NYTimes | When
people begin to see the justice system as thoroughly corrupt and
broken, they feel unprotected from crime. That sense of threat makes
them willing to support vigilante violence, which feels like the best
option for restoring order and protecting their personal safety.
Santamaria, a professor at the Mexico Autonomous Institute of
Technology in Mexico City who studies lynchings and other forms of
vigilante killings, and Josรฉ Miguel Cruz, the research director at
Florida International University’s Latin American and Caribbean Center,
used survey data from across Latin America to test what leads people to
support extrajudicial violence.
data told a very similar story across all of the countries in their
sample. People who didn’t have faith in their country’s institutions
were more likely to say vigilante violence was justified. By contrast,
in states with stronger institutions, people were more likely to reject
extrajudicial violence.
turn to vigilante violence as a replacement for the formal justice
system, Ms. Santamaria said. That can take multiple forms — lynch mobs
in Mexico, for instance, or paramilitary “self-defense” forces in
Colombia — but the core impulse is the same.
you have a system that doesn’t deliver, you are creating, over a period
of time, a certain culture of punishment,” she said. “Regardless of
what the police are going to do, you want justice, and it will be rough
that includes increased support for the use of harsh extralegal tactics
by the police themselves. “This seems counterintuitive,” Ms. Santamaria
said. “If you don’t trust the police to prosecute criminals, why would
you trust them with bending the law?”
to people desperate for security, she said, the unmediated punishment
of police violence seems far more effective than waiting for a corrupt
system to take action.
so, over time, frustration with state institutions, coupled with fear
of crime and insecurity, leads to demand for authoritarian violence —
even if that means empowering the same corrupt, flawed institutions that
failed to provide security in the first place.
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