Wednesday, April 22, 2015

darpa outlines its vision for the future |  DARPA released its Breakthrough Technologies for National Security, a biennial report summarizing the Agency’s historical mission, current and evolving focus areas and recent transitions of DARPA-developed technologies to the military Services and other sectors, last month. The report’s release coincided with testimony by DARPA Director Arati Prabhakar before the Emerging Threats and Capabilities Subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee, at a hearing entitled “Department of Defense Fiscal Year 2016 Science and Technology Programs: Laying the Groundwork to Maintain Technological Superiority.” The full report is available for download online.
Breakthrough Technologies for National Security affirms that America is in a strong strategic position today, in large part because of its longstanding technological dominance. But it also notes that a number of challenges threaten that status, including the global spread of ever more powerful and less expensive technologies and the emergence of disruptive non-nation-state actors in addition to ongoing threats from peer adversaries.
“DARPA’s mission and philosophy have held steady for decades, but the world around DARPA has changed dramatically,” the report says. “Those changes include some remarkable and even astonishing scientific and technological advances that, if wisely and purposefully harnessed, have the potential not only to ensure ongoing U.S. military superiority and security but also to catalyze societal and economic advances. At the same time, the world is experiencing some deeply disturbing technical, economic and geopolitical shifts that pose potential threats to U.S. preeminence and stability.”
Those dueling trends of simmering menace and unprecedented opportunity deeply inform DARPA’s most recent determination of its strategic priorities for the next several years, the report says.

The report identifies the phenomenon of increasing pace as a central challenge and opportunity—from the need for ever-faster radio-frequency and information-processing systems that work on the scale of nanoseconds, to the need to speed up the development time of major military systems, whose timescales today extend to decades.

“In these areas and others,” the report says, “DARPA will pursue the strategic imperative of pace in part by continuing to be a bold, risk-tolerant investor in high-impact technologies, so the Nation can be the first to develop and adopt the novel capabilities made possible by such work.”
DARPA is focusing its strategic investments in four main areas:
  • Rethink Complex Military Systems: To help enable faster development and integration of breakthrough military capabilities in today’s rapidly shifting landscape, DARPA is working to make weapons systems more modular and easily upgraded and improved; assure superiority in the air, maritime, ground, space and cyber domains; improve position, navigation and timing (PNT) without depending on the satellite-based Global Positioning System; and augment defenses against terrorism.
  • Master the Information Explosion: DARPA is developing novel approaches to deriving insights from massive datasets, with powerful big-data tools. The Agency is also developing technologies to ensure that the data and systems with which critical decisions are made are trustworthy, such as automated cyber defense capabilities and methods to create fundamentally more secure systems. And DARPA is addressing the growing need to ensure privacy at various levels of need without losing the national security value that comes from appropriate access to networked data.
  • Harness Biology as Technology: To leverage recent breakthroughs in neuroscience, immunology, genetics and related fields, DARPA in 2014 created its Biological Technologies Office, which has enabled a new level of momentum for the Agency’s portfolio of innovative, bio-based programs. DARPA’s work in this area includes programs to accelerate progress in synthetic biology, outpace the spread of infectious diseases and master new neurotechnologies.
  • Expand the Technological Frontier: DARPA’s core work has always involved overcoming seemingly insurmountable physics and engineering barriers and, once showing those daunting problems to be tractable after all, applying new capabilities made possible by these breakthroughs directly to national security needs. Maintaining momentum in this essential specialty, DARPA is working to achieve new capabilities by applying deep mathematics; inventing new chemistries, processes and materials; and harnessing quantum physics.
Breakthrough Technologies for National Security includes two sections highlighting examples of DARPA technologies that have transitioned to the military or other organizations in support of national interests. One section focuses on technology transitions from recent programs to the Services. A second section, entitled “Success Stories,” looks at the long-term impacts of certain DARPA programs over a period of decades—a reminder that the benefits of DARPA research often extend for many years after initial applications get operationalized, sometimes in unexpected ways.

A theme common to all these examples is that many individuals and organizations—public and private—have been involved in each success. That reflects the importance not only of DARPA’s seminal investments but also of the Nation’s vibrant technology ecosystem, which builds on the Agency’s work and applies DARPA’s advances to the task of ensuring national security.

“DARPA focuses heavily on building collaborative communities of expertise in institutions across the country,” the report notes. “This approach helps the Nation by encouraging work at the boundaries and intersections of disciplines, while making the Agency itself an enormously supportive, interactive and satisfying place to work.”

Story and information provided by DARPA


Ed Dunn said...

That mobile home park living is something else - been there and done that - I rather retire in a ghetto hi-rise before living in a mobile park with a mullet and used motorcycle and my sister for a girlfriend....

ken said...

Even in America it looks like you're screwed if somebody decides to drop a John Doe investigation on you.

ken said...

Chalk you in to the "slightly liberal" democrat questioned in the survey you linked to:

who believes their parties should use any tactics necessary to "win elections and issue debates, if this wasn't a perfect example of: voter suppression, stealing or cheating in elections, physical violence and threats against the other party, lying, personal attacks on opponents, not allowing the other party to speak, what is?

This really was supplied as an article to show the overreaching law enforcement and for a "non partisan" person like yourself, I thought you would have sucked up the opportunity to bring in more broad based agreement the law enforcement overseers are becoming out of control.

