Tuesday, February 10, 2015

a new theory of energy and the economy

ourfiniteworld |  How does the economy really work? In my view, there are many erroneous theories in published literature. I have been investigating this topic and have come to the conclusion that both energy and debt play an extremely important role in an economic system. Once energy supply and other aspects of the economy start hitting diminishing returns, there is a serious chance that a debt implosion will bring the whole system down.

In this post, I will look at the first piece of this story, relating to how the economy is tied to energy, and how the leveraging impact of cheap energy creates economic growth. In order for economic growth to occur, the wages of workers need to go farther and farther in buying goods and services. Low-priced energy products are far more effective in producing this situation than high-priced energy products. Substituting high-priced energy products for low-priced energy products can be expected to lead to lower economic growth.

Trying to tackle this topic is a daunting task. The subject crosses many fields of study, including anthropology, ecology, systems analysis, economics, and physics of a thermodynamically open system. It also involves reaching limits in a finite world. Most researchers have tackled the subject without understanding the many issues involved. I hope my analysis can shed some light on the subject.


BigDonOne said...

Bad drivers kill or maim a lot of innocent people. Bad driving, irresponsibility (e.g., nine OW kids), and poverty go hand-in-hand since the subject generally has little to lose from a net worth perspective, thus has limited incentive to drive with caution. Not to mention **75 lack of FTO implications for their own long term health....

If they can't pay the fines, confiscate their vehicles, lock them all up and toss the key. Keep this collective menace off the roads......

Dale Asberry said...

I can think of a collective menace that needs to be kept off these here interwebs...

John Kurman said...

$100 million? then these guys, http://chicagolunchbox.com, have to be valued at a million billion dollars! Because! You could probably get me to murder someone for a free fried pork spring roll.

CNu said...

blasphemy..., why'n'the'world would anybody in their right mind bastardize a perfectly good spring roll with an egg roll? okay, okay.., breathing deeply - opening the inquiring mind - what kind of sauce comes with these gluten-free egg rolls? nuoc mam or hot mustard?

CNu said...

All day, every day - and then a few to sneak at night as an excuse for slurping up more tangy nuoc mam.

With some bun as an excuse to start wilding out with the sriracha....,

CNu said...

WTF?!?!?! Don't ever bring BD's naughty bits into civilized discussion hereabouts! Ta loco?

BigDonOne said...

Notwithstanding Rohan's cluelless extension of one white geezer's accident to the whole population --- The hard Truth about dangerous drivers is here ---> http://www-nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/Pubs/809956.PDF "Race and Ethnicity in Fatal Motor Vehicle
Traffic Crashes 1999 - 2004"

Rather than wade thru the data, go to the last page and read the conclusions:
Black drivers are more llikely to be drunk, less likely to be properly licensed, very much less likely to use seat belts, particularly on their kids, and in the most bizarre finding of all, black pedestrians in the 'hood are particularly likely to get mowed down by careless or wanton drivers.....

John Kurman said...

I'm a hot mustard guy, but truth to tell, I scarf 'em down before I remember the sauce.

Dale Asberry said...

Notwithstanding Rohan's cluelless extension of one white geezer's accident to the whole population

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha........
ROTFLMWAOTIPMP - pure.comedy.gold.

Thanks Dawnie!

CNu said...

I bet you're not big on Vietnamese at all?

Of course you know that what we routinely call and think of as mainstream american chinese is really more a homegrown jewish-american ethnic cuisine? http://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2014/12/why-american-jews-eat-chinese-food-on-christmas/384011/ (imoho you have to watch some of the "bubbi cooks" shows to fully appreciate how true this assertion is - I realized the truth of it when I saw bubbi's recipe for grape jelly meatballs)

If I had to wed myself to one cuisine, forsaking all others, it would be Vietnamese. Somebody's going to figure out how to do faster Vietnamese on a cookie cutter basis (think Chipotle) and those bad boys will become money making machines.

CNu said...

It's a Norwegian mama-san somewhere who knows exactly how to get all the arctic funk and salt and fat, and hard-knock life out of, lol nevermind, who the phuk am I trying to kid....,

Dale Asberry said...

Facts notwithstanding, Dawn will have a fully peer-reviewed response to this bit'o info.

BigDonOne said...

WRT pedestrians getting mowed down by motorists in the 'hood, don't forget Mike Brown was irresponsibly walking big-as-you-please down the middle of the street when Officer Wilson spotted him.

In Seattle, jaywalking is a game played by 75'z. Video and interviews at http://seattletimes.com/flatpages/video/mediacenterbc3.html?bctid=96964287001 Sorry CNu et. al., you simply cannot make up this FTO-deficient stuff....

CNu said...

And to your point within the context of the present post we should presume was going to be subjected to an ad hoc Ferguson "city" poor tax by overseer Wilson, right?

BigDonOne said...

The post-context on-point message is, if folks would just obey the effen laws, they wouldn't get tickets, wouldn't get fines, wouldn't get jailed, and (on the average) would live longer.

ken said...

"A key element of emotional-memory formation is the direct line of communication between the amygdala and the visual cortex. That close connection, Phelps has shown, helps the amygdala, in a sense, tell our eyes to pay closer attention at moments of heightened emotion. So we look carefully, we study, and we stare—giving the hippocampus a richer set of inputs to work with."

In the case of Brian Williams they are saying something a little different. I think though, I am going to call the Williams article an attempt to save Brian.


woodensplinter said...

You know he neither read the article or listened to the program? http://biblehub.com/matthew/7-6.htm

CNu said...

That's not helpful. Larded up with topical clickbait - the writer managed to get the phenomenon of false memory in front of a broader audience of swine disinterested in phenomena of consciousness but nevertheless eager to wallow in Brian Williams schadenfreude in the comments.

DD said...

Those gangsters with their dogs off leash..some of them might even be pit bulls! I think in my town cop is getting suspended before I get a resisting arrest charge against me.

Chaff is getting separated from the wheat, but we might as well have some turnip juice first!

Nothing Personal, It's Just Business....,

▶️ Powerful video here: revealing the deep and dark corruption which has been fueling this disastrous proxy war from the first moment of its...