A note on assembly theory from Carl Zimmer [via Tyler Cowen]
*Conversations with Tyler, Ep. 235*: *Carl Zimmer on the Hidden Life in the
Air We Breathe*
*COWEN:* Is Lee Cronin right or insane?
12 hours ago
Based upon your analysis above - My response.
1) There are clearly "Two Domains" within which Black people live within:
MY angle is this:
* The "White Conservative Right-Wing Wolf" has the POWER to OFFEND Black people - with his motivation being to compel them to agree to INVEST THEIR "TIME AND ATTENTION" into fighting a WORTHY ENEMY - thus stealing time away from COMMUNITY GOVERNANCE
* THE CORRUPT Mentholated Black Media - knowing that they are on the hook for an increasing amount of FAILED BLACK COMMUNITY UPWARD THRUST as they are the voice of the "Establishment Power" relish in having a grand distraction that they can play "pile on" with. By focusing on THIS THREAT and not what they saw in "CNN Chicagoland" about community dysfunction (starting with the adults) they can compel the "Americanized Negro" to DISARM from his normal REGULATORY PROPENSITIES and instead continue to yield their valuables to "THE TEAM" in the name of defense against this SUPERIOR enemy.
I am more concerned with the credibility and character assessment of the DETROIT chapter of the "NAACP" - as they affirmed the elected officials that ultimately bankrupted the city and lied to the pension holders than I can bring myself to convert an IGNORANT RICH WHITE MAN who was banging a "Mexican Black Girl" - into a NATIONAL CRISIS worthy of wall to wall news coverage.
Man.. That book IS long and boring. I'm just waiting for the third installment of the feature film to come out later this year so that I can just be done with it.
There's a label that I use vanishingly infrequently "point source". For example, I'm bothered when the NYTimes publishes articles with a thinly disguised pro-eugenics agenda. Why, because the NYTimes has powerful influence. It is a powerful media organ and thus a significant point source.
Do I give a damn about whether Cletus and Cooter use the N-word 500 times a day? Never. I hope it keeps the two teeth they have between them white.
Am I bothered when Donald Sterling gets his racist views aired in public. Not so much. That he seems beholden to a powerful social network with significant economic and media influence, and that that network requires him to uphold certain racist standards, again, "point source".
Buckley argues that the people in the elite establishment who matter have already taken a moral decision to end apartheid in America, and that Baldwin's threats of "wrecking" things can only lead to an ass-whooping. I'd suggest that the riots, the soldier's rebellion, symbolic black nationalism, and 2nd/3rd line political influencing have already resulted in the ass-whooping that Buckley indicated it would.
I'm also of the opinion that the selection of the Hon.Bro.Preznit Double-0 is a clear signal that the elite establishment has taken a decision to remove its foot from the black ass-whooping accelerator pedal.
Your embedded confidence men network seems not to have gotten that signalling memo as yet.
lol, it's not medicine. You can't get those two and half hours of squandered life back. Unless it's got the repressed fetish campiness of Fountainhead, I've got to say the nayno...., http://youtu.be/3UiPwI1ieyM
priceless...., http://youtu.be/dFRR0a0ONLI
That's special. But if you imagine for even one moment that Detroit is the result exclusively of 2nd/3rd generation inheritor incompetence, then your overall analysis of root causes of political/economic collapse of formerly black communities is waaaaaay off base. The 2nd/3rd lines didn't help matters, but they were ultimately set up to fail.
and hen you can wait for the musical: "SHRUGGED!"
[quote] The 2nd/3rd lines didn't help matters, but they were ultimately set up to fail.[/quote]
A HA!!! Now we get to the meat of the debate.
1) (Executive Summary: Selling The Future Without Being Truthful ) When the mayor at the time, his professional financial consultants and the entire Detroit City Council read over the REFINANCING DOCUMENTS about 10 years ago in which the "evil banks" agreed to make use of "fancy financial products" that gave Detroit an instant cash injection, allowing ALL OF THE STEWARDS OF THE PUBLIC TRUST to reassure their voting constituencies that "All Is Good In Da' Hood" - is it acceptable for anyone to merely say "THEY WERE TRICKED" and thus should suffer no culpability?
2) Today (well actually about 18 months ago) when the "Emergency Managing Ministers Of Social Justice" partnered with the Detroit NAACP to FIGHT against Keven Orr (Emergency Manager) and the "Republican Governor" on their bankruptcy plan - as they took to the media to claim that THE FISCAL HEALTH OF DETROIT hinges upon the STATE REPUBLICANS giving the city the $300 million in "Tax Sharing Revenues" that it is owed - now that we see that there are 100,000 creditors that are negotiating with the city in the bankruptcy process and the BANKRUPTCY JUDGE is accepting resumes from financial experts to assist him at sorting out the mess - WHY IS IT that few people return back to the claims made by the EMBEDDED CONFIDENCE MEN about the $300M? Why are they allowed to move on to debate "Don Sterling" as credible brokers?
3) When the "Black Power' movement (including Ebony/Jet) sold us on the vision of Black Municipal Leadership - during the early 1970's DO YOU RECALL any mention of CONDITIONS or hedging - in which they said "YES our community's will be made POWERFUL because OUR VOICES are increasingly in office.............BUT ONLY IF The Corporations And The White People That We Constantly Battle For Resources Over - Do Not Move Out"?
This, however, should never be mistaken for GOVERNANCE / MANAGEMENT.
