Saturday, May 17, 2014

why does the establishment continue to promote pseudo-scientific classifications?

aaanet |  Dr. Agustín Fuentes takes establishment garbageman Nicholas Wade apart. Wade asserts that humans are divided into 5 genetically identified continentally divided races and that there are significant differences in the genetically-based social behavior of these races. Wade gets both the data and his interpretations very wrong. 

If you're making a scientific argument about genetic variation, you have to focus on population and be very clear about your definitions. Wade uses the invented and reified classifications that are the antithesis of clarity and precision.

What does human genetic variation actually look like. Humans share 100% of all their genes, and about 99.9% of variations. The .1% of all variation we're interested in is not in the genes themselves, and is not shaped by natural selection as Wade asserts. 

What we know about human variation does not support dividing populations into the races that Wade is working to substantiate.  Fist tap Bro. Makheru.

Nothing Personal, It's Just Business....,

▶️ Powerful video here: revealing the deep and dark corruption which has been fueling this disastrous proxy war from the first moment of its...