Monday, June 25, 2012

why are tanks training on the streets of st. louis?

zerohedge | I have to say that this event, which is being labeled a "training exercise", makes very little sense to me. U.S. Army troops all the way from Maryland running open exercises in armored personnel carriers on the busy streets of St. Louis? I know Maryland is a small state, but is there really not enough room at Ft. Detrick to accommodate a tank column and some troops? Are there not entire fake neighborhood and town complexes built with taxpayer dollars on military bases across the country meant to facilitate a realistic urban environment for troops to train in? And why travel hundreds of miles to Missouri? At the very least, this is a massive waste of funds.

On the other hand, such an action on the part of the Department of Defense makes perfect sense if the goal is to acclimate citizens to the idea of seeing tanks and armed military acting in a policing capacity. Just check out the two random idiots the local news affiliate picked to interview in St. Louis on the subject. Both state that they think the exercise is a "great idea", because having the military on the streets would help to "reduce crime":

I suspect that the news affiliate did not go out of its way to get any counter-opinions, even though they admitted to being contacted by those voicing concerns over martial law.

Even so, it's sad and simultaneously terrifying that there are plenty of mindless dupes out there who do not understand the dangers of the Army crossing the Rubicon and acting in a civil law enforcement capacity, never mind that they are completely ignorant of the fact that it violates the Posse Comitatus Act. One of the interviewees even points out that in some countries they don't use police at all; only military. This is true. We call those countries "tyrannies"...

Add to the mix the reality that the DOD refuses to respond to any further inquiries by the press concerning details of the training, and you get yet another suspicious instance of behavior on the part of the establishment that seems preparatory for domestic action. I believe that the high frequency at which these activity reports have been coming in over the past year is certainly cause for alarm...


arnach said...

relevant crosspost

Ed Dunn said...

There has been calls to bring the military into Chicago to quell the violence. Those vehicles do look very urban, btw.

Big Don said...

"Hagmann noted that his story from last month about a DHS inside source warning of coming mass civil unrest, which went viral on the Internet, was one of the primary reasons behind the effort to shut down his website.Hagmann is now warning that any independent website which forcefully dissents against the Obama administration could be targeted next."

CNu said...

Hagmann is a lying dipshit and this whole article is a bag of confabulated dipshittery BD. The moneyshot Despite the fact that his son was getting married on the same weekend, Hagmann was eventually able to move his website - - to another server before it was deleted by GoDaddy.“It took an incredible number of man hours and it was a
tedious (and costly) process, but I have successfully moved my site out
of reach,” Hagmann told us.It's a frikkin wordpress website. There's no man hours or effort involved with moving a wordpress website.

Only the starry-eyed faithful and ignorant could fall for such a conspicuously hokey crock of nonsense as what this toad is peddling through Alex Jones - itself kind of a dead giveaway that you've entered the twilight zone of brain-dead Larouchian conspiracy theory and generalized reactionary hokum

Big Don said...

BD seems to recall a software change at Subrealism a while back that lost all the comments to previous posts...??

CNu said...

lol, did BD notice a comparable change at homelandsecurity-r-us - or - is BD simply making idle, self-calming conversation?

Big Don said...

Point was, anytime you F with a website installation there can be unforeseen unintended consequences that complicate the process of getting back to normal operation...

CNu said...

BD, that's not necessarily true, and some website "applications" are still stunningly simple, easy to migrate, and when their owners make so much ado about an actual nothing involved with migrating from one hosting service to another - to me at least - that calls into question the veracity of everything else that website owner has to say.

IMO - you should discount the veracity of everything Hagmann has to say because he told an obvious and easily spotted whopper about his website and his weekend. Why on earth would he tell such a lie?

Big Don said...

Not so fast there, CNu...reading between the lines, sounded like part of the complication in migrating was structuring it so the Obama Campaign could not F with him, shut him down, as easily as before.

Thread Hijack: Word on the street is Obama's Chicago thugs had threatened SCOTUS Chief Justice's family if Obamacare went down...

CNu said...


1. The Obama Campaign can't order any company to do anything - aside from placing an order for wraps rather than sandwiches for lunch. I found that "ordering" notion patently absurd from jump.

2. What address on "crazy street" did that word about threats to the SCOTUS family come from?

Established precedent militated against SCOTUS overturning Obamacare. The courts operated as courts should operate, nothing more.

gee chee vision said...

"The Obama Campaign can't order any company to do anything - aside from placing an order for wraps rather than sandwiches for lunch." LOL. That's the truth.

Don, there exist this unwritten rule about black folks "sass'n off at the mouth." Remember the response Michelle received for the statement about ffeeling proud of her country for the 1st time during her adult life? Obama had to walk on egg shells when he spoke back to white folks during his campaign. This black president can't even insult a Cambridge police officer.

And you assert this Negro is so Gambino that he has some Chicago goons prepared to take some white public official's family on that long ride.


You seeing the world through a Patterson-Gimlin lens with that one.

Big Don said...

If the court operated as it should, just following precedent, then why wasn't the decision 9-0, instead of 5-4...??

CNu said...

Wrong and painfully naive kwestin BD. If the chief justice has articulated a legal theory which is in violation of logic or precedent, then that theory will be the end of his legacy and the end of the legitimacy of the SCOTUS. No one has made any such claim, and, no one will make any such claim, notwithstanding the fact that it would amount to a supreme legal coup to be able to do so.

Time to face the fact that once again, "cool-head/main-thing" has outsmarted and outclassed his political enemies one mo time again...., everything else is sour grapes and childish conversation.

Can Rachel Maddow Be Far Behind?