Sunday, January 26, 2014

I'll be intentionally biting my own tongue....,

umkc | The Division of Diversity and Inclusion at theUniversity of Missouri-Kansas City will bring an advocate for social justice to its campus later this month as part of the university’s annual tribute to the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
Melissa V. Harris-Perry, host of MSNBC’s “Melissa Harris-Perry,” will serve as the keynote speaker at the Martin Luther King Lecture Program at 6 p.m. on Jan. 27 at the UMKC Swinney Recreation Center. The “Melissa Harris-Perry” show airs on Saturdays and Sundays from 10 a.m. to noon.
A book signing will take place from 4:30 – 5:30 p.m., prior to the lecture.
Harris-Perry is author of the well-received book, “Sister Citizen: Shame, Stereotypes, and Black Women in America” (Yale 2011). The book argues that stereotypes – invisible to many but painfully familiar to black women – profoundly shape black women’s politics, contribute to policies that treat them unfairly, and make it difficult for black women to assert their rights in the political arena.
She is a professor of political science at Tulane University and the founding director of the Anna Julia Cooper Project on Gender, Race and Politics in the South. Harris-Perry is known for her in-depth knowledge of politics regarding African Americans, gender and religion; U.S. public opinion and elections; and political psychology.
Professor Harris-Perry is a columnist for The Nation magazine where she also writes a monthly column, also titled Sister Citizen.


Nakajima Kikka said...

This broadly aligns with what I've been seeing out there, as well.

Sooner or later, GenX is going to have to get off the fence, abandon the middle path, and pick a side.

Boomer or Millenial? What's it gonna be?
How's that for dualism?

umbrarchist said...

When are they going to get that what has been called Capitalism has been BS for decades? The Boomers blew it in the last half of the 20th century. Yeah, manufacture and buy garbage while pretending there was no planned obsolescence.

The Millineals have yet to figure out how much they have been screwed. That is why I wrote this:

I first posted it on the Internet in February of 1999. 15 years next month.

Nakajima Kikka said...

The Boomers remain convinced that being an "Entrepreneur" is being some kind of political and social revolutionary, hence their reflexive support for all things Capitalist. It's nothing of the sort, of course.
So basically you're saying we should all be able to write off the yearly depreciated value of our durable consumer goods from our income taxes? That would be revolutionary.

umbrarchist said...

Why is everyone brainwashed into believing that depreciation is about taxes? Is money more important than turning natural resources into garbage?

NET DP is more important than Gross DP but it is not computed correctly without subtracting Demand Side Depreciation.

BigDonOne said...

Will Subrealism br front row center...??
Might even score a foto-op....

Constructive_Feedback said...

Anna Julia Cooper Project on Gender, Race and Politics in the South

Anna Julia Cooper was a very successful education at Washington DC's "M Street School", formerly known as "Preparatory High School for Negro Youth".

On the one had the school was one of the top ranked schools, White or Black in the metro. At the same time we can conclude that the school had a selective admissions policy in order to achieve this end.

While indeed Ms Cooper was labeled as a "Feminist" - I ASSURE YOU that her brand of "Feminism" during her day is far askew to that which Dr Perry and her friends project into the world every weekend.

While I live in "Civil Rights Central" and see more than a fair share of "Civil Rights Hero's" legacies molested as their names are affixed to organizations, schools, parks and thoroughfares whose outcomes would be considered "sacrilege" BUT FOR the original scheme in which the posting of the name was meant to suppress criticism and natural suspicions of their respective Black congregation.

My present position on "Dr King" is that while I do believe that he was A GREAT MAN FOR HIS TIME in fighting the threats that the Black community faced AND that he pushed for needed change in American governance and thus should be applauded - HIS CURATORS of today are a band of CONFIDENCE MEN. They take the image of "Dr King" - promote him into a "Perfect Being Worthy Of Worship" - and because they are standing on "The Right Side With 'Dr King' " most of their FOOLISH debate adversaries (example right-wing White or Blacks) who seek to "Make Dr King ONE OF THEIR OWN" in the name of stealing a bit of the marketing for themselves - end up looking foolish.