CNu said...

um..., sure. Ken, you're quickly institutionalizing yourself as the poster-child for conservative degeneracy. While William F. Buckley could certainly be an asshat, as demonstrated when he blew his cool and was crushingly manhandled by Noam Chomsky, the conservative pov as exemplified by Buckley was so far beyond anything of which you're capable, I'd have to bet that the founder of the National Review would be spinning in his grave if he was aware of the disgrace to once-credible opposition politics that ignorant wattles have made of his once more aristocratic and erudite coalition.

ken said...

I thought Buckley kept his cool rather nicely when discussing when discussing issues with a person who does not feel confined to keep his arguments truthful. The whopper of course was at around 46:10 to 47:10, and he kept on running his mouth. Chomsky with all his talk of the guilt he feels being associated with the rest of America did nothing except make a living calling out America's actions and not including any context.

As for you, you are looking for a conservative poster child, but again this post here was strictly to bolster your overseer argument, but your unproclaimed partisanship got in the way of the point.

CNu said...

lol, um..., sure.

MIT professor of linguistics and father of universal grammar "did nothing except make a living calling out America's actions" - and - "you're here strictly to bolster my overseer argument"

You drop a pair of whoppers in one comment and have the audacity to call Chomsky a liar?


ken said...

Yes Chomsky is a liar. Or is it liberal leftist blind headed thinking to believe China killed less than a million and the communist regimes he was talking about present when this conversation was happening were examples of democracy as he said in making his points? Can any honest person really believe he just didn't know any better than what he spews between 46 and 49 miinutes?

And I didn't say "I am here to bolster your overseer argument" I said "this post", that's a pretty good difference.

CNu said...

Was there a war in China that nobody told me about? Was it more or less destructive to selected lives than the war on drugs in the U.S.?

Vietnam was very complicated, by no means the wattle's-eye view of "freedom vs. communism" your Bircherite rhetoric implies as your worldview. Most complicated of all were the multifarious reasons for U.S. warsocialist involvement in Vietnam. There was no sane, rational, credible, or acceptable reason for any U.S. intervention in Vietnam.

But to stay on point, those present in Vietnam and with a deep understanding of the culture in question - thought very differently about what was happening there and what the U.S. was up to.

Pensinger is a challenging read, so I don't expect you to accomplish it, but it's a source to which I've often and repeatedly referred over the years, as his use of Bolas "normotic illness" nearly perfectly describes aspects of notseeism and what Uhmurkan monoculture looks like and acts like outside its own boundaries.

ken said...

Did you look at the video you posted?

CNu said...

By the way, I have no need for a conservative poster child. I know what conservatives believe and outside of their pathological lying and cheating, I have no problem with principled conservatism as a killer-ape modus operandi. Cobb is a perfect example of a conservative poseur.

What I have a problem with, and that you're increasingly volunteering to serve as a poster child for, is conservative degeneracy, or, conservatardism. That's the functional equivalent of the wahabi morons that Sadaam's surviving lieutenants surrounded themselves with as they organized their revenge military operations in Iraq going by the pseudonym of the "Islamic State"

Conservatardism is comprised of a mass of stupid, ignorant, easily deceived, yet highly energetic and religiously motivated true-believers stacked, racked, and jacked for cannon fodder by devious and scheming conservatives working behind the scenes. In this case, the Kochtopus and its minions down to the teatards and religious freedoms yahoos and ding-a-lings who are politically acting out against demographic inevitabilities in America.

CNu said...

Yes, and in particular the part you called Chomsky out as a liar on. For your part, however, you didn't read roof-brain chatter or even peruse the titles of the material compiled hereabouts on Vietnam.

Constructive_Feedback said...







CNu said...

Having met the man and holding him in highest regard, I'm very well familiar with Chomsky and his properly critical world-view. Both the specifics of when Buckley threatened to punch him in the face for calling out rampant notseeism, and in general where he has done singular yoeman's work for generations.

ken said...

Ok , but it was a simple question I asked before you unloaded your new homework, did Chomsky not know how many Chinese were killed, or is it leftist thinking to believe its less than a million or did Chomsky know and state something he knew was false? I did already click on the link, but probably won't be able to read the links you deflected my question with until later.

CNu said...

Pretty sure I already posited the final solution to the street pirate problem Feed.

Lack of attention or comprehension on this point?

CNu said...

I had no reason to believe that Chomsky lied the first time I heard him say that, and I have no reason to believe he's lying now, simply because you said so. In fact, your saying it, only further disinclines me to believe it.

I know for certain that there is no compelling contextual argument to be made in support of U.S. involvement in Vietnam, period.

ken said...

So your position is he just had no idea the numbers killed under communist regimes?

ken said...

I am a believer, that's true.

CNu said...

My position is that you don't know how many were killed in any of the several communist regimes, and, that I am deeply and inherently mistrustful of any of the sources you would proffer in support of your claims. After all, the U.S. is a warsocialist state. It betrayed Stalin openly and flagrantly after WW-Ii in order to keep its own engines of warsocialist production running over the course of the cold war(s).

In addition, even assuming that you proffered a source I might consider credible, what business is it of the U.S. to intervene in affairs with no bearing on my domestic prosperity and security - save for the deplorable fact that the U.S. has been a parasitic militarist and warsocialist state for the past 75 years?

CNu said...

The Kochs, Rounds, Loves, and Garvey's were all old order calvinists and big believers in stacking, racking, and jacking the unwashed and unelect - so long as doing so turned them a profit. I'll never forget having to sit through hours of tedious claptrap from Francis Schaeffer back at the very beginning of the contemporary evangelical dominionist movement.

Why it's so satisfying to hear Frank Schaeffer come clean on all of that N-1 hokum and garbage...,

Can Rachel Maddow Be Far Behind?