Thursday, August 14, 2014

uhmurka's overseers(officers) sanitized, anonymized, militarized and errbody niggerized...,

NYTimes |  Despite persistent and increasingly angry calls from the public to release the officer’s name, Chief Jackson said the officer required protection after numerous death threats had been made. 

Computer hackers, saying they were outraged by police conduct, now have also joined the fray.
Anonymous, the loosely organized group of international hackers, said on Twitter that it had broken into Ferguson’s municipal computer system. It released details about city workers and posted photos of Jon Belmar, the chief of the St. Louis County police who is conducting the investigation into the shooting, as well as his wife, son and daughter. It also posted his address and phone number. The group threatened to bring down city, county and federal networks if the police overreacted to rallies and protests. 

On Wednesday night, scores of police officers in riot gear and in armored trucks showed up to disperse protesters who had gathered on the streets near the scene of the shooting. Some officers perched atop the vehicles with their guns trained on the crowds while protesters chanted, “Hands up, don’t shoot.” A police spokesman said that some demonstrators had thrown Molotov cocktails at officers and that some had tried to set fires. The police used tear gas on demonstrators, and some protesters said rubber bullets had been fired at them. Police said one officer appeared to have suffered a broken ankle after being hit by a brick.

The police made more than 10 arrests. Among those arrested was Antonio French, a St. Louis alderman, who had been documenting the protests on social media, his wife said on Twitter.
Two reporters covering the protests also said they had been arrested inside a McDonald’s for trespassing and later released without charges or an explanation. The reporters, Wesley Lowery of The Washington Post and Ryan J. Reilly of The Huffington Post, both said they had been handled roughly by the police.


John Kurman said...

According to this site:, open carry in Ferguson is legal with a CCW. Why are there no armed white people out there in solidarity, protecting the Bill of Rights? Is it that the toy aisle of Target, or the latte line with those radical thug barristas at Starbuck's is just too fucking dangerous at the moment? Where's the guts? Where's the big balls? Where are the freedumb advocates?

Naive Tom said...

When they put a gun mount on the Scooter Store's product, then you'll eat your words.

CNu said...

Tap your brakes brah..., John Lewis still getting MSM airtime and calling for the BIG overseer to step in and protect folks who still apparently don't know how to rig up IED's

Ed Dunn said...

Learning? All I see is the same mouth-moving. At the end of the day, either 70% majority black population voted for white governance or the 70% majority population was too divisive to elect their own leaders. This is too damn annoying for me which is why I'm focusing on other Robin Williams auto-erotic asphyxiation gone wrong being portrayed as a suicide..probably staged it the same way Robin Williams did in the "World's Greatest Dad"...

Constructive_Feedback said...

Do you think John Lewis is going to say a damned thing about what is going on presently in Libya and how his buddy Rep Alcee Hastings said "We Must STAND WITH NATO" - as he co-sponsored the legislation permitting President Obama to run the coup Humanitarian mission??

This once independent African nation now is begging the United Nations to send in forces to help stop the violence.

Vic78 said...

What's up with those Hollywood weirdos? It used to be ladyboys now this is what's hot in the streets. That's what people sell out for?

Constructive_Feedback said...


A bigot who sees the "Oppressive Authority" inside of a contained space where his MORAL INFLUENCE goes unchallenged - operates on the knowledge that most people only apply their assessment of his "Morality" in a selective, contextual basis and thus THE TROOPS that he supported while a favorable president is in power, who are seen as "Storm Troopers" in the people's eyes WON'T EVER register into HIS MORAL CONSCIOUSNESS because he knows that the NEWS MEDIA IN AMERICA won't ever expose the fraud that he is.

CNu said...

lol, no idea what the phuk you're talking about. Plain english or nothing at all please. Thanks....,

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