salon | Had religion not existed, had it waned by our time, all this violence
would just not have happened. If some of these people would have found
other reasons to fight, the religious aspect of the conflicts renders
them intractable, even insoluble.
Conservatives were vexed by what
Obama said next: “lest we get on our high horse and think this is
unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the
Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. In
our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in
the name of Christ. . . . So this is not unique to one group or one
Straightaway, remember that both the Old Testament and the New sanction and even sanctify
slavery, as well as proffer helpful advice to slave masters. The
Catholic Church embarked on the Holy Inquisition not to do inexplicable
violence “in the name of Christ,” but to rid its “flock” of unclean
“sheep” – most notably “secret Muslims” and Jews, heretics and witches.
Skull crushers and the auto-da-fรฉ, breast rippers and thumbscrews (and
much, much more, including Spanish Donkeys and Judas Cradles)
all formed part of the godly torturers’ ghastly repertoire, which aimed
to prompt innocents to “confess” their “crimes.” Which without religion
would not have been crimes at all.
Obama went on to blame all
this on “a sinful tendency that can pervert and distort our faith.” But
slaughter and mutilation occur as natural, almost inevitable phenomena
among those believers – and they have been no trifling minority – who
take literally their canon’s commands to conduct themselves savagely.
After all, if, as a wannabe martyr, you think you’re carrying out the
demands of “the Almighty,” with everlasting hellfire or the threescore
and twelve virgins of paradise as the stakes, what will you not do?
should not ascribe vile behavior to misreadings of the canon. It does
not help us to suppose that its all-too-human authors penned words like
“behead” and “enslave” expecting that they would be metaphorically
interpreted. (You can perhaps imagine the absurdity of one of the
benighted scribes, resurrected before a Religion 101 class, declaring,
“By ‘smite off the infidels’ heads’ I really meant ‘give the unbelievers
a stiff talking-to.’”) After all, they were writing in barbarous ages.
The inevitable conclusion: Most folk of the faiths in question behave
decently only to the extent that they “pervert and distort” – that is,
ignore – the more macabre dictates of their sacred credos.
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