theconservativetreehouse | The reaction from CNN to news that U.S.
Attorney John Durham is now conducting a criminal investigation is
actually quite funny when contrast against their positions in 2017 and
2018. Jeffrey Toobin doesn’t have any idea about the background of
Joseph Mifsud, and his narration is a jumbled mess of dissonance:
“clearly no evidence” he proclaims.
When Weissman and Mueller were traveling
the world to investigate Trump-Russia it was an example of prudent and
thorough investigative approaches. However, Durham and Barr doing the
same thing is an example of the most horrific investigation imaginable.
When Mueller sent a subpoena it held a seriousness that could not be
ignored; however, if Durham sends a subpoena, everyone can just
shrug-it-off and “take the fifth”.
Accordingly, Weissmann & Mueller
opened investigations, the targets were automatically guilty and should
be alarmed. However, when Durham & Barr open investigations, it
means nothing to the targets and not even the possibility of guilt.
Meanwhile, former ODNI James Clapper’s muttering responses are, well,
also quite humorous.
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