Saturday, August 23, 2014

why most white people won't speak out against racism

Racism is an element, a large element of the system of elite control. Racism’s connections to the Power Elite (i.e. economic oppression, ‘divide and conquer’ strategy) should be revealed in order to better understand how folks who fervently believe themselves not racist, may be unconsciously abetting the functions of racism as it serves the Elite. The original Black Panther Party for Self-Defense was not racist, which in part made their philosophy and community services and actions so powerful and dangerous to the Elite’s establishment that rested largely on racism’s effects on individuals’ (of all races) consciousness.

Federal Bureau of Investigation Director J. Edgar Hoover called the party "the greatest threat to the internal secuics, Hoover hoped to diminish the Party's threat to the general power structure of the U.S., or evrity of the country",[10] and he supervised an extensive program (COINTELPRO) of surveillance, infiltration, perjury, police harassment, and many other tactics designed to undermine Panther leadership, incriminate party members, and drain the organization of resources and manpower. Through these tacten maintain its influence as a strong undercurrent.

After the Panthers were killed, a huge gap was felt in the communities where they lived, and in a short time, the Elite’s approved purveyor of Black Power,
The Nation of Islam, moved in and set up programs and local shops like bakeries and grocers. But the Nation of Islam was nothing like the Black Panthers. They brought hatred with them and the tenor of community race relations where they operated changed drastically.  In addition, the Ford Foundation funded race studies programs began at colleges and universities nationwide. On the street, the NOI and in the universities the Cathedral. The street and the academy had been most effectively and inexpensively divided and conquered. These are living memory political realities. They are real examples of the control exerted by the Elite on what folks think, how they think, how they're perceived and how interacted with.

The bottom-up, communitarian socialism practiced by the Black Panther party and boldly demonstrated for all to see was their crime – empowering the community at the local level - will always be perceived by the power elite as a crime.

The Elite benefit from top-down socialism where they, via corporations and government, control the means of production and the GDP, and fulfill every need of every human to the Elite’s own profit advantage. The Left has been convinced by manufactured consent that top-down socialism is an ideal worth striving for. Bit by bit, the make-believe Left has abetted Elite plans for total control to be brought to fruition.

One of the tactical cornerstones of the consolidating elite is “divide and conquer.” This applies in particular to the psychological capture of individuals and hence whole populations through organized religions, and political “party” maneuvering of governments. People or groups that would rise in dissent to oppose the rulers are effectively stymied by their inability to effectively organize collective bottom-up resistance. This is a very effective tactic because all factions or groups are then pitted against one another to argue about secondary issues like religion or politics, rather than attacking the economic control and ownership of the groups – which of course - is identical across all political and religious factions. The “good guys” and “bad guys” are both economic slaves to the consolidating elite.

We the People should be aware of this singular economic control mechanism regardless of personal religious or political preferences.


makheru bradley said...

Does Ed Dunn dare to come forward and criticize this analysis of the Black Panther Party and the impact of COINTELPRO?

CNu said...

This is school Bro. Makheru, not a pissing contest. If you want to keep shit going with Ed, invite him to makheruspeaks or take it to dreamandhustle. I should hope that instead of keeping shit going, you would instead endeavor to get shit going. Ed offers a goldmine of knowledge, skill, ability, and carefully delineated project and collaboration opportunities. Of course, there is the fact that like myself, he has no interest in or use for the carefully elaborated psycho-mimetic plumage of the Movement.

A smart man would say to himself, "self, this shit that makes me happy and gives me meaning is not for these cats, but what they're on about and what they know is harmonious with some of my own aims - so maybe I'll waive my plumage assimilation requirements so I can make use of what they know"...., nah, nevermind.

Ed Dunn said...

As CNu said - you want me to care about something irrelevant happening over 30-40 years ago? Most of NOI is still in power in spite of COINTELPRO to this day - most of the BPP snitched out each other, ran out the country, got government jobs, killed white women they were screwing and died in a pathetic shootout where they had no defense strategy with the guns they were touting. That's nothing more than an anecdotal and footnote but it has zero relevance or value right here and right now..

BigDonOne said...

...BD notes that the video speaker dude is living under the freeway.....

CNu said...

Ed, I believe that Farrakhan and his strictly self-enriching NOI IS cointelpro nowadays..., and THAT'S what accounts for his long survival, sorry. Remember, Jeff Forte sitting up under a supermax for the rest of his natural life for consorting with Ghadafi, Farrakhan still running around loose after spending years as Ghadafi's U.S. spokesman and recipient of MUCH Libyan largesse.

makheru bradley said...

