Thursday, August 05, 2021

Vaccine Effectiveness - The Israeli Data Is Ominous At This Time

“Vaccine efficacy and vaccine effectiveness measure the proportionate reduction in cases among vaccinated persons. Vaccine efficacy is used when a study is carried out under ideal conditions, for example, during a clinical trial. Vaccine effectiveness is used when a study is carried out under typical field (that is, less than perfectly controlled) conditions.” according to the CDC.

With our warped medical leaders, politicians, pharma-profiteers and big media now feeding us “Delta Variant” swill as if we were caged pigs, a few things may be of use to better frame our perspectives and understandings on this, —the latest CDC etc. Narrative Operation.
Israel is now reporting Vaccine Effectiveness for covid shots at 39%-40%.
Haaretz, quoting Israel’s director of public health services, Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, has her stating [dateline Aug. 1, 2021]: “Previously we thought that fully vaccinated individuals are protected, but we now see that vaccine effectiveness is roughly 40 percent.”
Alroy-Preis stated fully half, or 50% of the current infections in Israel are among those fully vaccinated.
And she told Haaretz: “we see a drop in the vaccine effectiveness against disease for those who have been vaccinated early on, and we see it for both elderly people over the age of 60 but also for the younger.”
This means that the claimed ~40% VE is in fact going down as she speaks.
What will the actual VE end up being?
During a March 2021 interview with France 24, Alroy-Preis said 80 percent in that country eligible were already vaccinated against Covid-19 — claiming: “You can get to a point in this pandemic where you open sectors and the disease goes down.”
Her March claims, along with her credibility have gone up in smoke as the Zionist Entity begins more draconian lockdowns etc. in a matter of days.
And we also have more fantasy, masquerading as science from New England Journal of Medicine, dateline July 21, 2021.
This NEJM work on behalf of big pharma — and not on our behalf at all — has been recently used to create the illusion that covax VE can do what has never been, regarding influenza vax’.
“With the BNT162b2 vaccine, the effectiveness of two doses was 93.7%” NEJM says, and also states: “88.0% (95% CI, 85.3 to 90.1) among those with the delta variant.”
This is hyped at top of this paper, in third paragraph under results.
Fourth paragraph: “This finding would support efforts to maximize vaccine uptake with two doses among vulnerable populations. (Funded by Public Health England.)”
Way down,
27th paragraph: “The numbers of cases and follow-up periods are currently insufficient for the estimation of vaccine effectiveness against severe disease, including hospitalization and death.”
Here is the NEJM, publishing a paper titled, “Effectiveness of Covid-19 Vaccines against the B.1.617.2 (Delta) Variant” — and none of the 12 authors, plus “et al.” — none of them had the skill set to recognize they are violating the VE definition!
“Vaccine efficacy/effectiveness (VE) is measured by calculating the risk of disease among vaccinated and unvaccinated persons and determining the percentage reduction in risk of disease among vaccinated persons relative to unvaccinated persons.”
VE includes measuring against disease — whether mild, moderate, severe, and deadly.
And this, published in NEJM!?!
Be that as it may, prior to March 2020, it was widely accepted: that 40% VE was “OK” for the CDC — even as they for decades claimed they wanted at least 90%.
When the drug pushers claimed with zero evidence in November, in concordance with the Emergency Use Authorizations for Moderna and Pfizer, they were claiming the impossible, at least, what has always been impossible: any VE better than 50% for influenza vaccination’.
It was ON PURPOSE the medical charlatans and vaccine fanatics in charge of this criminal operation pretended not to know the obvious about VE.
These false expectations of 90% and higher for covid shots — the “experts” all knew all along this was myth, a fairy tale — their science fiction posing as scientific knowledge. . . and the false expectations they created obviously totally inappropriate: and now they are stuck in their own contradictions. [But they got their EUA, and got to pillage the lands far and wide with their experimental poison, now appearing to be creating potential catastrophe. As we will see below, this is exactly what the CDC is now saying; however, they are not stating this obviousness in a rational and coherent manner. Rather, in a way that in effect blames us for it. But what else is new?]
The gaslighting continues.
This CDC graph shows last 11 years of VE: 43% average VE, for influenza.
And depending on the type of flu — it was completely worthless during 2018/2019 flu season for those aged 9 – 49 years old: EV = 3%, for H3N2, that season.
The 40% VE rate [and dropping] that Israel is now reporting would have been considered normal — unacceptable, yes; normal, also yes.
Googling “Vaccine Effectiveness” and covid VE, you won’t find anything, in US, on this essential matter — though our dear CDC Director Rochelle Walensky is ‘weighing in’:
“The largest concern that I think we in public health and sciences are worried about is that virus and potential mutations. . . the potential to evade our vaccine in terms of how it protects us from severe disease and death,” Walensky said last week.
“Right now, fortunately, we are not there. These vaccines operate really well in protecting us from severe disease and death,” she said. “But the big concern is the next area that might emerge, just a few mutations potentially away, could potentially evade our vaccines,” the CDC director said.
In other words: VE = 0 . . . . Zero vaccine effectiveness. 
This is the kernel of the on-purpose-created mass confusion, of which Walensky is directly complicit.
Vaccines unable to prevent disease spread are worthless.
As Dr. Meryl Nass, MD, put it: “This is called community spread, and when you cannot identify where the virus was picked up, and you refuse to treat contacts with effective post-exposure drugs, then Track and Trace is simply an expensive, bad joke.”
And worse, the CDC director is trying to pretend she and her agency don’t know where the spread is originating!
“In an unvaccinated person, the virus does not encounter the same evolutionary pressure to mutate into something stronger. So, if SARS-CoV-2 does end up mutating into more lethal strains, then mass vaccination is the most likely driver,” he said.
To sum up, what the science fiction likes of Walensky et al. are trying to obscure is that the overall VE for covid shots may end up being as bad as the 2018/2019 influenza season.
Overall VE is how the CDC has always reported VE; and they would also break that down to subset by the different influenza strains and clades as need be.
“Delta” is part of the “novel” corona subset. We’ll see what the data says — someday.


Can Rachel Maddow Be Far Behind?