Tuesday, February 03, 2015

there's no such thing as anthropogenic climate change, there's no such thing as...

Iowa Now | Can smoke from fires intensify tornadoes?
“Yes,” say University of Iowa researchers, who examined the effects of smoke—resulting from spring agricultural land-clearing fires in Central America—transported across the Gulf of Mexico and encountering tornado conditions already in process in the United States.
The UI study, published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, examined the smoke impacts on a historic severe weather outbreak that occurred during the afternoon and evening of April 27, 2011. The weather event produced 122 tornadoes, resulted in 313 deaths across the southeastern United States, and is considered the most severe event of its kind since 1950.
The outbreak was caused mainly by environmental conditions leading to a large potential for tornado formation and conducive to supercells, a type of thunderstorm. However, smoke particles intensified these conditions, according to co-lead authors Gregory Carmichael, professor of chemical and biochemical engineering, and Pablo Saide, Center for Global and Regional Environmental Research (CGRER) postdoctoral fellow.
They say the smoke lowered the base of the clouds and increased wind shear, defined as wind speed variations with respect to altitude. Together, those two conditions increased the likelihood of more severe tornadoes. The effects of smoke on these conditions had not been previously described, and the study found a novel mechanism to explain these interactions.


Dale Asberry said...

An article from National Review?? Hehe

CNu said...

Sad that there are these two vast abscesses of uselessness dedicated on the one-hand to scriptural scholastic nonsense and intersectional identity on the other. Both of these enlarged camps of aggravated oxygen-theft have shown themselves congenitally incapable of yielding mappers/makers, but each considers itself the vessel of human moral self-righteousness - one conserving and the other progressing.

Truth is, they're just large masses of asses whose position and equilibrium in the game of musical chairs on the deck of the Titanic is least well-assured.

CNu said...

We've long handed out props to Paul Rosenberg for his powerfully argued assertions that conservatism is identity politics. http://subrealism.blogspot.com/2008/10/evolutionary-roots-of-base.html

It should come as no surprise then that conservative lists and feeds drip into the daily flow. The only thing surprising is how seldom they come with much of anything worth sharing. This was one of those exceptions.

On both ends of the bell curve, from the sexually repressed to the sexually degenerate, IQ-SeventyFive to IQ-OneThirtyFive - we find the same pathetic inability to make business-ends meet in anything remotely approaching a normal and healthy manner. With that fundamental dysfunction, we also find the same desperate desire to police the thoughts and behavior of others, whether that's through so-called purity culture http://www.salon.com/2015/01/31/evangelicals_racist_purity_culture_whats_really_behind_huckabees_beyonce_slur/ or the dubious and hodge-podge lack of game alliance - that is the Cathedral - properly skewered in the present article.

Dale Asberry said...

I know brah, laughing at the irony of it all

makheru bradley said...

Of course Malcolm was correct. Certainly the NOI has, over its long history turned a lot of lives around. However, it is a shame that since its founding in 1930, it has not developed one self-reliant, self-sustaining community to validate its philosophy. And forces inside and outside of the NOI made sure that Malcolm would never be in position to make that happen.


Vic78 said...

Ad hominem

CNu said...

lol, Calypso Louie disclosing his essential nature as a petty, vain, ego-driven entertainer wallowing in callow celebrity - priceless....,

CNu said...

The fundamental difference is that conservatism is some action-oriented identity politics http://youtu.be/6lwC9B-L6pQ

CNu said...

Vic, would you consider the claim that National Review promotes identity politics to be an attack on its character, or, a simple statement of fact, more in the line of the assertion that "water is wet"?

Dale Asberry said...

Not ad hominem... I'm not attacking their arguments.

Looks like "anecdotal fallacy" would fit the closest. I thought for sure there was a fallacy where just because someone associates with people making false statements that they too must be making false statements.

BigDonOne said...

When BD saw that title, thought we were gonna get one of those "Hitler realizes" videos subtitled for political correctness no longer working....

