Thursday, April 14, 2022

US/NATO Command And Control Of UkroNazis Fitna Get Caught Or Killed...,

thesaker  |  American Secretary of Defense Lloyd addresses Ukrainian troops:

This comes on the heels of new revelations of how deeply embedded U.S. and NATO command structures (and troops) are in Ukraine. A French journalist here describes what he saw in his time in Ukraine: (video with translations)

In short, he says he was shocked to see American generals running the entire show on the ground, and he says the names of them will be revealed in his new exposé in the French Figaro newspaper this week.

This is further proof that this conflict is truly NATO vs. Russia, and NATO is losing badly.

Another report states: “the United States is moving its advanced headquarters units to the western borders of Ukraine. In particular, the 5th Corps is being relocated. This suggests that it is not the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine that controls military operations, but NATO officers. And we are at war not with some puppet regime in Kiev, but with the collective West.”

Of course as things progress towards a potential showdown, we continue to hear how badly unprepared NATO really is:

But a new 8 mile convoy of Russian reinforcements is heading towards the northern front:

And other videos pour in of the long lines of Russian reinforcements in preparation for Phase 2


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