* They say that "Dr King believed that everyone should have a job!" - Let them create jobs locally, like Dr King said"
* They say that "Dr King believed in a living wage" - Let THEM create a local economy of their own where everyone is paid $20 per hour

* Let them turn ever 'Dr King High School" into a model for learning!
* Let them make the entire length of every "Dr King Blvd" into a thriving enterprise zone where - safety, commerce and culture redound.

* They DO SAY that "Dr King stood against WAR" because today, this would expose them for their own corruption at preferring their domestic social justice through their friend in the White House to exposing outrage over US Foreign Policy that they would have been protesting but for his presence.

Dr Perry is pleasing to the Progressive-Fundamentalist.
She and her friends are rather incompetent at DEVELOPING THE LEAST OF THESE through the institutional and cultural control that they command after decades of collecting the valuables of these aggrieved masses.

Constructive_Feedback said...

[quote]eschewing social and economic convention to challenge what we take to be civil society. On our way to developing innovative solutions to our imminent retirement debacle I learned from some of the most credible researchers on the planet that our children aren't marrying; they have become the refuseniks of our competitive corporate culture and have effectively eschewed organized religion and even a belief in the almighty.[/quote]

The classical "THIS TIME when we try it things will go better BECAUSE WE ARE SMARTER" is being set up.

This is a necessary thing.
It is clear that the society of man vacillates as the "RULE MADE BY DEAD MEN" are challenged by the new generation, only to find out that MAN DOES NOT CHANGE, only the conditions he is exposed to changes.

For me, especially important will be the sight of the Black community - having partnered with the "Post-Racial Progressive Alliance" who will become the COMMANDING ESTABLISHMENT POWER - will have to yield (if there is intellectual honesty) the claim to "RESIDUAL DAMAGE FROM SLAVERY" - because THEY WILL HAVE SUPPORTED ALL OF THE KEY FORCES IN POWER that they now say are failing them.

With the end of the runway at hand - the great double cross will be finally realized.

umbrarchist said...

The misinformation crash. But consumers must be kept dumb so they keep blindly consuming. The economy depends on it.

CNu said...

enough of your repetitive prattle already...., go read the Adolph Reed Jr. articles I've posted over the past week or so and actually learn something for a change....,

CNu said...

lol, I'm gonna go with Reed's version of history and fact.

Enrique Cardova said...

[quote]With its role in question, the entrenched black elite was no longer able to effectively perform its internal management function and lost any authority with its "recruits" and the black community in general.[/quote]

---------------------------------------- --

The claim is a bit simplistic. Leadership or leadership influence in the black community has long since been dispersed and is much more fluid. The old staple of "Negro leaders" is better suited to the 1960s, late 1970s and early/mid 1980s than today.

quote- "Sectional economic conquest of the south by American elites in the 20th century was effected in large measure through the machinery of the civil rights movement."
-------------------------------------- ------------

^^Not really. Economic "conquest" had little to do with the Civil Rights Movement. Any economic conquest was already well underway through the capital investment of northerners after the Civil War- and can be seen by such metrics of level of investment capital, railroad construction etc. Birmingham's famous steel industry for example was going full blast long before M.L King or local activists like Fred Shuttlesworth rose to prominence.

quote- "When opposition to segregation became political rebellion, black protest required a response from white ruling elites. That response reflected the congruence of the interests of blacks and of corporate elites in reconstructing southern society and helped define the logic of all subsequent black political activity. Both sets of interests shared an interest in rationalizing race relations in the South. The Civil Rights movement brought the two sets together.[29]

How so? ^^Can you actually give a concrete, specific example of this? How for example does steady increases of black employment in the post Civ Rights Act of 1963 era in the textile industry -an important source of rising black income in the 1960s/1970s south- be credibly related to "rationalizing race relations?" How? In what specific sense?

