Tuesday, March 24, 2015

when their back is to the wall, don't forget they have NUKES....,

zerohedge |  With allies migrating en masse to China's new infrastructure bank (and even the US having to admit it will 'cooperate'), it appears America has fallen back on what has worked for it in the past to ensure the world's largest creditor remains the world's reserve currency ad inifinitum - rattle its nuclear missile sabre... As the following clip shows, The US Air Force just test-fired a Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile from California, providing a "visual to the world."


BigDonOne said...

"She acquitted him even though the cops said he did it. "
They acquitted This_Guy http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2015/03/24/without-fear-of-retaliation-george-zimmerman-unloads-on-barack-hussein-obama-in-13-minute-video/ even though The_President said he did it....

CNu said...

lol, that's the loose thread that started unraveling of the whole filthy, funky, rule of law sweater - not only nationwide - but very possibly world-wide. Your neurotic projections from the id are no longer accepted as valid ethical currency for all the rotten shit you constantly premeditate doing to others.

Can Rachel Maddow Be Far Behind?