Thursday, May 01, 2014

black voices employed in media, higher-ed, not-for-profit, and politics only promote race victimization and intellectual pacification

dream&hustle | What incentives are there for Black men not to work? What incentives are there for Black men to be lazy? Or even any inner city / urban male? We brothas can’t get food stamps, we can get free housing, we don’t even get child tax credits so what incentives is Paul Ryan talking about? But Paul Ryan is not who I have a problem with. The problem I’m having with this discussion is the Black politicians and everybody who is claiming how they so offended. Paul Ryan is holding up a “Path to Prosperity” document – do you see any Black politicians holding up any document on this subject matter? 

I have not heard one urban economic policy proposed by any Black politician or so-called pundit on how to find jobs and revenue for Black men in the inner city. All I’m hearing is these same Black people are so “offended” by Paul Ryan comments. This is the problem we see over and over in the African-American community where our people spend too much damn time trying to be “offended” than be offensive about solving problems in our community. Why one of these Black politicians or pundits couldn’t step up and proposed a real solution to Black male unemployment in the inner city and took over the conversation? You know why? Because we Black folks are too interested in whining about being “victims” and whining about how offended we are when someone says something.

Ratchett Crockett Must Decide Which Of Her False Personalities Is In Charge....,

@jasmineforus MAGA can’t find any dirt so they have resorted to being outraged that I attended private school 🤯. I am me, unapologetica...