I think this post is a very good analysis of the Black Panther Party. You obviously thought that it had some value and relevance. I simply asked if Dunn would criticize this analysis based on his past comments about the Party and COINTELPRO. You consider that to be starting a pissing contest. I don't start pissing contests. I do sometimes respond to ad hominem attacks. I stated my position on reparations, and I'm called an existential threat. I'm not demanding that anybody do anything. I simply asked a question, and I see that he answered. I also believe that we all can learn something from each other, without fundamental agreement on specific issues.

CNu said...

Prove it.

BigDonOne said...

IQ-160's record videos in their cushy dens, not underneath a GDFreeway....

Naive Tom said...

Yeah, the grooming, clean T-shirt, all that looks like he lives under the bridge.

In the Empire of Your Mind he has been demoted to homeless status for saying stuff you disagree with.

Vic78 said...

People have their reasons for recording the way they do. Why won't you let go of your iq fantasy? Face it, you invested in some bullshit. Andrew Sullivan and Charles Murray see the writing on the wall and changed their act. You may want to follow suit.

CNu said...

The landfill of history is bursting with the corpses of losers...., I was a little boy watching much to-and-fro under my father's roofs back in those days. I liked getting fruits and vegetables from the panther coop at 13th and grove, and I liked getting whitefish sandwiches from the Shabazz bakery at 13th and Hillside, everything else was grown folks conversation.

CNu said...

We saw the CIA UNDERCUT Libya

Like I said to Bro. Makheru, Bro. Feed - the landfill of history is littered with the corpses of losers and in some cases we even see video of them getting poked in the ass before they get shot in the head. That cordyceps hegemony is one helluvan adversary. The very least one can do is be clear and completely unsentimental, undistracted, and unconfused about what it is and how it operates. I did my part with this series this week

Dorcas Dad capped it off even mo betta.

If we're perfectly clear about what the cordyceps is and what it does, anything not focused on its specific dismantling and neutralization is masturbatory self-stimulation and clearly not worthy of grown men's time, attention, and discussion.

ken said...

With an article like this, could we expect the author to come down on the side of State rights?

Vic78 said...

That's what happens when you pick a fight with someone that has nothing to lose. She makes me proud.

Vic78 said...

You have to expand your vision.

makheru bradley said...

Those landfills will soon be filled with the corpses of those who today think they are winners. Do you care to share the name of the author of this post?

ken said...

I would think understanding on who a person can build alliances with to push through an agenda would be a broad vision approach.

woodensplinter said...

Makheru is a profoundly broken machine, about as lost in his pathetic ego as fifteen year old boy. In his own impotent and insurmountable enmity, he is as bad or worse than any conscious, intentional, or capable enemy.

You need to permanently cut him off and be done with it already.

CNu said...

lol, expect the author to come down on the side of the author. Everything else is conversation....,

Vic78 said...

States rights is a confederate dog whistle. There is no alliance with anyone that says that. Those people are hateful morons not even worth conversing with. You might want to reread that Frum link. It's time to snap out of that dream.

CNu said...

I'll never cease to be amazed at the capacity of certain folks to eat, sleep, love, and live human, and at the same time, cling to that dirty kernel of identity so desperately they would deny their own. I haven't seen my biological mother in over a decade. Won't be going to her funeral either for precisely those reasons. Pity....,

Constructive_Feedback said...


How do you define "States Rights"?
Is it relevant in INTERNATIONAL balance of POWER?

When the nation state of Uganda recently began to regulate the practice of "Homosexual behavior" the United States immediately slapped economic sanctions upon it. When they stated that homosexuality is out of alignment with their ANCIENT AFRICAN CULTURE NONE of the typical voices that say:
* Africa For Africans
* Self Determination
* The European Colonizers Have A Long History Of Destroying The Cultures Of Native Peoples.........

The Americans who are typically against "States Rights" in America ALSO were SILENT about their usual NATION-STATES RIGHTS, instead proclaiming some INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON HUMAN RIGHTS.

It seems that "States Rights" is more accurately "MIGHT MAKES RIGHT" and those with the most bullets can label their "Terrorism" into "Freedom Fighting" and "Justice"


woodensplinter said...

Little brother, it wasn't very long ago that you made a diary entry about "understanding the nature of a thing and making conversation" - suffer a little while longer -

Vic78 said...

Lol thetan-clear? Damn, you're gonna get Professor Griff on the case if this keeps up.

Nothing Personal, It's Just Business....,

▶️ Powerful video here: revealing the deep and dark corruption which has been fueling this disastrous proxy war from the first moment of its...