Thursday, February 17, 2022

Has Justin Trudeau's Over Reach Triggered A Run On Canadian Banks?

dcweekly  |  Now tonight reports coming on of Canada show that there is something going on with the banks.

What the hell is happening to Canada’s banks right now?

This ‘run’ may be related to the state’s actions according to some guesses.

Bank run starting . If you threaten to take people’s money a lot of them get worried and take their money out. Banks don’t like seeing a lot of money go out, so they ‘go down’ to stop the run. Only <2% of the money is paper and coins, the rest is just digits on a screen.

RBC reported that things should be ok by now.

I got the same response. I was hung up on when I tried to call customer service.

— itsmace_ (@ThizzWashington) February 16, 2022

We really don’t know what was the cause or what is really going on at this time. 

Fist tap Dale.


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