Vic78 said...

It's not an attack on the character at all. They're being dismissed because of their character. For the most part we've accepted that National Review is full of shit. But if you work hard enough you might find occasional peanut chunks.

mhicks said...

That is some industrial-strength cognitive dissonance going on up there.

On the one hand, it's a famous guy and wife consulting a respected (in many sectors of Black Americans) and known spiritual leader. On the other hand...I'm sure the rank-and-files aren't quite sure what to make of it at all.

The Honorable Minister, his wife, his son (who's easily close to 60) are pretty well preserved for their years.

Vic78 said...

That video was why I put Malcolm over King.

CNu said...

@well preserved - lol, they been eatin pretty high off the hog....,

makheru bradley said...

A "spiritual leader" posing with two of the sickest human beings on the planet. For what? Confessions? $$$$$? It's no small wonder why the masses have difficulty distinguishing between what's real and what's unreal.


Vic78 said...

Mannn, bro minister been on some other shit...


CNu said...

lol, straight cheesing with supahead..., but that mo'kelly site that picture came from, does that inchoate gibberish actually get on the radio?!?!?!

Vic78 said...

What the hell is going on with these dudes??? Again, I thought that was a woman. "I'm gonna hold him accountable." Two snaps and a circle.

Lol people take time out of their day to hear that shit on the radio? If anything, Farrakhan's Rihanna statements should be something to laugh about. I ain't taking some self righteous preacher seriously. He has to pray for forgiveness when he's done beating off to Rhianna.

makheru bradley said...

If not for the dangerous precedent being established, particularly given the sordid history of the CIA, it would be easy to say to Sterling, that's what you get. Prior to Sterling being convicted on circumstantial evidence: [We’re up to 589 months for whistleblowers. That’s 25 times more time meted out against whistleblowers by Obama than all other presidents combined. But even that stunning figure understates the savagery of the Obama administration’s war on whistleblowers …After all, Jeremy Hammond – regarded by many as a whistleblower – was sentenced by Obama to 10 years in prison.] http://bit.ly/1uIp6Gh

Based on Obama's rule of law the US government should be able to violate human rights via torture, commit war crimes by killing civilians, spy on innocent citizens, etc., and if anyone exposes those criminal activities, they, not the criminals, will be punished. http://bit.ly/1wmhJ1f

Just a matter of time before this war on insiders is directed (after we're demonized) towards citizens in general. The Perfect Proxy's job is to establish the precedent, and his handlers knew he could pull this off with zero to minimal protest against him. Now that the precedent is established watch out John Q.

CNu said...

About that rule of law, non-citizens have no rights that the praetorian guard is bound to acknowledge, and, I think we need to interrogate these oaths being sworn by those charged with protecting and serving citizens. Sterling will be getting acquainted with Chelsea Manning over here at Ft. Leavenworth because of that oath, which only further begs the question, didn't Betrayus swear the very same oath too?!?!?!

makheru bradley said...

Selective policing based on potential backlash, similar to but grater than Bundy.


makheru bradley said...

Obama does not have the balls to prosecute Betrayus.

[The U.S. government has treated principled whistle-blowers like treasonous spies, yet Attorney General Eric Holder has reportedly ignored recommendations from his own FBI and Justice Department to prosecute former CIA chief David Petraeus.

The New York Times reported Friday that “F.B.I. and Justice Department prosecutors have recommended bringing felony charges against retired Gen. David H. Petraeus for providing classified information to his former mistress while he was director of the C.I.A.” Petraeus, a decorated general who worked for both President George W. Bush and President Barack Obama, is accused of passing classified information to his mistress, who was also his biographer.

Petraeus resigned from the CIA in 2012 and Holder was supposed to have decided whether to prosecute by the end of the year. The Times reports that the dilly-dallying has irritated Holder’s own subordinates, who see a double standard, as well as Petraeus supporters.

