Friday, August 08, 2014

a mere forty five years ago, we didn't need an infectious diseases cover story for our holocausts....,

oocities |  Western anthropology pretty much equates animism with spirit belief. I think this is mistaken. Spirit belief is not necessary to, and, when present, is only a superficial expression of, animism, which is more accurately viewed, I believe, as an expression of “identity transparency”. I prefer this term to “participation mystique” which has a connotation of primitivism not at all justified -- given that subject-subject and subject-object empathic fusion requires access to elaborate simultaneous awareness states of consciousness not easily experienced by the uncultivated awareness.

Urban versus rural may not be the real issue. Explicit animism in Japan has probably fallen into abeyance due mostly to the fact that the traditional arts, crafts, and inner disciplines are no longer being practiced as widely or as authentically as they were only one or two generations ago. The relative absence of analogical and metaphorical reference in contemporary Japanese architecture (compared to the traditional) may well be another factor promoting conscious abeyance of animism (which abeyance, I believe, has unconsciously been psychologically compensated for by the flood of highly fetishized pornography which came on the scene beginning in the early-1970s).

Regarding the second question you raise: I think Schrödinger must certainly have had quite elaborate experience of “identity transparency” (and thus of animism) and that this played a significant role in the production of his famous wave equation. I also think it played a role in his refusal to embrace the probability interpretation of his equation. Indeed, I view much of the problematics associated with quantum theory as being the result of an absence of animistic experience on the part of those doing the interpreting.

At the beginning of this 21st century, the monoculture use to which the evolving techno-base is being put is imposing a uniformization and subjective-intersubjective cognitive and neurologic deficit omniculturally on such an unprecedented scale, that, given the history of holocausts associated with this millennia-long cognitive implosion, one would have to be oblivious to human history to believe THE NEW WORLD ORDER will be imposed absent holocausts of unprecedented scale. It's a ridiculous notion entertained only by those with huge neurologic lacunae.

Being uninformed is not only a mark of distinction in America, it is a matter of national pride.
Cell phones will be to the present generation what cigarettes were to the WWII generation.
It has been a long time since there were students in American universities; now, there are only trainees.

Intergenerational memory of inner states is far poorer than the famed limitations of institutional memory: collective amnesia is endemic to the human species.

Anyone with a voice at this juncture is not doing any good. If the person were doing good, knee-jerk nesting instinct protecting the current institutionalization would not allow him or her a voice.

When U.S. officials responsible for causing the Cambodian holocaust were not held legally culpable for their acts -- indeed, one even received the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts -- who could possibly imagine U.S. officials being held responsible for their acts in the Waco deaths? They were not held responsible for the Hansford irradiation; the production of Agent Orange at a location on the waterfront in Alexandria, Virginia, at the time surrounded by a densely populated ghetto community, which, when gentrified to upper-middle class, the City Public Works Department required 12 feet of dirt removed, a plastic shield placed, 12 feet of new dirt installed before building could proceed; the testing of electromagnetic pulse weapons for well over a decade in upper-middle class suburban Virginia and Maryland, which, in all likelihood, was involved in triggering or inducing fulminations of SLE and other radiation-sensitive degenerative autoimmune and demyelinating diseases; and so on; and so on.

Nothing significant will be done until the wave moving from the periphery to the power centers begins to break. All sorts of interest will arise at that point, but only the most meager of undertakings will then be possible.


BigDonOne said...

HFS...!! ------
"I have donated and urge everyone who reads this post to contribute what they can.
Better to keep hands off, terminate all aid, and allow these hopelessly cognition-deprived cultures go to extinct, to the extent possible. It's an F-T-O failure like feeding the rats in your crawl space until they multiply into fatal consequences for the host.

All massive resources and efforts to bring them into the modern world have essentially failed, up to and including allowing one into the White House where he imports unscreened disease-spewing illegals all over the country at taxpayer expense, and daily wipes his ass with the Constitution....

Vic78 said...

So that's your idea to make the US better? You know this country's propped up by their resources. We have our own stupidity to check stateside. We have a government that caters to worthless ass old people at the expense of the young. We have a bunch of John Galt worshippers on Social Security and Medicare. There's so much money in the budget if we cut those people off. How much wisdom should we expect from these real life Archie Bunkers? So fuck 'em.

BigDonOne said...

@Vic -- Have you noticed that Europe (e.g., France, UK, Scandinavia) are also being destroyed by the cognition-deprived tsunami from the south...??

Screw the One World Globalism. Better to totally isolate the African continent, maintain it as a Zoo & Nature Preserve. Limited guided tours to view in their natural state whatever wild animals and spearchuckers survive.

