Sunday, August 03, 2014

Originally Reposted 2/21/08: T3- Bill's Long Con - A T3 Exclusive REDUX

U.S. President George W. Bush Wednesday announced a new orphaned diseases initiative and sought to dispel concern about a U.S. military presence in Africa. Bush, speaking during a news conference with Ghana President John Agyekum Kufuor in Accra, said the United States would make available $350 million over five years to target neglected tropical diseases such as hookworm or river blindness. Also, the United States plans to specify nearly $17 million this year to Ghana to fight malaria. This is all part of our initiative -- whether it be on HIV/AIDS or malaria, Bush said, to help save lives. Health leaders need global strategy for spotting disease threats
According to my man Temple 3 - there's a WHOLE LOT more to these headlines than meets the eye;

As it happens, “in June 1996, President Clinton issued a Presidential Decision Directive calling for a more focused US policy on infectious diseases. The State Department’s Strategic Plan for International Affairs lists protecting human health and reducing the spread of infectious diseases as US strategic goals,and Secretary Albright in December 1999 announced the second of two major U.S. initiatives to combat HIV/AIDS. The unprecedented UN Security Council session devoted exclusively to the threat to Africa from HIV/AIDS in January 2000 is a measure of the international community’s concern about the infectious disease threat.” (Global Infectious Disease Threat and Its Implications for the United States. January 2000 National Intelligence Estimate). Oddly enough, the 1996 Presidential Decision Directive was announced by the Vice President, Al Gore. This is the same Al Gore who founded the internet, led the fight to end global warming and sat silent on the floor on the United States Senate as Black elected officials stood on his behalf and on behalf of the disenfranchised voters in Florida who delivered the popular vote to the Democratic nominee in 2000. It’s the same Al Gore who has presented himself as a disinterested arbiter of a pending dispute between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton over the nomination of the party in 2008.
By T3's reckoning - TPTB are embarked on a long-range plan of staggering dimensions. In keeping with my own recent posts on Clinton, Africa, The South African Long Emergency, and related topics - this is a subrealist MUST READ. Now that he's back from a too long hiatus, T3 should be part of your daily blog fare anyway - This is only part 1 of a projected multipart treatment - and I'm on the edge of my seat right now...,

Nothing Personal, It's Just Business....,

▶️ Powerful video here: revealing the deep and dark corruption which has been fueling this disastrous proxy war from the first moment of its...