alasbabylon | The televisions, radios, and computer screens around the world went
briefly blank, then a news commentator appeared on television and
somehow through the magic tricks of government agencies, the same
commentator appeared on each and every computer screen everywhere. The
commentator greeted with voice only for radio, but in all screens
around the world, booming and confident, announced what follows:
"As news coordinator, I am delighted to bring you the end of the year
speech by the President of the United States of America. The President
called for this meeting - with all the media from around the globe,
just one hour ago, saying that it would be the most important speech of
his tenure in office. Thanks to various government agencies, we are
bringing this to you direct and live." The television and computer
screens then briefly blared with somber but presidential music, then
the obviously distressed image of the President of the United States of
America appeared.
Around the world, people stopped what they were doing, listened and watched.
The address by the President -
"Good evening. As each and every one of you know, the worlds
population exceeds the world's resources. I have devoted countless
days and weeks and months, working day and night, with leadership
groups from around the world to solve these problems. We and
scientists, decision makers, leaders, military officials, and others
have considered each and every possibility, with a goal of answers for
the year 2050. However, we have an increasingly urgent situation, and
we have determined that there is only one way to handle this
situation. Further, there is only now when action must be taken, as
you and I know the problems are multiplying and combining. Next month
and next year will be too late. Consequently, I and the other leaders
of the world have agreed upon a compact that is global, universal and
temporary, until a balance has been reached between resources and
population. This agreement will offer a long term and satisfactory
solution for unlimited living in the future, a goal that all of us
support and encourage.
By proclamation, I am bringing forward the planned program, Global
Universal Temporary Solution For Unlimited Longterm Living (GUTSFULL),
from 2050 to the immediate present. As it is now 2029 and tomorrow
will usher in the new year, the program GUTSFULL, will begin precisely
at 1 minute after the New Year of 2030 begins, as a way to assure a
healthy life for our planet and all its beings. Every country, every
corporation, every religious leader, every major association, every
important scientist, around the globe, has agreed upon this new plan,
this temporary solution to build a better and stronger and more stable
planet for the future.
I assure you that those who can contribute to the quality of life on
earth will be safe and should have no worries. Those who cannot meet
the criteria will be reviewed quickly, thoroughly and with the best
interests of all of the people of the planet in mind. Some who are
deemed unable to contribute will be selected for termination.
Euthanasia will be painless, quick, and all costs will be covered by
the state and federal governments and national and international
corporations. If you happen to be selected, you won't have to pay for
You will be pleased to learn that decisions made will be by community
based teams, composed of a local councillor or political leader, a
local and certified member of the ministry, a local registered medical
professional or health practitioner, a local legally entitled financial
manager, and a sworn deputy or officer of the law. That process will
assure virtually complete local control and effective management, so
that no federal or state official will impinge in any way on anyone,
not you and your family and neighbours. Your rights will be
preserved. Your dignity will be respected.
These teams will be charged with making decisions based on each
individual's past and potential future contributions to the community,
their religious beliefs, their health considerations, their ability to
contribute financially to the community, and any and all legal
records. Thus no one will be subject to arbitrary or capricious
decisions and subsequent termination. Scientists will rate and
continually monitor the past contributions and potential contributions
of each individual, so that the best solutions for all will be
assured. Local administration will assure the best and fairest outcome
Encouragement will be available, for if a person otherwise not selected
for the program, decides to opt for euthanasia on a voluntary basis,
they will be entitled to assure that another person of their choosing
will be guaranteed life for another year. Further, if any person can
contribute significantly to the community, they will be guaranteed life
for another year. If they can contribute to the costs of government
and program operation financially, and if their legal record is clear,
they should have no worries. Even better for many of you, if you have
contributed by turning in those who were or are dissidents, free
thinkers, radicals, or feeble minded, you will receive extra points
towards prolonging your own life. These points, if you so choose, can
transfer to another person of your choosing, if you volunteer for
euthanasia. Those with religious beliefs, and there are many, will be
offered an opportunity to demonstrate the strength of their beliefs and
commitment to life in the hereafter, by volunteering regardless of
their being otherwise selected. Again, they will be entitled to
designate another person for a guaranteed additional year of life.
I assure you that only those who cannot contribute to the community
will be terminated, thus freeing up opportunities for those not
selected for the program. And a large number of jobs will be created
to operate this program, thus employing many people who otherwise would
not have a responsible role in the community. This will give many
people opportunity and security, as they contribute to the long term,
sustainable, and overall well being of their communities.
I pledge to you that this is the only way to bring our global
population into line with the available and projected resources. And
all of us, including me, will be subject to this plan, beginning 1
January 2030, just a few minutes from now. Each country, and each
corporation, will ensure the process is painless and in the best
interests of all. Thank you for your attention and cooperation. God
bless us all."
The President, looking serious and with tears running, then blinked and
smiled, as if a weighty decision had been made. Perhaps the prepared
script was no longer being played. He began again, looking directly at
his audiences:
"On one last and final personal note, I, as Commander in Chief, as your
President, have worked day and night on this project to the point of
utter exhaustion. Accordingly, I have designated the Vice President to
take over the role of President of the United States, at 1 minute after
midnight, that is, in just hours at the end of tonight. At the
suggestion of the Cabinet and the team who created this project, I am
proud to be the first person to volunteer for GUTSFULL and I will
fulfil my duty and obligations with pride. With a joyous and happy
frame of mind, I bid you all a very good evening and a Happy New Year."
The President, by now looking ashen and grave, somber and serious,
stopped speaking and promptly began walking off the podium. Armed
soldiers dressed in battle uniform, could be briefly seen in the
background and joined him as he departed. The light faded.
There were no cheers or applause, rather stunned silence, by people around the globe.
Immediately however, some panic stricken citizens began organising.
Some within a few minutes, committed suicide on the spot without
waiting for the awarding of merit points to others, unfortunately,
thereby losing opportunities for their families and friends. Other
reactions were many and swift, particularly noted was the mobilisation
of police, military, and emergency services, and then subsequently,
seemingly in minutes, the positive commentaries came forth from all
sides. It seems that the response had been prepared for some time.
The media strongly approved, claiming that finally, something positive
was being done to deal with the many urgent problems - pollution,
corruption, climate change, global warming, overpopulation, and
resource deficiencies.
A few critiques or angry fights emerged, but those who offered such
critiques or who fought with each other, were quickly identified, taken
into custody, and awarded demerit points, assuring that those who
pointed them out were given merits. A few minority groups, some
organisations of senior and elderly citizens, and a number of
disability rights group objected strongly, earning themselves the name
or label - "the first to go", according to the news sources. However,
the President at the end of the speech, took that noble place of
The next morning the mortuaries and funeral parlour operators were
overjoyed at the remarkable rise in their value on the stock markets of
the world. And the rest of the world joined in with vigour and energy
to spare.