Yet after we get to witness the "road kill" that is so often left after their escapades - few people appear to have the capacity to treat them like a DESTRUCTIVE "ESTABLISHMENT POWER" - akin to previous establishments that were similarly driven by RACIAL OPPORTUNISM of Black People but used BRUTAL OPPRESSION rather than DIVERSION and DISTRACTION of Black People .
When you discount the entire saga of economic collapse in Detroit to focus exclusively on the black municipal governance, you lose all credibility. http://subrealism.blogspot.com/2013/07/why-detroit-failed-peak.html
So now MY credibility is on trial?
No where in my arguments do I ever say that "Black Control Over Municipal Government is the ONLY factor in the decline of the 'Mission Accomplished Zones'. " I would be writing for "Stuff Black People Don't Like" if this was the case.
I am arguing - from the perspective of the BLACK RANK & FILE - that after decades of being strung along on a grand promise of "Black Community Salvation Through VOTING FOR YOUR SALVATION" - the strange fact is that no only don't you hear more "knife wielding Blacks" turning to the Embedded Confidence Men asking "Where is the development that you promised me when I gave you my money all of these years? Someone is gonna get cut up in here if you don't start talking!!!" - it is more pailful true that the INSTITUTIONAL GOVERNANCE to do FORENSIC AUDITS on the back end of the interval of time and then REGULATORY RESTRICTIONS as they enter into a partnership for the NEXT interval of time is NEVER GOING TO BE IMPLEMENTED because it is not "The People" who have these competencies developed within them but instead the same "NUL", "NAACP", "CBC" that lead them in the previous interval are now researching, writing and doing the publishing of the NEW BLACK AGENDA in which they stand on the right side of history.
Please tell me - in Detroit of 2014 - what REGULATORY PROTECTIONS do you see the "Rank & File" having adopted as they now see that their permanent interests are different from that of their REPRESENTATIVE IN GOVERNMENT?
I ASSURE you that they vow to not get tricked by the BANKS again.
No where in my arguments do I ever say that "Black Control Over
Municipal Government is the ONLY factor in the decline of the 'Mission
Accomplished Zones'.
Where in your arguments do you say anything else?
"Where is the development that you promised me when I gave you my money
all of these years? Someone is gonna get cut up in here if you don't
start talking!!!"
Yours is the only voice I've heard making this demand.
it is not "The People" who have these competencies developed within them
but instead the same "NUL", "NAACP", "CBC" that lead them in the
previous interval
You mean like the toe suckers in L.A. who were all over Tokavitch's old crusty digits?
Please tell me - in Detroit of 2014 - what REGULATORY PROTECTIONS do you
see the "Rank & File" having adopted as they now see that their
permanent interests are different from that of their REPRESENTATIVE IN
I don't follow Detroit that closely, and its waaaaay off-topic for this thread. But I consider that Detroit is a fully collapsed city that has been abandoned by its civic elites and left to rot. I believe it was Ed that was talking some time ago about the crucial importance of endowments to the long term health and viability of a city. Detroit is clearly and permanently devoid of any such continuing endowments.
BD does not unnerstan all this concern for Sterling' comments. Nuthin whatsoever unique there, other than it was out in the open. What do you think all the millions of White Flighters that flew-fled-flown (and put the kids in privates schools) were saying in the privacy of their living rooms and at the dinner table...?? Huh...???? We used to have a co-worker whose folks lived in Chicago and they were bitching cuz they had had to move three times.....
Yeah... I read about that... I'm shocked it's been green-lighted at all with the first two parts only bringing in about $8 mil. Between the two of them.
I thought Patricia Neal looked good...
Really? That was meant to be a joke. Huh, my sarcastic disdain is their desperately sincere aspiration. Pretty much sums up Randoids.
The league is close to 100% Black American. The NBA has to keep the sponsors from going away. The NBA would like to tap into foreign markets more than they have right now. All three entities are looking at the league real funny right now.
Would you keep your dumb ass opinions private if it meant losing guaranteed millions every year?
What about those newspaper publishers? I'm pretty confident that they're part of the circles that Sterling likes to run in. I hope Sterling's stupid ass goes to court.
I've heard about your ailment(2 inch punisher). Help is on the way. You won't have to suffer much longer.
Viacom, Ticketmaster, Disney Worldwide, Sony Pictures, Univision, Ford Motor Co., Saks Incorporated ALL blew up the spot yesterday focused on this clutch of articles. Views from these IP addresses were all first time yesterday and yesterday was one of the highest traffic volume days in 8 years. Matter fact, my DOJ regulars began a series of search word query entries - somebody conducting a casual experiment to see how many different ways a couple of these articles could/would be linked from search engines.
Sterling is collateral road kill. Nobody gives a damn about his self-hating and distorted views, least of all me. That said, judging just from views and visits yesterday - a bunch of folks appear to give a significant damn about who he's referring to as "the world" i.e., those folks who judge him harshly for his doddering inability to keep his plantation pimp-hand strong.
It keeps getting better...
I tried reading Anthem twice. Never finished, way too boring.
You're better off reading Virtue of Selfishness or For the New Intellectual if you really want to read Ayn Rand. You don't really have time for her fiction; you'll get the same ten lessons in fewer pages. I suggest Hanna Arendt if you want to read one of her contemporaries. You'll notice the difference between philosophy and whatever the fuck Ayn Rand calls herself doing.
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