Thursday, January 09, 2014

been tryna tell you valodya not scurred...,

caseyresearch | In the global war for energy supremacy, Russia has won another victory over the United States.

This time, the battleground has been South Africa, where Russia's state-owned nuclear power company, Rosatom, has just signed an agreement to build eight new reactors. Once all of them are operational, South Africa's nuclear capacity will increase more than sixfold—from 1.8 gigawatts (GW) to 11.4 GW over the next 15 years.

This means that Russia will help develop the entirety of South Africa's nuclear energy sector, including financing and training.

And just as importantly, South Africa will be using Russia's nuclear fuel.

Rosatom has been busy signing these types of deals with other foreign countries as well—Finland, Turkey, Ukraine, even the United Kingdom—which guarantees that Russia will be able to keep a stranglehold on these countries' nuclear industries.

The strategy is clear: Rosatom is aiming to become the world's largest supplier of uranium in the coming years.

Remember what we said about the ongoing "Putinization" of Europe's oil and gas; how Russia is planning to leverage its control over Europe's energy to gain political and economic benefits?

The same thing is happening in uranium, except the stakes are even higher—because Putin is now looking to dominate the global nuclear market.

Russia and the former Soviet nations (colloquially called "the -stans") already control nearly half of the world's uranium supply:


BigDonOne said...

"In the global war for energy supremacy, Russia has won another victory over the United States."
It's still not too late to trump them in perfection of Controlled Fusion Power, by committing to the task the massive resources currently squandered in failed attempts equalize outcomes for IQ-75z (EBT, SNAP, HUD, NCLB HeadStart, ObahMuhFones, etc......). There was none of that in 1950 when the USA was kicking world a$$.....

CNu said...

lol, reallocating the resources currently squandered on geriatric lives devoid of value would even more dramatically accelerate the development process. As for example, the corporate and public sector pension obligations that are being blown away in ongoing bankruptcy debt reorganizations.

CNu said...

Speaking of the dangerous elderly, the U.S. healthcare system and the Affordable Care Act will be egregiously overburdened underwriting the cost of artificially prolonging the burdensome surplus of cancerous, arterosclerotic, self-inflicted autoimmune diseased old raisins.

BigDonOne said...

CNu, you need to stop dissing and respect those folks, now geezers, who helped create, build, produce and protect the goods/services and institutions that comprise the comfortable society in which we live. Those folks who designed and produced those fine autos for IQ-75z to steal and carjack, those folks who produced the 7-11s and fancy tennis shoes and other bling for IQ-75z to arm-rob, those folks who created the once fine cities, schools and housing projects for IQ-75z to trash into the ground, IQ-75z all fed with cradle-to-grave support from the pocket of hard-working producers and contributors. IQ-75z who now overflow the jails and prisons. Shame, shame, SHAME, on you, CNu. Respect....

CNu, you like to post those long-winded YouTubes that few actually view. Here's one that's
*really* worth watching 42 minutes, skip the first 2 minutes of obligatory introductory warm-up..... Think about the future for your kids, grandkids, great-grandkids.....

CNu said...

Dude, I told you once before, is still available. Strap that joker on right now BD cause it's got the Big Don brand written ALL OVER it. Just think, everytime you feel compelled to share your Richard Lynne inspired emanations hereabouts, you could instead post those jokers up at your very own spot.

You could distill and concentrate your own inimitable essence in one place rather than spreading it around in a diffuse manner inconsistent with the ideological and aesthetic purity your heart truly craves and richly deserves. If you don't make that move, I'm seriously thinking about setting it up on your behalf and then reposting all your pungent outputs there so they can be savored in one place by interested others.

BigDonOne said...

[Re: ] That would be wasteful preaching to the choir, already adequately distributed at e.g.,,,, These sites just report the facts and let the reader comments provide the LOL opinion.....

DMG said...

Indeed...who cares who the President of Uzbeki-beki-bekistan is....

Nothing Personal, It's Just Business....,

▶️ Powerful video here: revealing the deep and dark corruption which has been fueling this disastrous proxy war from the first moment of its...