As for the "critical" resources, time to do whatever we would do to adjust after those resources would inevitably exhaust. CNu might even go for that.......

woodensplinter said...

Vic78 and Big Don share a common polity, what our friend William Pensinger called the monoculture. The monoculture is bound together by its addictive consumption, has serially perpetrated holocausts against traditional, sustainable, egalitarian cultures, and when the truth of the matter is finally out and known, the members of the monoculture will very shortly and quite literally be at one another's throats.

Gurdjieff himself could not have concocted a more elegant and complete depiction of "the terror of your situation".

BigDonOne said...

@Vic -- Actually every NICE THING you got was developed by what you call "worthless ass old [White-implied] people," including electricity and everything that runs on it (solid state electronics, cellfones, DVD's, computers, internet, satellite communications, lighting, batteries) ... petroleum and anything using or made from it (fuel, plastic - Escalades, airplanes/jet-engines) ... modern medicine (your Viagra) and sanitation ...

What you got? (NFL, NBA, entertainers - rap music, Chuck Berry, Beyonce...) ...

Now, it appears, you would rejoice at seeing all this regress to the lowest uncivilized common denominator (Africa)...

CNu said...

every NICE THING you got is bringing about the catastrophic collapse of every life support system upon which the chordate phylum depends

BigDonOne said...

Not if the population shrinks to a non-Democrat parasite-free sustainable self-sufficient level.....perhaps, e.g. 1-billion worldwide - whatever it takes. ... It's not getting much press, but there *are* [White] people working on mining landfills to reclaim all the stuff that's been dumped, just too expensive for the moment, but not down-the-road when demand for it ramps up...

CNu said...

lol, a Chinese woman beat you to that hustle and I'm not so sure she'd be with or about your specific notions about the proper composition of the future minimal regret population particularly given the monoculture's indisputable role in creating the maximal regret circumstances comprising the source of our terrible current predicament.

woodensplinter said...

The byzantine denials and reality evasions of the normotically ill are simply staggeringLook, this is not so mysterious. In presence of moral compromise, one can assimilate information, perhaps even some knowledge, but not understanding. It’s quite simple, really. Contrary to popular belief, attainment of understanding has as much to do with moral clarity and emotional purity as with intellectual perspicacity, regardless of the area of human endeavor involved. And wisdom, I feel certain, must involve even more elaborate inner faculties, the existence of which we barely suspect, and which surely involve emotional and perceptual concomitants of m-valued modes of cognition and associated ethical repercussions. Wisdom must involve living in direct m-valued perception of non-selfsame realreality. When I quit college, one of the central considerations was awareness that the moral compromise imposed by performance of the duties associated with any professional position in this society is absolutely lethal to the inner life, thereby playing a significant role in induction of what is now called “normotic illness”.

CNu said...

lol, I actually knew exactly what you were talking about and responded as I did just the same - whatever it takes and all...,

Vic78 said...

I guess it is nice to have at least four Wal-Marts that has everything you need in a given city. It's nice to have at least two Targets in a given city. You can just decide "I want a chicken sandwich" and have one in less than ten minutes. You can get a brand new car right now if you want to anywhere in the country. If your computer's too slow you can fix that in less than a day.

What does all this cost? Well, we're seeing water shortages in some of the most populated cities. It's not individuals using the water like that; the water is used by the factories, chain stores, fast food restaurants, oil companies, etc. It's all done for us to get all the nice things we have. There's also peak oil and climate change. That's killing the ocean and putting too much co2 in the air. On top of all that, there's big money resistance to even talking about solutions. So I guess I should say thanks.

CNu said...

He's doing the very best he can with what little he has. His specific strain of normotic illness is just a bit more conspicuous than most folks. It won't be too terribly long now before the thin buffer (I calculate it's thickness at 6 primary meals missed) that keeps us away from one another's throats vanishes completely. You suppose people imagine that these open-carry initiatives sweeping the country are a joke or a fashion statement?

CNu said...

Vic, monsieur fuktard thinks that a minimal regret population level of 1 Billion will preserve his cherished conspicuous consumption and restore pastoral and natural environmental norms. He's totally unaware that the global human population was just a little over a billion along about the time Baronet Trevelyan was extolling God's work of trying to exterminate some of his own surplus ancestry....,

CNu said...

Simple-simon l-o-l-ing and linking an article he either didn't read or understand..., thanks BD!

Vic78 said...

I told him I'd be proud of him if he took my advice.

He'd get in a zone and try to get into his usual insanity then be like: "This is some bullshit. What the fuck am I doing? Look at myself."
"What the fuck is he on?"

Nothing Personal, It's Just Business....,

▶️ Powerful video here: revealing the deep and dark corruption which has been fueling this disastrous proxy war from the first moment of its...