Sunday, August 25, 2013

whatchoo thank?

In the event that the moderator kwestins are inadequate to the subject matter at hand, please feel free to hold forth here with disqus and properly express yourself...,


dr. belsidus said...

Jacques Vallee is about as close to the truth on this as possible with his concept of a non-human interterrestrial consciousness capable of manipulating space and time and which acts on humans through deception. In addition to this primary source, he also notes the activity of disinforming humans masquerading as the interterrestrial "visitors".

CNu said...

Welcome to the spot.

Curious, what do you consider the motives of the visitors to be, as well as, the motives of the humans pretending to be visitors?

woodensplinter said...

Have you read Black Sun?

Tom said...

With respect to friends who strongly believe otherwise, I think we watch too many movies and there is no phenomenon to be explained.

I can't find this POV on your poll!

John Kurman said...

Yeah, I mean, you got antimatter containment pods for the negative mass, but you still using projectile weapons? Aryan compartmentalized retardation at it's finest!

CNu said...

lol, even if the phenomenon is purely psychological, there's something going on for which there's some splainin to do..,

Tom said...

Well ... don't forget we're dealing with humans here. Give them some old rusty antigrav pods from the junkyard and they'll go all gaga about "alien technology." No need for them to know about 41st generation HKs.

woodensplinter said...

The meteoric rise of the 3rd Reich borders on the fantastic.

CNu said...

um..., how so?

Dale Asberry said...

They do seem to curiously resemble the fruiting head of mushrooms.

CNu said...

Now there's an interesting catch....,

woodensplinter said...

Belsidus, since you said that Vallee is "about as close to the truth as possible" - why do you suppose the surmised non-human and human consciousnesses behind this 20th century myth - seek to deceive?

woodensplinter said...

Is that a gestalt, a hint, or a clue for those with the "eyes to see"?

woodensplinter said...

The stagecraft, the costumes, the spectacle - along with the accelerated, high-risk applied science and engineering as well as the ruthlessly efficient mass production given extremely limited resources. Can you think of another historical moment in which every iota of a state's human and material resource was applied so mercilessly yet artfully to victory? There was something truly exceptional and more than a little otherworldly about how the Reich blossomed. It was like a fruiting body which quickly collapsed on itself, yet sent its spores from one end of the world to the other and has taken root deep in the innards of many another state, take for instance, the Bathist regimes in the middle east, Argentina, the U.S., and so on.

dr. belsidus said...

Profit. Wherever you find secrecy and deception, the underlying motive is profit, extraction, predation.

So, both interterrestrials and their human imitators are feeding on the human race. If twere otherwise, they'd operate transparently and in the light of day.

CNu said...

You tickle me B. That you believe Vallee is a sure sign that you may be struggling - with his contrived interdimensional hypothesis. That's gibberish. In the words of the immortal Charlton Heston

The visitors are people and always have been. Which fact raises a passel of very important questions of its own.

Oh, the other telltale indication you're struggling? That'd be your pessimistic view of the visitors motives.

CNu said...

You're right John. There was/is something quite extraordinary about this "operation" and it is a very clear indication of what can go wrong when a man or men get stuck between two chairs. i.e., glimpsing eternity while choosing to remain of this world - Gurdjieff called such teratogenic psyches "hassnamuss".

CNu said...

The Haunebu and Glocke were German centrifuge and particle accelerator prototypes, not Nordic/Aryan vimana at all. To the extent they were allowed to be glimpsed and understood by the public as "flying saucers" is a testament to the enduring evil genius of the unspeakable.

Dale Asberry said...

For me, gestalt.

woodensplinter said...

Could we call a gestalt a representation that is very far ahead of its time? Is a gestalt a fourth dimensional shorthand of sorts?

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