Saturday, January 04, 2014
simply pathetic....,
January 04, 2014
Labels: A Kneegrow Said It , Ass Clownery , Cathedral , presstitution
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Nothing Personal, It's Just Business....,
▶️ Powerful video here: revealing the deep and dark corruption which has been fueling this disastrous proxy war from the first moment of its...
theatlantic | The Ku Klux Klan, Ronald Reagan, and, for most of its history, the NRA all worked to control guns. The Founding Fathers...
Video - John Marco Allegro in an interview with Van Kooten & De Bie. TSMATC | Describing the growth of the mushroom ( boletos), P...
dailybeast | Of all the problems in America today, none is both as obvious and as overlooked as the colossal human catastrophe that is our...
I do not watch TV or pay for Cable TV but this is pretty pathetic. Is she crying because she is sorry or is she crying because she looking back at her own DNA and history and realize she was truly insulting her inner child in her attempt to insult Romney?
She's crying cause she's been given THE flagship Cathedral podium in the U.S. - 4 hours worth on the weekends, outside the 24 hour news cycle - and money and fame vastly beyond her wildest academic ambitions in political science (race studies) at Princeton where she was denied tenure and now at Tulane where she was granted tenure. She also has spousal ambitions for elected office. Her little rolliepollie husband ran for mayor of New Orleans in 2010 (lost).
Given renewed committment by the vampire squid 3rd way backers of democratic politics to doubled-down on racialized mimetic cover for their banksterish strategery - she can't afford to have ANY racially negative baggage going forward.
Phil Griffin (president of microsoft-national-broadcast-cathedral) told old girl to get those gushers going and sell contrition or else, there are 500 other telegenic and hongry blackademic "scholars" champing at the bit to get a crack at the Cathedral's big teevee podium.
I saw the video again...she is crying while reading a teleprompter....I have a business idea...create a mobile app that roles up teleprompter text to read from when making an apology, proposing for marriage or closing arguments in a manslaughter trial....who cries and read the teleprompter at the same time? LOL, I seen it all now....
They just won't let it go. The white priveledge game is over. They need to move to Colorado and light one up for old times. They had a good run. Now it's time for new ideas. They had their chance and fucked up.
Seems like our good friend Dr. Hill has to do some apologizing himself. Is there something going here I'm not aware of?
CNN went in hard yesterday to get MHP fired. (CNN is running at #3 in cable news to MSNBC's #2) and silly Hill (who used to be regular on the Bill O'Reilly show) made his video quips on CNN.
I do believe the era of critical race/gender/sexual orientation "studies" in higher-ed having a free pass to go in on white folks any old kind of way has officially come to an end. I expect to see a great many of these little critical studies programs defunded and former "assistant professors" coming soon to a Starbucks near you asking what you want in your vente mocha latte.
Why did they make fun of a family pic in the first place? Let the old man enjoy his family. He got his ass whupped so there's no reason to meddle with him. Damn, Dr Hill should've just said he was wrong. Those people have no guile. They make me appreciate my poly sci teachers that much more. Imagine having to turn a paper in that didn't massage their egos...
Not so fast kimosabe. NYC is the designated laboratory for progressive programs that folks have been crying for from the Hon.Bro.Preznit, but which have here-to-date fallen on shockingly deaf ears. The dynastic designees who you rightly recommend as needing to ride off into the sunset, are the trusted architects of blue-dog democratic compromise, and, the trusted designees of the 3rd way vampire squids who need to take the measure of what they can continue to get away with, and what they will have to begin to give up, in order to forestall the coming torches and pitchforks that will usher in 1% heads on stakes. THIS much can be said for Bill de Blasio’s inauguration, which featured a
concentration of left-wing agitprop unseen since the last time Pete
Seeger occupied a stage alone: If the waning years of Barack Obama’s
presidency are going to be defined by a liberal crusade against income
inequality, there’s no more fitting place to kick it off than New York
Here's another big piece of the puzzle, unsurprisingly being served up by yet another jarringly dynastic servant of the 3rd Way money men in New York. Meanwhile, New York City’s new mayor, Bill de Blasio, had quickly seemed to overshadow Mr. Cuomo as the state’s leading progressive politician.
For Mr. Cuomo, who has often found common ground with Republicans on fiscal issues, the sudden shift on marijuana — which he is expected to
announce on Wednesday in his annual State of the State address — was the latest of several instances in which he has embarked on a major social
policy effort sure to bolster his popularity with a large portion of his political base.
