Friday, August 15, 2014

chief struggley has permanently sharted okeydoke overseer britches...,

Chief Struggly and the department that couldn't shoot straight is the gift that keeps on giving for solving the escalating crisis of over-militarized police departments acting like incompetent occupation forces in occupied enemy territories.

Chief Jon "boo-boo in his britches" Delmar reading and believing the reports handed up to him through Ferguson Chief Struggly.

Sistah Tiffany Mitchell putting the lie to all of this gas via her eyewitness account to Lawrence O'Donnell.  Fist tap Ken.


ken said...

I would like to hear if the store clerk has Identified Brown as involved in the robbery. But as for the cop, his intentions appear to have nothing to do with the robbery:

About only point one could establish if Brown was part of the robbery is that he can and has gotten physical.

BigDonOne said...

"Chief Struggley..."

As Subrealism keeps bitching about performance of the police, perhaps some thought should be given to how it would be if there were No Police At All. such as described here --->
Without acknowledging in any way that the Ferguson police may have erred in this incident, y'all might ask yourselves have you never made any errors at all in your own work...?? C'mon, we all have. When police make errors in the snap decisions they must make numerous times per shift, bad things can happen. It's just part of the system. Especially when they have to protect themselves against 6-foot-three 300-pound low-life felonious gangbanging street punks that some choose to characterize as "innocent 18-year-olds..." [the truth of BD's originally-challenged now-slam-dunk characterization has since come out...]

The system would be much better off if police were given additional latitude in summary "deletions..." -- convenience store clerks in Ferguson are breathing much easier today. It is unlikely that's the first time Brown ever pulled that sht. Now that he's deceased what's the harm in unsealing Brown's juvenile rap sheet? Also his ROTFL "college-ready" High School 'Transcript' and SAT score. BD suspects those would be a serious eye-openers.............

ken said...

BD if Tiffany Mitchell's account turns out to be true, what action do you feel the law enforcement officials should take for the actions of the policeman who shot and killed Brown?

BigDonOne said...

Commendation for doing his job. In a one-on-one failure-to-yield confrontation, just the difference in physical size and vitality constituted a lethal threat to the officer. However, that "account" is not going to "turn out to be true." It was a fully-rehearsed and structured narrative developed by her attorney and others with an agenda to take the cops/city for the max in a civil suit.....

BigDonOne said...

@CNu..."dress-up and play soldier duties... "
What's wrong with asking someone, walking down the middle of the street, to get on the sidewalk...?? That's clearly an in-scope police duty on any force. MB obviously responded with disrespect and violence, and the complications of that caused his death.

BD would advise Ken to counsel his son(s), in any contact with police, to be very respectful, very obedient, and especially NOT give any "attitude..."

ken said...

"What's wrong with asking someone, walking down the middle of the street, to get on the sidewalk...??

Nothing, and your advice to my son's would of course be practical. In Chicago when I was about MB's age I walked down the middle of the street showing off to my peers. An officer came up and gave me an earful on how I could be cited for jaywalking and various other things that could happen to me. I was very sheepish and shut my mouth and thanked the officer when he was done and skedaddled over to the sidewalk.

So I get MB had a different attitude than I did. He just got done bullishly taking something out of a store and then still didn't mind drawing attention to himself or even bothering to do what the officer said. That appears to be somebody who has no respect for the law, if the actions published end up to be true.

The officer, however, is put in an authoritative position by us adults, the same adults that have told our children to obey the ones we placed in this authority. The officer is trained to the way we would hope they respond to given circumstances. In this case it appeared MB did not listen to the officer. What do you think protocol is when this happens?

I am betting would be something like the officer would asses if there is an immediate public safety risk. If not, before enforcing a 6'4" 300# guy to submit to the law the officer should call for back up. If there is a public risk or safety risk to the individual, say its a busy street or something, maybe he should turn his lights on and trail behind them with his car while he calls for back up. Now since he did neither and got himself into a tussel in his car, lets say for the gun...

Now the gun goes off and MB is shot and backs out of the car and moves away (according to the witness report, and the body 35 feet from the car), what should police protocol be now? I am betting it would be to keep the gun focused on him and wait for backup and also call for medical help. I highly doubt its going to be to jump out of the car and shoot Michael Brown three, four, five, six, or more times.

The police force and us adults who gave them this authority expect something more than a vigilante response in these circumstances the police officers signed up to be a part of. If the testimonies hold up to be close to accurate this officer in no way should be told "well done". The officer appears to have escalated the situation with his actions and if he only had the one shot in the car perhaps we could have excused it as poor judgment. But then to get out and let loose with the gun on an already wounded retreating adult teenager is beyond the authority of what we have given the police officer...even if it turns out MB is a deviant.

CNu said...

rotflmbao...,knock you down breaking your hip sorry, sometimes I forget that everything's a matter of perspective. When it comes to the terrifying but utterly fascinating alienness and vitality of the blackiverse, everything's up for grabs with the tender, fragile, and suspect existence of the tender, moist, pink deuterostems...,

BigDonOne said...

Right now, observant Urban America is on the threshhold of viral wholesale LOOTing, after seeing Ferguson doing it with utter impunity and totally gutless authorities looking on fearing accusations of brutality. And when that happens, at some point it will be realized that the only way to stop it will be to begin shooting 'em to kill. And there won't be enuff Dead-N-Storage to handle that....

BigDonOne said...

...see, BD also knows how to add YouTubes to emphasize a point....

CNu said...

lol, BD must have a lock on his door to keep Mrs. BD from catching him hunched over his Gateway PC, face locked in a rictus of frictive concentration, wads of soiled kleenex piled around his keyboard and a furious high-frequency, low-amplitude fap-fapping sound emanating from his withered claw clutching and choking the last little vestiges of life from the two-inch punisher.....,

Nothing Personal, It's Just Business....,

▶️ Powerful video here: revealing the deep and dark corruption which has been fueling this disastrous proxy war from the first moment of its...