Friday, January 09, 2015

invasion of america

Aeon Magazine | Between 1776 and the present, the United States seized some 1.5 billion acres from North America’s native peoples, an area 25 times the size of the United Kingdom. Many Americans are only vaguely familiar with the story of how this happened. They perhaps recognise Wounded Knee and the Trail of Tears, but few can recall the details and even fewer think that those events are central to US history.
Their tenuous grasp of the subject is regrettable if unsurprising, given that the conquest of the continent is both essential to understanding the rise of the United States and deplorable. Acre by acre, the dispossession of native peoples made the United States a transcontinental power. To visualise this story, I created ‘The Invasion of America’, an interactive time-lapse map of the nearly 500 cessions that the United States carved out of native lands on its westward march to the shores of the Pacific.


CNu said...

dayyum, you went straight ham brah!

makheru bradley said...

Historically the paddyrollers and the lynch mob (raw elements) worked together. The paddyrollers have become the lynch mob (executions without due process), so the raw elements probably feel they need to step up their game. Whenever this person is found he will be regarded as an isolated lunatic, similar to Jerad and Amanda Miller, unlike Ismaaiyl Brinsley.

OBTW, I see Denver police tested a system the police have been using in Charlotte. That's probably more of a message than the raw element in Colly Springs.

A barrage of shots rattled multiple inner-city Denver neighborhoods Wednesday night as the Denver Police Department tested a new system that detects gunfire.

Dale Asberry said...

Bubba better get his act together if he wants to fit through the coming funnel...

Dale Asberry said...

Wow, I can get tannerite at my local (and loved) Rural King!

rohan said...

Bro. Makheru, can you spell tannerite?

CNu said...

lol, you're a smart man Dale. I have every certainty you can do MUCH better than that and for a minor pittance of what you'd hand over to the good'ole boys at Rural King.

Dale Asberry said...

My brother retired from the Army as an E8 in charge of the EOD squad in northern Iraq. He says the Anarchists Cookbook already figured out all the hard chemistry work for me ;-)

BigDonOne said...

BD supposes there is not the slightest possibility of TBS...( Tawana Brawley Syndrome)....

makheru bradley said...

I'm not into riddles, so what's your point?

Can Rachel Maddow Be Far Behind?