies in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf.
The future does not look bright. Once sectarian furies are released they become next to impossible to contain. For all the turmoil in Turkey, it is more of a complete nation state than elsewhere in the region. But then that is partly because a fifth of the Turkish population was Christian in 1914 and, following the Armenian massacres and the expulsion or exchange of the Greeks, the proportion fell to about 1 per cent 10 years later.
People ask why the revolutions in Eastern Europe at the time of the fall of communism were so much less violent than in the Middle East. A less than comforting answer is that the East European minorities had been murdered, expelled or forced to flee during or shortly after the Second World War. The same fate could be waiting for the minorities of Syria.
By CNu at March 09, 2014 0 comments
Labels: neofeudalism , peasants
valodya shows admirable restraint in the blood vs. money conflict on his back porch....,
Before anything approaching stability and legitimacy has been obtained for the puppet government put in power by the Washington orchestrated coup against the legitimate, elected Ukraine government, the Western looters are already at work. Naive protesters who believed the propaganda that EU membership offered a better life are due to lose half of their pension by April. But this is only the beginning.
The corrupt Western media describes loans as “aid.” However, the 11 billion euros that the EU is offering Kiev is not aid. It is a loan. Moreover, it comes with many strings, including Kiev’s acceptance of an IMF austerity plan.
Remember now, gullible Ukrainians participated in the protests that were used to overthrow their elected government, because they believed the lies told to them by Washington-financed NGOs that once they joined the EU they would have streets paved with gold. Instead they are getting cuts in their pensions and an IMF austerity plan.
The austerity plan will cut social services, funds for education, layoff government workers, devalue the currency, thus raising the prices of imports which include Russian gas, thus electricity, and open Ukrainian assets to takeover by Western corporations.
Ukraine’s agriculture lands will pass into the hands of American agribusiness.
One part of the Washington/EU plan for Ukraine, or that part of Ukraine that doesn’t defect to Russia, has succeeded. What remains of the country will be thoroughly looted by the West.
The other part hasn’t worked as well. Washington’s Ukrainian stooges lost control of the protests to organized and armed ultra-nationalists. These groups, whose roots go back to those who fought for Hitler during World War 2, engaged in words and deeds that sent southern and eastern Ukraine clamoring to be returned to Russia where they resided prior to the 1950s when the Soviet communist party stuck them into Ukraine.
By CNu at March 09, 2014 0 comments
Labels: banksterism , predatory militarism , What IT DO Shawty...
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