Enrique Cardova said...

Where ideology
demanded nuclear physics and corporate management, black upward mobility
rested with mortuary service and the Elks Lodge! The disjunction
between ideals and possibilities delegitimized the elite's claim to
brokerage and spokesmanship."

^^This might have been so circa 1940, but post WW2 the landscape had substantially changed with a more wealthy (relatively speaking), more assertive, more urbanized, more diverse black population, leavened with millions of war veterans or people who had moved out of the south to seek employment in booming war industries. There was a lot more to black mobility by WW2 than mortuary service and Elks Lodges. By the end of WW2, claims to brokerage and spokesmanship in the black community were a lot more diverse than you make out. MK king and the church type wing of black leadership was but one of the contenders for prominence. The Old Bookerites had faded, and the NAACP was being challenged within and without by a younger generation. In short, the landscape is and was a lot more complicated than easy formulas would allow.

Vic78 said...

The boomers have earned the ill will that they're getting right about now. If they won't do anything else, can they at least shut the fuck up about the Beatles?

The author sounds like it's a bad thing that younger people are immune to boomer fuckery. It's only a problem if you believe the youngsters are going to deliver some severe ass whuppings for the messes that boomers made.

CNu said...

So some examples of the more diverse and complicated black economic landscape would be in order. From my own youth in the 70's, I recall doctors, lawyers, churches, restaurants, and morticians - outside of that - there weren't any consequential black owned businesses providing employment opportunities in line with diversifying ambitions for upward mobility. There were brokerage and spokesmanship claims still being made and enforced by a bourgeois and gatekeeping subset drawn from the above managerial and professional subset.

Reeds claims are consistent with my living memory of how things were in two midwestern cities up through the 60's and 70's.

CNu said...

The claim is a bit simplistic. Leadership or leadership influence in the
black community has long since been dispersed and is much more fluid.
The old staple of "Negro leaders" is better suited to the 1960s, late
1970s and early/mid 1980s than today.Since Reed's essay linked at the very beginning of the excerpt was written in 1979 - this would be consistent for both the times and as I noted upthread - with my personal recollection of the same in two midwestern cities. (Well, Kansas City is in the furthest removed reaches of the old confederacy)

As far as rationalizing race relations goes, the claim made by Reed is that converting black peasants into black consumers and defusing the organic political claims of the formerly economically extracted peasant class IS consistent with the neoliberal agenda of promoting consumerism, consumption, and a one-dimensional political landscape.

Please read Reed's essay in its entirety before attempting any further nitpicking.

CNu said...

opting out Icelandic-style would be that ultimate ass-whupping...,

Constructive_Feedback said...


So Dr Adolph Reed is who I must prove my worth against?

He is talking about empowering "THE LEFT", a coalition that is "To The Left" of the Democratic Party.
He is advocating for "Social Justice" - yet, as a resident of Philadelphia can't bring himself to note the domination of "The Left" and "The Democrats" - despite the multi-decades promise.

Psychologically he and his "merry men" in the room can set up plausible denial - among themselves by noting that: "While YES, we supported the Democratic Party candidate against the totally unacceptable REPUBLICAN - you can't claim that we are accountable because the establishment machine is not our preference - despite us engaging in civic participation - having voted for them all - after our candidate lost out in the primary".

I have no compulsion to send in competitive "hyperlinks" to out do the theology of Professor Reed.
He already committed to advancing LEFTISM while my agenda is INSTITUTIONAL INTEGRITY - a derivative of which is for "The Least Of These" to manage the EFFECTIVENESS of their REPRESENTATIVES and associated THEORIES. With this at play I'd have no need to stand up competitive theories to Dr Reed - the LEAST OF THESE, empowered as such would run him off.

Nothing Personal, It's Just Business....,

▶️ Powerful video here: revealing the deep and dark corruption which has been fueling this disastrous proxy war from the first moment of its...