guardian | A foreign worker can only come in to the Arab Gulf states through a kafeel (sponsor). However, the essence of the kafala system is the relationship binding employee to the employer, which has often been criticised as "slave-like".
kafala directly contradicts the labour law. The raison d'รชtre of the
law is to bring about a balance, in terms of rights and obligations,
between the employer and the employee, but the kafala puts far too much
power in the hands of the employer/sponsor. The employer can dictate the
recruitment process and working conditions. The paradox is that the
kafala is not a law but a tradition that seems to have precedence over
the labour law. This is at the root of abuses of workers' rights.
sponsorship system has become a lucrative business. In its early
incarnation in the 1930s, it was in the best tradition of Arab
hospitality, but now unscrupulous kafeels exploit the system.
main issue is that kafala restricts labour mobility. In fact, one could
argue that it prohibits any mobility on part of the worker unless
approved by the kafeel. If the kafeels are unwilling to let them go,
workers cannot leave them for better employment.
In fact, workers can even be victims of blackmail by kafeels: if they
protest or question their terms of employment, kafeels can have them
deported. Being in a precarious situation forces them to accept whatever
terms and conditions are given to them.
The kafeel can
also shift the financial burden on to the worker. The law says the
kafeel is expected to pay for medical insurance and fees for employment
and residence permits and the like. Workers, on the other hand, are not
supposed to bear any of these expenses. However, kafeels and
intermediaries such as recruitment agencies often charge such fees to
foreign workers. Indemnities for delays in registration are also often
billed to workers. Similarly, some kafeels partially withhold final
payments to foreign workers to recover some of the recruitment costs.
Also, many kafeels exploit the workers by only leasing their
sponsorship against payments. Although kafeels behaving in this way
remain a minority, their victims are in the tens of thousands.
retention of passports and identity documents has, in many instances,
led to forced labour situations. Under such conditions migrants can be
forced to work in arduous conditions for longer hours than envisaged by
the law, without overtime payments. They are often deprived of weekly
rests, annual leaves or home leave. Many have even complained of
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