Friday, February 27, 2015

the newburgh sting: terrorists or targets?

wikipedia |  The Newburgh Sting (2014) is a documentary film about the Federal Bureau of Investigation's sting operation on four Muslim men involved in the 2009 Bronx terrorism plot. Beginning in 2008, an FBI informant, Shaheed Hussain, recorded hours of conversations with the men who were ultimately arrested and convicted of planting three non-functional bombs next to two synagogues in Riverdale, Bronx and for planning to use Stinger missiles to shoot down United States military cargo planes near Newburgh, New York. The point of view of the documentary is that it was later brought to light that the plot with the four men who were coaxed into participating was created by the FBI. The men argue that this was a case of entrapment. In April, 2014, the film was shown at the Tribeca Film Festival.


Dale Asberry said...

So why this post, today?

CNu said...

Same reason as the post on the Equation Group last week and the revelations concerning a purportedly Russian "hacker ring" alleged to have stolen a $Billion from banks, both outed by Russian AV company Kaspersky.

Same reason as for addressing Director Comey's remarks about law enforcement, the community, and extremism.

John Kurman said...

Race to the bottom, and Walker already at the finish line.

CNu said...

Quite an experience to live in fear, isn't it? That's what it is to be a slave...,

John Kurman said...

Look at Walker's role model, that sniveling coward, Ronald Reagan. Do you suppose Walker will cut and run the way Reagan did in Beirut?

CNu said...

Put it into context

Iran dba Islamic Jihad doing business in Syria (there is no such thing as Lebanon, most any sane "Lebanese" will tell you they're Syrians) sent a clear message to outside interlopers within its tribal bounds

The attack combined power, sophistication, and bushido. There's no shame in not picking a fight with Iran on its extended home grounds. That's why you don't see the Hon.Bro.Preznit tryna play John Wayne dress-up. If neither Bush I or Dubya cared to pick a fight with Iran, outside of Dubya's rhetorical "Axis of Evil" talk, I wouldn't plan on little Scotty the Scottmeister doing much more than running his mouth for the rubes playing make believe.

BigDonOne said...

You could move to Fiji, the happiest country in the world---> ...very low-tech place.

John Kurman said...

Ed Dunn said...

LOL, you have to admit this crackpot is comedy gold...I just want to hear him say "I am not a sorceror.."

Can Rachel Maddow Be Far Behind?