Saturday, February 21, 2015

bet not ever put jewish and extremist in the same sentence...,

WaPo |  Like every world leader and, for that matter, nearly everybody else, Netanyahu is fully aware that the fault lines in U.S. politics between Republicans and Democrats have widened to a chasm. Unlike every other world leader, the bumptious Bibi has decided to take a side in America’s internal conflict by addressing a joint meeting of the Republican-controlled Congress (responding to an invitation from House Speaker John Boehner) without even informing President Obama that he was Washington-bound. One of Netanyahu’s goals is to undercut the administration’s efforts to negotiate a pact with Iran that will impede that nation’s nuclear program. His other goal is clearly to stick it to Obama and thus appear to the Israeli electorate — which will go to the polls on March 17 — as one tough dude. If Netanyahu’s talk, the idea for which was at least partly cooked up by Ron Dermer, a former GOP operative who moved to Israel and is now its ambassador to the United States, also has the effect of boosting the Republican Party at the expense of Obama and the Democrats, so much the better. During the 2012 election, Netanyahu did everything he could to make apparent that he preferred Mitt Romney to Obama, with no perceptible effect on the outcome or even on the voting preferences of American Jews, who backed Obama, 69 percent to 30 percent.

Of all the reasons that American Jews remain firmly Democratic, and liberal as well, the most fundamental is their commitment, both particular and universal, to minority rights. For Jews in a majority-Christian country, the enshrinement of minority rights and its institutional guarantees — nondiscrimination in hiring and voting, say, or a judiciary independent of the elected branches of government — has always been paramount. It’s why American Jews have embraced not only the battles for their own liberties but those of every other minority group.


Tom said...

Wow! I agree with her!!

CNu said...

We all do. But what do you think about her argument(s)? (^;

From where I sit, we're getting awfully close to end-game clarity on root causes and collective "isms". Seems to me that a tiny minority of any group perpetrates a vast spectrum of deeply malicious mischief. The fair and uniform application of standards, let's call it a "scientific" ethics - would have us always keep that top of mind. However, politics is being conducted as the antithesis of the fair and uniform application of standards, and is in fact an exercise in obscurantic disinformation, governance writ large as parasitic lying and thieving.

CNu said...

Wattles can't/don't/won't think or act scientifically. Precision is too hard for them. Consequently, the only conceptual formations they're capable of sustaining are foggy groupings we might term "isms". Extreme "ism" is the behavior of a wattle who's been manipulated into a pique of antipathy toward others conceptualized as competing "other". Extreme "ism" almost always requires the cynical psychological intervention of folks not only capable of scientific conceptualization but also group-dynamic implementation.

With that in mind, what specific groups, technical point sources, can we identify as having behaved exceptionally cynically in their manipulation of their respective wattles? Who has driven their own wattles to extreme "ism" and/or driven the wattles of other "competitor" groups to extreme "ism"?

Ed Dunn said...

Coincide with the news that they cut that guy show from MSNBC..interesting...

CNu said...

Frank Sinatra's son and Joy Reid weren't getting it done ratings-wise.

Tom said...

It's hard to figure. Beer commercials and similar are a big factor. Who's the conspiracy behind the beer commercials?? Or in every movie and sitcom, how come the mom is borderline incompetent and the dad is a complete Dagwood?

How come immigrants and 1st-gen folks tend to be so over-represented in the ranks of the achievers?

Somebody is selling us on Wattlism, but I'm damned if I can see who in particular.

CNu said...

Madison Avenue and Hollywood are both predominantly _____________________?

Dale Asberry said...

The Kochs doing their damndest so they can get a seat at the table

Constructive_Feedback said...

It amazes me why we look at the "corporate body" known as "Israel" - a small strip about the size of New Jersey - and key in upon its violent relationship with its Palestinian neighbor but some of us can't bring ourselves to appraise the value of the life of the Palestinian, Arab and Muslim in the larger contiguous region and see clearly that Israel IS NOT the greatest threat to people in this area.

* I went to a Christian church last week and they had a "Stand With Israel Rally"

* I went to a "Democratic Socialist" community meeting over the weekend and they had a "Israel Is An Apartheid State" flier and 4 other pieces critical of Israel.

What To Do, Shawty?

CNu said...

lol, weasel words. If by neighbors you mean the Arabs whose land and property were straight up stolen by decades of Jewish "street piracy" - and the small corporate body with 300 illegal nuclear weapons to enforce the permanence of its street piracy. The Anglo-American garrison state of Israel is the tip of the spear of 70 years of predatory military malicious mischief in the middle east.

Constructive_Feedback said...

So the "United Nations" (who brokered the agreement for the 'State Of Israel') and the "Nobel Committee" (who granted laureate status to various people associated with Israel - Saddat/Begin, Perez, Rabin ) when they act in a manner in which the State Of Israel is seen as a legitimate sovereign state - we should question the veracity of THESE INSTITUTIONS?

Your term "STOLEN" does not index with the historical text.

Is Israel a "predator" or a PROXY for the United States/West?

CNu said...

It's a racist theocracy, a resource-starved geostrategic liability, and it needs to be kicked to the apartheid south africa curb, quick, fast, and in a hurry until such time as it figures out how to mend its ways and mend its fences with its neighbors.

Can Rachel Maddow Be Far Behind?