If the Times reporting is accurate, then Petraeus clearly holds a privileged position and is not being held to the same standard as other accused government leakers. Ironically, the Times reporting is based on anonymous leaks from government officials who are fed up with the situation.] http://bit.ly/1za35LF

The Justice Dept "leakers" have a better chance of being prosecuted.

CNu said...

I'll see your truthdig and raise you a letter to Betrayus from Ray McGovern. https://consortiumnews.com/2015/02/03/a-pointed-letter-to-gen-petraeus/ The general hasn't even had to threaten airing a fraction of his dirty laundry in order to avoid prosecution.

mhicks said...

Sick? You have more sick people that come to their mosques every Sunday to get "cleaned up."

I just don't get the guilt by association thing. Everybody needs help.

makheru bradley said...

"We are living in a time when image-making has become a science. Someone can create a certain image and then use that image to twist your mind and lead you right up a blind path." Malcolm X (December 12, 1964)

At the top of the post I said: Certainly the NOI has, over its long history turned a lot of lives around. I'm focused on the hypocrisy of teaching morality, in this video e.g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WPJ4ijI0rE

Then posing with paragons of immorality. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2943055/Kim-Kardashian-naked-heels-edgy-LOVE-photo-shoot.html

What message is being sent, not only to the mosque, but to Afrikan people in general? The real issue with these leaders/entertainers/politicians is who is contributing to clarity and who is exacerbating confusion, Clarity is a critical necessity as Mark Francher points out: "A population that is physically oppressed but retains clarity of thought and analysis is a danger to its oppressor because of the people’s nothing-to-lose desperation and their accurate identification of the source of their misery.” Whether Farrakhan knows it or not he contributes to confusion when such images are broadcast around the world.

Furthermore as Dr. Robin D.G. Kelley point out: "Focusing on the personal obscures what is really at stake: ideas, ideology, the nature of change, the realities of power, and the evisceration of our critical faculties under the veil of corporate celebrity culture. I use corporate here not as an epithet but as an expression of the structural dimensions of how celebrity is made and its ideological function. Celebrities endorse products; like any commodity, they have become “brands.” They may say and do very nice, uplifting, philanthropic things, but rarely do celebrities stand against the policies and ideas of neoliberalism and U. S. Empire. More often than not, they embody the ideology of neoliberalism (valuing wealth, free markets, privatization over human needs) and Empire (U.S. military and economic dominance over the world)."

Most of these entertainers are wittingly or unwittingly aligned with the very forces Farrakhan claims to oppose, the forces who have captured and directed a significant portion of Black minds to be against themselves.


CNu said...

There it is BAM!!! the evisceration of our critical faculties under the veil of corporate
celebrity culture. I use corporate here not as an epithet but as an
expression of the structural dimensions of how celebrity is made and its
ideological function. Celebrities endorse products; like any
commodity, they have become “brands.”That ole debbil been done had Calypso Judas Louie http://subrealism.blogspot.com/search?q=peacock

makheru bradley said...

Remembering Malcolm on the 50th Observance of one of the most tragic events in the history of Afrikan people.



makheru bradley said...

But when he was asked what book he would recommend to a young person coming to Washington, like his 32-year-old aide Kevin Lewis, who started at the White House at age 26, Holder made a revealing choice: “The Autobiography of Malcolm X.”


Well now, if he truly holds our Esteemed Ancestor in such high regards, why doesn't he release the complete US government unredacted files on Malcolm X before he leaves office.

woodensplinter said...

Sterling gets 3.5 years at Leavenworth. Guess he didn't have any shots left to fire. https://youtu.be/hJyQB3fCMWY

CNu said...

Sterling was arguably on track for black Slice. Trusted with the Man's secret information and he still got uppity and ahead of himself. The moral of this story for any other young, frustrated, acting-out wannabe servant of the Man is..., better not bring a knife to a gun fight. Everything else is conversation...,

Nothing Personal, It's Just Business....,

▶️ Powerful video here: revealing the deep and dark corruption which has been fueling this disastrous proxy war from the first moment of its...