In 2011, he successfully championed the legalization of same-sex marriage in New York. And a year ago, in the aftermath of the mass school shooting in Newtown, Conn., Mr. Cuomo pushed through legislation giving New York some of the nation’s toughest gun-control laws, including a strict ban on assault weapons. He also has pushed, unsuccessfully so far, to strengthen abortion rights in state law.
The governor’s action also comes as advocates for changing drug laws have stepped up criticism of New York City’s stringent enforcement of marijuana laws, which resulted in nearly 450,000 misdemeanor charges from 2002 to 2012, according to the Drug Policy Alliance, which advocates more liberal drug laws.
During that period, medical marijuana became increasingly widespread outside New York, with some 20 states and the District of Columbia now allowing its use.
From Bloomberg who cracked the conservative whip in NYC now down to the trusted blue dogs aided and abetted by mimetic cover - the banksters have opened themselves up to some serious governance policy and methodological experimentation because they're desperately afraid of a resurgence of open and pointed civil disobedience represented by the Occupy movement. Legalizing the weed has everything to do with monetary and tax policy as it shifts a significant flow of tax payments onto middle class and upper middle class consumers who won't object to paying a "sin" tax.
This is also my conclusion and I agree. From these so-called Dr. Boyce Watkins to these Torre' characters..these Phds adacademia types have zero qualification to be in this arena if they cannot handle their business. However, isn't the unqualified Rev. Al Sharpton show on MSNBC an influencer? These other Black folks have to tow his line instead of blaze their own trail for "consistency"?
I wish they weren't so New York centric. They're a little late to the party. You have California, Massachussetts, Maryland, and Oregon. They've had the progressive success that people are crying about. San Francisco's mayor has the record they've been looking for. There is a country outside of New York City. They have to have their story.
Sure would love to comment on the groundbreaking journalism that happened at Dream and Hustle, but unfortunately, the comments aren't active over at that site. Would also love to put up a crowdfunding link, perhaps to something like a gossip futures trading market or some such. I got some mechanicules and a dope tee-shirt for JK's kickstarter contribution, what kind of prizes and bonus inducements is the D&H team offering for early entrant backers?
Clean energy is a pipe dream Vic. If somebody was serious about taking the big part of the deuterostome bell curve over the acute survival hump headed our way, thorium reactors would've gone into production a long time ago.
Comment section is under review..pondering going to Disqus instead of using my internal MySQL.
Being able to produce crocodile tears is requirement for American politics. Pia Glenn, "one of these things is not like the others" was the worst offender. Glenn espouses the same mentality that reduces children killed by American drones to "collateral damage."
The latest great white populist hope.
[In “The Strange Career of Jim Crow,” the great history by C. Vann Woodward, we learn that populism began with a broad and detailed interest in both black and white workers, an American sense of democratic life that transcended the distinctions of color, religion, national origin and erroneous genetic differences. It didn’t stay that way.]
Why is Dr Hill arguing with the sister fuckers on Twitchy? Those guys beat off to the old guy from Duck Dynasty? How did the chattering class go this long without picking up some game? Lol @Dr Hill always trying to show off how smart he is. That's one thing that pisses me off about people from the left. They entertain fuckery when they should be putting a foot in their asses. They do dumb shit like argue with Bill O'Reilly long after Cam'Ron made him look foolish. Cam'Ron gave their stupid asses the blueprint for future ass whuppings. The truth about the twitchy types is that they were forced to toss their daddies' salad when they were 23 and now they're mad at the world. I ain't got nothing to do with that shit. Ed's on the money about them cats being uppity to fight dirty. I'll follow the rules until I see my opponent isn't interested in fair play. When I see that they ain't right, fuck 'em and God bless.
Brother CNu:
If you get a chance, check out the documentary on "Adam Clayton Powell JR".
Since the 1930's as an upstart Harlem preacher - Powell mastered how to compel poor Black people to remain loyally by his side by FIGHTING FOR THEM - against the (then) Jewish merchants that lined "125th Street In Harlem", demanding that they employ Blacks in their shops that catered to Black consumers.
He was able to leverage this loyalty to hop from the pulpit, to city council, to the US Congress. His base LOVED how he "Stuck It To The White Man".
When corruption charges were filed against him, he was again able to take to the microphone and convince his base that this was a conspiracy to bring a "strong Black man down".
Despite being a preacher - his womanizing and corruption did not compel any in his "congregation" push for INSTITUTIONAL INTEGRITY, over "the vicarious fight against the White man", through his presence.
Today in his "Abyssinian Baptist Church" in Harlem - the current pastor - Calvin Butts III is pondering a run for political office.
