Wednesday, October 08, 2014

aaaawwwwwww snap! if this overseer's hot, shit's about to get unbelievably real....,

dailymail |  Texas sheriff's deputy rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after attending apartment of 'patient zero' who died today
  • Dallas County Sheriff Deputy Michael Monnig went to an urgent care clinic in Frisco, Texas with his wife on Wednesday A witness at the clinic described him as 'hunched over and flushed' 
  • The deputy was inside the apartment where Ebola patient Thomas Duncan fell ill - the officer wasn't wearing protective clothing 
  •  The CDC said the person is not one of the 48 contacts being monitored 
  • The CareNow clinic was placed in lock-down Liberian national Mr Duncan, 42, died from Ebola on Wednesday morning 
  •  Sgt Monnig's family said today the CDC had told them that their loved one was not at risk and they were just taking precautions
A Dallas County sheriff's deputy has been hospitalized today with Ebola symptoms, a week after he went unprotected into the apartment of first patient Thomas Duncan. Sgt Michael Monnig went on Wednesday to an urgent-care facility in Frisco, Texas with his wife, after complaining of stomach problems. The deputy presented at the clinic a week after he visited the Dallas home where Duncan was staying when he developed Ebola symptoms. Sgt Monnig was at the home to deliver a quarantine order to family members. Neither Sgt Monnig, nor the other two health officials, Zachary Thompson and Christopher Perkins with him, were wearing protective clothing or masks despite being in the apartment as cleaning crews were going about their work in full protective gear.


BigDonOne said...

The official word will likely be He Is OKAY. The Secret Service has likely paid covert visits to all media outlets and threatened that if one word of Truth is released about this, they will face an unbelievable shit-storm of unwanted attention from the IRS, FBI, OSHA, EEOC, Homeland Security, etc etc. After all, wudn't be good for First Fuzzy.....

woodensplinter said...

You neglected to mention that he was not a member of the set of ~100 being monitored by the local authorities.

makheru bradley said...

[Neither Sgt Monnig, nor the other two health officials, Zachary Thompson and Christopher Perkins with him, were wearing protective clothing or masks despite being in the apartment as cleaning crews were going about their work in full protective gear.] Sarge and these dudes definitely not the sharpest tacks in the box, but we could say the same thing about the medical establishment running this operation. One wonders what is the criteria for monitoring? Oh, Sarge had no contact with Duncan's bodily fluids so he's good to go. Murica (and Spain) should take lessons on handling this virus from Nigeria and Senegal.

["In the whole system approach in beating the war on Ebola, contact tracing is the key public health activity that needs to be done," said Gavin MacGregor-Skinner, who helped with the Ebola response in Nigeria with the Elizabeth R. Griffin Research Foundation. "The key is to find all the people that patient had direct close contact with." From that single patient came a list of 281 people, MacGregor-Skinner said. Every one of those individuals had to provide health authorities twice-a-day updates about their well-being, often through methods like text-messaging. Anyone who didn't feel well or failed to respond was checked on, either through a neighborhood network or health workers.
Sawyer had come into contact with someone who ended up in Port Harcourt. That person, a regional official, went to a doctor who ended up dying from Ebola in August. Within a week, 70 people were being monitored. It ballooned to an additional 400 people in that one city. In the end, contact tracers — trained professionals and volunteers — conducted 18,500 face-to-face visits to assess potential symptoms, according to the CDC, and the list of contacts throughout the country grew to 894. Two months later, Nigeria ended up with a total of 20 confirmed or probable cases and eight deaths.]
[Senegalese health workers identified a total of 67 contacts of the patient. All were monitored for Ebola for 21 days with no further Ebola cases. The patient recovered and was released on September 19.]

Nothing Personal, It's Just Business....,

▶️ Powerful video here: revealing the deep and dark corruption which has been fueling this disastrous proxy war from the first moment of its...