Sunday, August 27, 2023

Cracks Me Up With "Physics Not My Day Job - I Worked Too Hard Putting Beans On The Table"  |  The proposed Dynamic Theory adopts generalizations of the three classical thermodynamic laws and is shown to produce a unique unifying effect by displaying that the fundamental principles of Newtonian and relativistic mechanics, Einsteins General Theory, Maxwells electromagnetism, thermodynamics, and quantum effects occur as special cases. This not only reduces the number of fundamental assumptions but presents a new view of the interrelationship of the different branches of physics. The basic overview is that he claims mass density is a fifth dimension and that he uses the laws of thermodynamics to derive the equations of different branches of physics such as relativity and quantum mechanics.

Williams is discussing why he believes his approach of deriving the equations of the branches of physics from the same set of assumptions makes more sense than trying to stitch together the equations from different branches as almost everyone else attempts to do. In my opinion, he is absolutely correct. Of course it’s always possible he may simply have found a clever mathematical trick. This is why it’s important to look into new predictions made by this theory and to test them. This theory does in fact make some new predictions that are testable.

Some of the predictions and implications from this theory may be controversial, but I implore you to take it very seriously. Williams was an applauded physicist by his peers and of high credentials. Some of his peers were proponents of his theory as well. He was literally in charge of nuclear safety for the United States stockpile of nuclear weapons. He was considered knowledgable enough to be entrusted with overseeing the safety of our nuclear weapons, so I hope you would consider his theory worthy of review. There’s hardly a more serious and difficult responsibility I can think of having. Williams was allowed to spend half of his time working on his theory at LANL, so when he wasn’t overseeing the nuclear weapons and studying explosive shock physics he was working on his 5 dimensional theory.



When the spin axes of two deuterium nuclei are aligned we may calculate the fusion barrier by solving the six-body problem that involves the four protons and two electrons of the two deuterium nuclei. The non-singular, repulsive forces between the protons are reduced significantly when the seperation of the protons approach nuclear seperations. Also the repulsive force between the two electrons is reduced when their separations reach the sub-nuclear separations achieved within the helium nucleus. This reduction in the repulsive forces between protons and between the electrons allows the very strong remaining attractive force the protons have for the electrons to reduce the fusion barrier tremendously when compared with the standard nuclear model. The standard nuclear model requires the energy required for fusion to overcome the repulsive force of the Coulombic force between the protons and, therefore, the fusion barrier is expected to be much, much higher than the non-singular forces require.
Further, it is the trick of aligning the spin axes of the two deuterium nuclei that establishes this greatly reduced fusion barrier. If the two deuterium nuclei approach each other with their spin axes in any other orientation with respect to each other the fusion barrier increases to the fusion barrier of the standard model or greater. It is this alignment of the spin axes of the deuterium together with the non-singular forces which cause the significant reduction in the fusion barrier that is new.

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I felt is was important to use Williams’ own words for the nuclear section of his theory because he is a nuclear physicist with the proverbial keys to the kingdom. To be very clear he is predicting that hydrogen to helium fusion can take place at far lower energies than the standard model predicts if you align the spin axes of the nuclei. I covered earlier how he spoke of this prediction during his interview with APEC as well as on The Space Show and even claimed his theory was being tested by an unnamed group at that time. I also shared that Williams patented a device for this reaction, but unfortunately passed away not long after.

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There is a common theme in all "alternative physics" inspired by electromagenetism and thermodynamics: extra dimensions. 

Had Heaviside not neutered Maxwell's equations and campaigned against the quaterionic formulation so he could sell telegraph wire, we might be living in a radically different time.

The Dynamic Theory is a very interesting idea for those with some knowledge of modern thermodynamics. I appreciate the differential forms-style approach and find it very interesting to draw parallels between the dynamic theory and Leonard Susskind's current work on complexity. In his book, he essentially sets up a framework where our Universe is a 5d hypersurface in a 6d space. He uses general mathematical devices to generalize the (differential) equations of thermodynamics and an argument of Weyl called the "scale factor" to apply the generalization in different regimes.

It's cool stuff, but if you don't have a working knowledge of general relativity and familiarity with the mechanisms of differential geometry, it's just another pile of words that happened when someone got inspired by the foundations of physics. However, as I said, there is a common thread that runs through many alternative theories and it can be traced back to Heaviside eliminating portions of Maxwell's equations so that he could sell telegraph wire. All these extra dimensions that we seem to be surprised by now have their surprising root there.

Anyone reading this that wants a starting place for understanding Williams' book, look here:



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