Wednesday, February 04, 2015

musical chairs: bass, faces, races in american public spaces

interfaithradio |  A few weeks ago, Duke University quietly announced it would begin broadcasting the Muslim call to prayer from its Christian chapel. It was meant as a gesture of interfaith solidarity, though not requested by Muslim students themselves. A few days later, after an outcry by evangelist Franklin Graham and others, the historically Methodist school decided to pull the plug, saying the idea was “not having the intended effect.” And that’s when the story got kind of crazy.

Two Duke students tell us how all of this got started, then three experts consider the deeper issues: the proper role of Islam in the public square, why the Muslim call to prayer makes some people nervous, and even the wisdom of using one holy space for two different religions.

Rachael Clark, member of Duke's Presbyterian Campus Ministry
Noura Elsayed, member of Duke's Muslim Student Association
Mollie Hemingway, senior editor at The Federalist
Nihad Awad, Executive Director and Founder of the Council on American-Islamic Relations

Isaac Weiner, author of Religion Out Loud: Religious Sound, Public Space, and American Pluralism


Vic78 said...

CNu said...

sigh..., I hadn't planned on looking into the arcane living memory history of the trilateral commission today....,

Vic78 said...

It ain't that bad compared to that fruity post about Rhianna and Farrakhan from last night. Reading that killed my night.

ken said...

For some reason they say this is the biggest outbreak since 1950, yet 1974 seemed to be a bigger outbreak. We'll have to see if they can find smoke as the issue there. Perhaps all that soot in the air was blocking the sun causing the global cooling we were concerned about then.

Can Rachel Maddow Be Far Behind?