Wednesday, January 07, 2015

rule of law: overseers and their tribal supporters furious about a little sunlight and disinfectant...,

theatlantic |  in the course of defending the NYPD, the right is now lending credibility to the notion that harsh but totally nonviolent criticism of public employees makes one partly responsible if they are attacked by a lunatic–as well as the idea that public employees who feel disrespected by elected officials ought to be appeased with an apology. As City Journal takes well-desserved shots at Sharpton, condemns the rare protestors who disgustingly chant for dead cops, and publishes plausible defenses of Broken Windows policing, it would do well to start regarding misbehaving police with as much concern as it routinely marshals for misbehaving teachers, rather than proceeding as if cops are the one category of public employees who can do no wrong, despite ample evidence to the contrary and even as police unions openly intervene to keep the worst cops from being terminated.

A publication with a proud history of urging necessary reforms in New York City ought to be on the front lines of improving its scandal-prone police department and protecting the Fourth Amendment rights of innocents, rather than overlooking all manner of misdeeds so long as crime rates are low. At the very least, it should stop acting as if those who do criticize misbehaving police officers are any more responsible for the extremely rare instances in which they're murdered than City Journal would be responsible for an assault on a representative from the California Teacher's Association. For good reason, City Journal authors bristle at the propagandistic notion that they are "attacking all teachers." Neither are police reform advocates attacking all officers, not any more than black and brown men with badges who say racial bias exists in New York City. NYPD defenders believe that further crime reductions can only occur if police are afforded a larger degree of respect. They ought to dedicate some time and energy to reforming the police department so that it is more respectable.

*Consider the fact that the overwhelming majority of Stop-and-Frisk encounters involve people who've committed no crime and are sent on their way without arrest or citation. NYPD defenders are fond of arguing that every statistic about racial disparities in arrests and stops are explained by the fact that blacks tend to live in more dangerous neighborhoods and commit crimes at higher rates. What of the large majority of blacks who are following the law when police mass in their neighborhood? Their liberties seem to be regarded as collateral damage.

In fact, police who mass in the same neighborhood day after day have a heightened responsibility to make sure that their attempt to catch criminals and increase order doesn't continually violate the rights of innocent residents–the NYPD is, after all, obliged to abide by the 4th Amendment. They make a mockery of "reasonable suspicion" when the people they purportedly suspect are doing no wrong 8 or 9 times out of ten. How many times would you need to be stopped and frisked while doing no wrong to develop resentment of the officers detaining you? NYPD defenders never assign any responsibility for the rift that results to police, even though any community of any race subject to Stop and Frisk would resent it. Imagine how Wall Street bankers would react if subjected to it for a single week.


Dale Asberry said...

He's also a bit of an assclown when it comes to issues regarding Israel.

CNu said...

Please elaborate?

woodensplinter said...

Unpunished misbehavior by those with a license to kill, is the essential truth. The 800lb gorilla is the fervent amen chorus which vigorously supports this sacrosanct license and obstinately objects to further sunlight and disinfectant.

CNu said...

What tickles me is how somebody like Kunstler can have perfect clarity on the political economics of ISISIS will thrive on Western
punishment. It has vast potential to recruit the population of idle,
under-employed young men all across North Africa and the Middle East,
and beyond to Europe and the band of Islamic society that stretches
below Russia across mid-Asia. The catch is, if and when they come to
actually rule most of these territories, they will be running economies
reduced to Dark Age levels.Yet show himself wholly incapable of seeing the exact same situation in the make-work activities of the American just-us system that has made up employment in law enforcement for idle under-employed young men for generations - postponing its own inevitable rendezvous with economic dark age levels...,

Dale Asberry said...

I used the googol "kunstler israel" ;-)

BigDonOne said...

...Elsewhere on the diversity front, 40 Silicon-Acres and a High-Tech-Mule--->

"Intel said it has established a $300 million fund to be used in the next three years to improve the diversity of the company’s work force.....The money will be used to fund engineering scholarships and to support historically black colleges and universities.... the plan would increase the population of women, blacks, Hispanics and other groups at Intel by at least 14 percent during that period, the company said."

CNu said...

Praise almighty Goog-All!

One wonders if these views inhere to generation, neurotype, what exactly? Further, one wonders about the reasonableness and sincerity of folks shedding crocodile tears about either the civil rights of blacks or Palestinians.

Dale Asberry said...

I would say less "generation" and more "age". My parents were quite the liberals when I was a teen but much less so now. I think neurotypicals are much more susceptible but not necessarily correlated. Of course, Don has jumped in with his OT comment that does point to Intel letting loose some crocodile tears...

CNu said...

Curious, does that mean your parents socially segregated themselves more, became more racist in their outlook - or what exactly?

BigDonOne said...

...@Dale...article clearly asked what now, what next, regarding diversity and black separatism. It had nothing whatsoever to do with Israel. That totally OT diversion is what *you* interjected....

CNu said...

BD, what are you talking about?

The Koch brothers gave big to the United Negro College Fund - provoking a rift with the American Federation of State County and Municipal "Workers"

FTO-elites realize that the race-war for which many of your conservatard tribesmen seem to be itching - will only serve to destroy a considerable amount of remaining American wealth and terminally weaken the nation. Only those who've thrown in the towel or staked their life's meager fortune on shit hitting the fan (like Kunstler) are promoting this.

The smart money is on continued gradual contraction and reconfiguration around a lower net energy matrix. Hell, if we hold out long enough without committing non-climate related species suicide, we may well still escape our various and sundry predicaments. Time is of the essence and smart folks realize that in order to buy the most possible additional time you've got to make peace domestically.

woodensplinter said...

Although crime levels in the U.S. have dropped drastically since you stopped adding lead to your gasoline, countering the cycle of poverty would yield still further reductions. As things presently stand, you pay a minority of people to work, pay a minority not to work, and pay an increasingly dangerous and delusional minority to incarcerate elements of the non-working minority.

The current state of law and order in your country is centered on a delusional make-work game. It consists of one set of stupid and underemployed people catching another set of stupid and underemployed people doing things and then punishing them for that. It's not like the stupid underemployed catchers have any hope of catching more intelligent underemployed rule-breakers.

While the law and order propaganda has convinced quite a lot of stupid people that "punishing the bad guy" feels good, the real trick centers on teaching everybody meaningful and productive work on whose merits the greatest number can become "good guys".

Can Rachel Maddow Be Far Behind?