Monday, June 11, 2012

the solution is collapse

oftwominds | So the root problem is the system, human nature, blah blah blah. There are no "solutions" that can fix those defaults. Thus the "solution" is collapse.

Policies create incentives and disincentives. Some are intended, some fall into the category of unintended consequences. Regardless of their intention, policies that create windfalls ("easy money") or open spigots of "free money" (or what is perceived as free money by the recipient) quickly gather the allegiance of everyone reaping the windfall or collecting the free money.

This allegiance is soon tempered into political steel by self-justification: humans excel at rationalizing their self-interest. Thus my share of the swag is soon "absolutely essential."

Humans don't need much incentive to pursue windfalls or free money--seeking windfalls in the here and now is our default setting. Taking the pulpit to denounce humanity's innate greed, avarice and selfishness doesn't change this, as seeking short-term windfalls has offered enormous selective advantages for hundreds of thousands of years.

That which is painful to those collecting free money will be avoided, and that which is easy will be pursued until it's painful. Borrowing $1.5 trillion a year from toddlers and the unborn taxpayers of the future is easy and painless, as toddlers have no political power. So we will borrow from the powerless to fund our free money spigots until it becomes painful.

It won't become painful to borrow from our grandkids for quite some time, and it will probably not become progressively painful, either, because we will suppress the pain with superlow interest rates and other trickery. The pain will more likely be of the sudden, unexpected, "this can't be happening to me" heart-attack sort: the free-money machine will unexpectedly grind to a halt in some sort of easily predictable but always-in-the-future crisis.


umbrarchist said...

Is 4 years of mandatory English Lit in high school and no one even suggesting taking accounting an UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCE?

Or is this system designed to produce workers who can get jobs but can then be ripped off with various complicated schemes because no one explained what was really going on?

Tom said...

is this system designed to produce workers who can get jobs but can then be ripped off with various complicated schemes because no one explained what was really going on?

YES.  Wanna get together and do something about the alien on the ship, or should we wait and see whether it is maybe only eating white people, or only eating Black people?  Or maybe it's full and it's going to take a nap now.  You never know, maybe we don't need to co-operate.

Can Rachel Maddow Be Far Behind?