A few short blocks away - a group of Black "Christian" pastors seek to topple "The Emergency Managing Minister Of Social Justice" Al Sharpton's POWER as he has neglected this STILL POOR, STILL UNDER-EDUCATED community. They plan to form a city-wide group - NOT for "Prayer and Religious Fellowship", but for POLITICAL POWER.
The point of all of this is: NONE OF THEM are expressing "INSTITUTIONAL MEMORY" of all of the CONFIDENCE MEN who strung this community along, having them to VOTE FOR THEIR SALVATION.
Instead there is a "Spot Market" forged upon "The Least Of These".
You have to ask why the MASSES DON'T DEMAND REGULATION...........OF THEMSELVES from putting their hopes and money into the offering plate.
lol, the moral of all that is that they would have been better served as Roman Catholics. At least they would have gotten good parish parochial schools for their trouble.
Check this out from the douche lord himself:
What is inexcusably pathetic is that the absolute pinnacle of achievement for the whole, complete, and entire afrodemic enterprise in America is a spot as one of the handful of paid, scripted, and closely supervised entertainers on cable teevee. Like Ed pointed out, these impotent assclowns gotta front a PhD in order to do a hamstrung version of what Joe Sixpack Bill O'Reilly, Megyn Kelly, Chris Hayes, et al get to do with no such credentials to their name. How pitiful is that?!?!?!?!
lol@douche lord. What that makes Friedman?
For the life of me I do not comprehend what qualifies this flubbering blubbering mediocrity to edit at The Atlantic or lecture on writing at MIT. (scratch that, flubbering-blubbering mediocrity IS the primary criterion) but taking Cathedral idiocy to new heights, he has asserted that MHP is America's Foremost Public Intellectual.
I have no respect for him after the way he dealt with Andrew Sullivan's Bell Curve fuckery. Coates came across on some weak shit. I don't think he realizes how bad that shit looks. Or maybe he doesn't care as long as he gets paid.
This is how you talk to and about Sully: You let that bitch know his place. You don't argue about what he said; you laugh him off the stage.
I would've thought you were joking if I hadn't read his latest. It's damn dispicable.
One of the Neocons is sad the gig's about up.
I peeped a little of this on way too early this morning before I had to hit the door. Why you call Gates a neocon Vic? I think of him as a Kissingerian "deep state" actor. He's a smart, profoundly connected guy with access and trust established across proprietary and governance classes. Further, he's an exceptionally high IQ good ole boy. That's his deal. That's why he and the Hon.Bro.Preznit and his gasbag sidekick Joe Biden could never get along. Obama is f'ing Cathedral through and through.
When the shit goes down with China (or whoever) you're still going to need a whole bunch of those good ole boys. They are America's monstrous dog kept on a tight leash. Hardcore brothers out this way, fall into what I would call a "blackneck" category ourselves, with more than a little redneck culture. To fail to understand that fact, is to fundamentally fail to understand and to lead all of the American people - and this is one of Obama's absolute core failings as President.
I called him a neocon because it looked as if he were trying to undermine the president's wish to leave Afganistan some time before 2050. I was tempted to believe Gates wanted to stay there indefinitely. I only have problems with good ole boys when they fuck up. Other than that; I don't care what they do. There was some bullshit going on with a few people in the president's cabinet. So I could be wrong about calling Gates a Neocon.
What you say about the "blackneck" puts me in the mind of Jim Brown shitting on Kobe. Or someone like Umar Johnson. That mentality will set a person back needlessly.
Vic78, you may be missing CNu point. Gates is not a warhawk or neocon like Wolfiwitz(?), Gates is more like the guy who bring out the torture tools to carry out the example not to offend the throne and the kingdom.
Michelle Alexander calls out classic 3rd Way vampire squid strategery
taken straight out of the response to Bacon's Rebellion and embodied in
these nefarious neoliberal minions, the Clintons: - why we won't see her - or anybody as serious as she is - on regular teevee anytime soon, rather, we'll continue to be bombarded with divisive Cathedral fluff whose exclusive purpose is to alienate the poor, white, and pissed.
Appreciate the explanation.
It's interesting you say that.
It's not the poor ones that are the problem; it's the worthless brain dead middle class.
In Fall 2013, Professor Harris-Perry is teaching the following courses.
POLA 4010: Hip-Hop & Feminism
This course seeks to address, analyze, explore and contest the political aspects of hip-hop music and culture through a close examination of feminism. This course is an analytic space for debate and discussion about the impact of hip-hop culture on the sexual, gender and political understandings of Americans and others around the world.
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